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Independence in India and Middle East. Agenda 1. Quick Review Africa and Apartheid (5) 2. Lecture Notes: India and Gandhi/Middle East Issues (20) 3. Gandhi.

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Presentation on theme: "Independence in India and Middle East. Agenda 1. Quick Review Africa and Apartheid (5) 2. Lecture Notes: India and Gandhi/Middle East Issues (20) 3. Gandhi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Independence in India and Middle East

2 Agenda 1. Quick Review Africa and Apartheid (5) 2. Lecture Notes: India and Gandhi/Middle East Issues (20) 3. Gandhi Primary Source Document, the British View. (10) 4. Radio Broadcast: Gandhi (5) 5. Political Cartoon Analysis: Gandhi and Indian Independence (6) 6. Golda Meir Analysis (10) 7. CCoT Outline (20)


4 Indian Independence Gandhi began by looking at villages that were unhygienic and rampant with crime. He instilled confidence in the villagers as they cleaned up the area, Britain took notice. Gandhi is charged with creating unrest, and his supporters rally for release. Non-violence movement begins..

5 Mohandas Gandhi He ran the Indian National Congress Instead of an elite group, it allows for mass participation. Independence from Britain through the boycott of goods.

6 Breakdown While Gandhi is in prison, the Congress divides. Hindu vs. Muslims Quit India – Movement of civil disobedience to quit any industry that promoted British Interests. Country comes to a standstill.

7 Assassination of Gandhi He is shot three times on his way to prayer. 1948. Afterwards, India mourns the loss, but strengthens the independence. Several referendums added after his death. Independence granted in 1947, chaos results, but Republic is formed in 1950.

8 What I want you to, to understand, if you can, is that the message of peace, the message of Asia, is not to be learned though European spectacles, through the Western spectacles, not by imitating the methods of the West, the gunpowder of the West, the atom bomb of the West. If you want to give a message of change to the West, it must a message of love, it must be a message of truth. There must be a conquest...(applause)..please, please, please, that will interfere with my speech, and that will interfere with your understanding also. I want to capture your hearts, and don't want to receive your claps. Let your hearts clap, in unison with what I'm saying, and I think I shall have finished my work. Therefore I want you to work with the thought that Asia has to conquer the West. Then the question that a friend asked yesterday, did I believe in one world? Of course I believe in one world. And how can I possibly do otherwise? When I become an inheritor of the message of love that these great unconquerable teachers left for us. You can re-deliver that message now, in this age of democracy, in the age of awakening of the poorest of the poor. You can re-deliver the message with the greatest emphasis; then you will complete the conquest of the whole of the West. Not through vengeance because you have been exploited, and in the exploitation, of course, I want to include Africa.''

9 Middle East Mandate System ends after World War II, leading to independent nations. Conflicts over new nations and religious differences.

10 Middle East New State of Israel formed in 1948. Conflict with Palestine and the Gaza Strip Golda Meir – First woman Prime Minister of Israel, 1969. – Ruled during Yom Kippur War in 1973 Egypt and Syria attacked Israel. Psychological effects of conflicts in the Middle East… United States Major ally.

11 Middle East Gamal Abdel Nasser Led Egypt Authoritarian, but led a revival of the arts. Attempted to nationalize Suez Canal, general neutralism during Cold War led to Western tensions. Fighting with Israel during Six-Day war led to humiliation and an increase in tensions that would continue with Israel.

12 Questions for Newspaper Article Skim the article, don’t focus on every word. Answer the following questions. How do the British describe their role in India? What will happen if they leave? How is Gandhi characterized versus the people of India?

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