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Module 4 Seeing the doctor Unit 3 Language in use.

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2 Module 4 Seeing the doctor Unit 3 Language in use

3 Present Perfect Tense 1. 强调过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响。 2. 过去发生的动作一直持续到现在,常搭配一 段时间, 与 for 或 since 连用. He has just finished his work. I have been like this since Friday. He has been here for a month.

4 since 与 for Usage Example since+ 过去时间 since 1970/last week since+ 一段时间 +ago since two years ago since+ 句子 ( 过去时 ) since he left here for + 一段时间 for two years

5 She has been in New York since 1970. He has learnt German since two years ago. She has been in New York for 45 years. He has learnt German for two years. since ---- for He has lived here for a month. He has lived here since last month.

6 How long _________________? How long have you played football? How long have you been like this? How long have you had the dog? She has been in New York since 1970. He has learnt German for two years.

7 Right or wrong? He has bought the car for ten years. buy --- have He has had the car for ten years. He has bought the car. × √ 瞬间动词 VS. 延续性动词 √ 瞬间动词的完成时,不能与表示时间段的 状语连用。如果需要与时间段连用,必须 将该瞬间动词改为相应的延续性动词。

8 Right or wrong? He has left for ten years. leave --- be away (from) He has been away for ten years. He has left. × √ 瞬间动词 VS. 表示状态的形容词 √ 瞬间动词的完成时,不能与表示时间段的状 语连用。如果需要与时间段连用,必须将该 瞬间动词改为相应的表延续的形容词。

9 come, arrive, get to--- leave, go -- die--- join--- buy--- borrow--- get to know— start/begin-- end--- marry--- stay/ be in--/be here be away (from)--- be dead be in/be a member have keep know be on be over be married 瞬间动词 VS. 延续性动词 / 形容词 get up--- come back-- fall asleep— catch a cold--- be up be back be asleep have …

10 The old man has been dead for 2 years. The film has been on since he went into the room They have had the book since last week. She has been away from Shenzhen for two weeks. We have known each other for a month. They have been in Egypt since 2002. 找出下面词组相应的 短暂性动词

11 1.The old man has died for 2 years. 2.The film has started since he went into the cinema. 3.I have joined the League for half a year. 4.We have arrived at school since 2:00. 5.They have bought the book since last week. Correct the mistakes The old man has been dead for 2 years. √ The film has been on since he went into--- √ I have been in ---- √ We have been at school since 2:00. √ They have had the book since last week. √

12 6.She has left Shenzhen for 3 years. 7.We have got to know each other for a month. 8. The baby has fallen asleep since ten o’clock 9.They have been to Egypt since 2002. She has been away from Shenzhen for-- √ We have known each other for a month. √ The baby has been asleep since ten o’clock. √ They have been in Egypt since 2002. √ 10. She has caught a cold since two days ago. She has had a cold since two days ago. √

13 Rewrite the sentences with “for” “since”---. The ship has been away for two days. Her parents have lived in Beijing since 1981. I have had a new bike since last week. Her classmates have learned English for two years. 1.Her classmates began to learn English two years ago. 2.The ship left two days ago. 3. Her parents went to live in Beijing in 1981. 4. I bought a new bike last week.

14 注意:在表示某一行为或状态持续多 长时间时,根据终止时间的不同,需 要使用不同的时态。 1.I stayed in the hotel for a week last summer. 2.I have stayed in the hotel for a week now. 3.I will stay in the hotel for a week next month.

15 1. Sam came to Beihai in 2002. He _______ here for nine years. A. lives B. was living C. has lived D. will live 2. -Have you ever visited Germany? -_________. But I expect to go there again. A. Perhaps B. No, I haven’t C. I don’t know D. Yes, I have C D Exercises

16 3. Mr. White came to our school in 2008, and since then he __ us English. A. teaches B. taught C. has taught D. will teach 4. Jim _____ in Zhuzhou since he finished his college. A. works B. is working C. has worked C C

17 5. -How long have you had your bike? -________ Saturday. A. For B. Since C. Then D. About 6. - _______ have you used this book? - Since you lent it to me. A. How B. What C. How long 7. I have _______ for two days. I want to ask for two days’ leave. A. ill B. been ill C. feel ill 8. I know it not __ to watch TV and eat fast food. A. healthy B. health C. illness B C B A

18 1. I haven’t done much exercise ______ I got my computer last year. 2. I have had him _____ three months now. 3. Since ______, it has become part of my life. for since then Language practice

19 1) How long have you had your bike? ----How long have you had your bike? ----I’ve had it for about two years.

20 3) How long have you studied English? 4) How long have you known your best friend? 5) How long have you lived in this place? 6) How long have you used this book? 2) How long have you studied at this school?

21 Healthy Living Questionnaire 1What kind of exercise do you do? ________________________________________ 2How long have you done this kind of exercise? ________________________________________ I walk to school and I play football. I have walked to school since I was six and I have played football for three years. 2. Complete the questionnaire

22 3Do you play in a school sports team? ______________________________________ 4If yes, how long have you played in the team? ______________________________________ Yes, I do. I have played in the school football team for two years.

23 5 Do you have a healthy diet? ______________________________________ 6 If yes, when did you start having a healthy diet? ______________________________________ Yes, I do. I have had a healthy diet for years since I was little.

24 1-- I fell ill two days ago. -- So you’ve ________ ill for two days? -- That’s right. 2-- I saw the doctor three days ago. -- So you haven’t _____ her in the last three days? 3-- I’ll walk to school for the first time tomorrow. -- So you’ve never _______ to school before? been/felt seen walked Complete the sentences

25 4-- I came into hospital two days ago. -- So you’ve already ____ in hospital for two days? 5-- How long _____ you ____ a headache? -- Oh, it began about two hours ago. been have had

26 More to learn ① It is the first / second time…. that… 结构中, that 从句用现在完成时。 It is the first time that I have visited the city. ② This is the… that… 结构, that 从句要用现在完成时. This is the best film that I've (ever) seen. This is the first time (that) I've heard him sing.


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