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3.2 part 2 3/18/2016. Bell work 29 March 18, 2016 * You will need your composition books today.* Take out your bell work paper, skip a line, write Friday,

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Presentation on theme: "3.2 part 2 3/18/2016. Bell work 29 March 18, 2016 * You will need your composition books today.* Take out your bell work paper, skip a line, write Friday,"— Presentation transcript:

1 3.2 part 2 3/18/2016

2 Bell work 29 March 18, 2016 * You will need your composition books today.* Take out your bell work paper, skip a line, write Friday, and answer the following questions. You can use your composition books to answer the questions. 1.What do you think a producer is? How does a producer get its food? 2.What do you think a consumer is? How does a consumer get its food? 3.Draw a food chain using the following organisms: California Gulls, algae, coyote, and brine shrimp. Make sure your arrows are pointing in the right direction. Remember to write complete sentences when doing your bell work.

3 14. Clean up Make a sketch of your Mono Lake food web in your notebooks. If you would like you can do it on a piece of paper and fold it in half and tape it into your notebook.

4 15. Review the Mono Lake food web We built a food web for Mono Lake, showing all the feeding relationships. What were some of the feeding roles we identified?

5 15. Review the Mono Lake food web What were some of the feeding roles we identified? Producers, primary consumers, secondary consumers, tertiary consumers, and decomposers.

6 15. Review the Mono Lake food web One way to organize your food web so it is easy to see what roles each organism plays is to put: The producers at the bottom, The primary consumers above them, Followed by the secondary consumers, and then The tertiary consumers on top.

7 16. Reorganize the food web Reorganize the Mono Lake organism cards to show the levels of organisms in the ecosystem. Put the producers at the bottom level, The primary consumers at the net level, and so on

8 17. Decomposers How did you incorporate the decomposers into the layered organization?

9 17. Decomposers Everything at every level eventually dies and is decomposed. Decomposers are connected to everything in the food web. Master J, Feeding-Relationship Roles Why do you think the decomposers are off to the side?

10 17. Decomposers Why do you think the decomposers are off to the side? Because everything ends up being consumed by the decomposers.

11 17. Decomposers Options for decomposers in your food web: Put the bacteria card in a central location and draw arrows from every organism to the bacteria. Put decomposers at each level to accommodate the organisms that die without being eaten. Draw a box that spans the whole side of the organization, with an arrow from each level going into the decomposer area.

12 18. Make a layered food web. Make sure that you read the feeding information carefully, especially Red-necked phalaropes and California gulls Red-necked phalaropes eat both brine shrimp and brine flies, making them secondary consumers, but they also eat the planktonic algae, making them primary consumers. Similarly, the California gull eats primarily brine flies and brine shrimp, but given the opportunity, they will also eat eggs and chicks of snowy plover and Caspian terns.

13 18. Make a layered food web Some organisms play a complex role in their ecosystem. Can you come up with a way to indicate that an organisms can play a dual role in the ecosystem?

14 18. Make a layered food web Can you come up with a way to indicate that an organisms can play a dual role in the ecosystem? Here are two possible solutions to the problem 1.Place the organism on the interface between two levels, indicating that it can function at either level. 2.Make a second card for the organism and place it in the other level, connecting it with arrows to show the feeding relationships.

15 19. Record the food web Put your card back in the bag. Draw the Mono Lake food web in your notebooks. You can put it on a piece of paper and tape it in your notebooks, or Draw it on 2 connecting pages in your notebook Master K, Mono Lake Food Web

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