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2009 South Florida Environmental Report Volume I, Chapter 10 2009 SFER Workshop Presentation Template and Example Presentation * If you need help or for.

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Presentation on theme: "2009 South Florida Environmental Report Volume I, Chapter 10 2009 SFER Workshop Presentation Template and Example Presentation * If you need help or for."— Presentation transcript:

1 2009 South Florida Environmental Report Volume I, Chapter 10 2009 SFER Workshop Presentation Template and Example Presentation * If you need help or for final critique of your presentation – please contact Trudy Morris Stein ( ) ** Presentation and handout materials should be available on the website prior to the workshop. We will accept your materials for posting September 20 – 26. To make your material available prior to the workshop, please place them on the following server location:

2 2009 South Florida Environmental Report Volume I, Chapter 10 Try to limit the overall presentation to no more than 20 slides. Don’t be afraid to use multiple slides as opposed to cramming everything into one. Use a limited number of bullets; 4 to 6 per page Body text font should be size 22-32. Use 32 and larger for Title Text, DO NOT use shadows on your slide text! To begin using this template, start by editing the MASTER VIEW, located on the top menu bar under View, Master, Slide Master, and identifying your chapter at the bottom right of the slide. This will appear on every slide. Note – there are two master slides to edit— One is the layout for the Cover and Main Section title slides, the other is for the content slides. Our Workshop - Objective Rather than giving presentations of material in the draft SFER, which have consumed much of the workshop time in the previous years, it has been redesigned to FOCUS on the discussion and resolution of issues associated with the SFER. With this objective in mind, presentations at the workshop should be tailored to promote discussion and resolution of issues associated to each SFER chapter, making this a true “workshop” that is results oriented with tangible progress towards a more comprehensive report. ** Remember to DELETE these two instruction slides

3 2009 South Florida Environmental Report Volume I, Chapter 10 2009 South Florida Environmental Report Volume I, Chapter XX Chapter Title (upper and lower case) Presenter’s Name Presenter’s Affiliation Date

4 2009 South Florida Environmental Report Volume I, Chapter 10 A Blank Slide Duplicate as needed

5 2009 South Florida Environmental Report Volume I, Chapter 10 In Review of the 2008 SFER Provide a review of the Panel’s evaluation of the previous year’s report - How the Author responded or implemented the recommendations in the 2009 report.

6 2009 South Florida Environmental Report Volume I, Chapter 10 2009 Updates / Highlights Use BULLETS to briefly capture the highlights of this year’s report for this chapter. No more than 6 bullets per page. Use font-size 24 or larger for bulleted text. Use multiple pages if needed.

7 2009 South Florida Environmental Report Volume I, Chapter 10 2009 Updates / Highlights (continued) If necessary, use multiple pages to capture the highlights of this year’s report. Use this (continued) page format for additional pages for this section.

8 2009 South Florida Environmental Report Volume I, Chapter 10 Comment 1: List the panel’s comment Author’s response: Summarize your response For each section, use as many pages as necessary. Use font-size 24 to 28. 1 – 2 comment/responses per page. 2009 Review Comments Response to Panel’s Comments

9 2009 South Florida Environmental Report Volume I, Chapter 10 Responses to Other Comments For each section, use as many pages as necessary. Use font-size 24 to 28. 1 – 2 comment/responses per page.

10 2009 South Florida Environmental Report Volume I, Chapter 10 Summary / Additional Comments The is the end of your presentation. Provide a summary and any other comments. Entertain / respond to final questions at the end. Use more than one page if needed. * Thank the panel

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