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Opvizor  Tech Field Day is like the normal tech conferences, filled with the amazing informative information and new announcements.

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Presentation on theme: "Opvizor  Tech Field Day is like the normal tech conferences, filled with the amazing informative information and new announcements."— Presentation transcript:

1 Opvizor

2  Tech Field Day is like the normal tech conferences, filled with the amazing informative information and new announcements.  All of us are not able to attend this conference expect the invitees. It is a invitation-only event.  But live video streaming of the event will be telecasted.

3  Tech Field Day events are held on various technology niches which includes general tech events, virtualization events, networking events, wireless tech events, and sometimes the events that focus on storage.  Most possible invitees are the bloggers, vendors and writers.  Tech Field Day also includes the announcements on VMware Monitor.VMware Monitor

4  Vendors can get real feedbacks from the crowd and it is an excellent way to gather more innovative ideas from the crowd.  Live Tweeting is enabled in Tech Field Day, so the followers of the attendees will also have their chances to ask queries.  It is a best way for bloggers & writers to get new source for their blogs and books.


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