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First Line Diagnosis FLD Julian Brower CEng FIET Section Leader ISIS Accelerator Performance Improvement.

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Presentation on theme: "First Line Diagnosis FLD Julian Brower CEng FIET Section Leader ISIS Accelerator Performance Improvement."— Presentation transcript:

1 First Line Diagnosis FLD Julian Brower CEng FIET Section Leader ISIS Accelerator Performance Improvement

2 FLD Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Oxfordshire

3 ISIS World’s class Spallation Neutron Source Flagship STFC facility [Science & Technology Facilities Council] ~354 staff (1 st Feb 13) UK has largest national neutron user community of any country, 750/800 experiments/yr, up to 450 papers/yr Research fields; clean energy, environment, pharmaceuticals, health care, nanotechnology, materials engineering, IT


5 Ion Source:35 keV H –, RFQ: 665 keV H –, LINAC: 70 MeV H –, 4 tank, 202.5 MHz, 200 µs, 50 pps Synchrotron:800 MeV proton, 10 accelerating cavities, 50 Hz Targets:200-215uA, Tantalum coated Tungsten, TS1/160kW TS2/40kW

6 User Cycles 4 - 5 cycles/yrs 120days/yr 30 day cycles 1 day maintenance day mid cycle Typical experiment 1/2day – 2 weeks Overall availability 85% + (pk 94%) (2nd Harmonic and RFQ)

7 Some reasons for non availability Running an accelerator Machine age Running harder Speed to faults


9 Operating ISIS 4 man crew, 8 hour shifts Duty Officer, 3 others, engineering backgrounds Deal with all first line faults Use existing skills and knowledge to analyse faults On call system for specialists 24/7

10 FLD, improving availability by effective fault resolution FLD, First Line Diagnosis Interactive fault analysis tool Technical knowledge base Provides centralised resources for fault finding Aim to reduces beam downtime of ISIS

11 FLD, a network of interconnected flow diagrams, with links to technical resources

12 PC accessible WiFi accessible FLD Presents information in a Web Page Format Available On line and Off Line

13 Start Interactive tabs Numbered and revisioned Standardised format

14 FLD Features Standardised tabs

15 Appendices Word search Live scopes Equipment Risk assessments

16 Procedures Spares Movements

17 Ski Slope Competency/callout matrix

18 Benefits Increase speed to fault resolutions Aiming for 12 ½ %/yr of ISIS down time saved Standardisation of fault approach Efficient and effective use of time and resources Increase residual skills and knowledge of crew, social capital

19 Project deliverables/timescales Roll out 6 high consequence pathways (within 3 months) Roll out much of FLD to ISIS (2 years) Implement SSC/Spares/Document/Word search (1year) Employ 2 additional staff to facilitate growth (2 years) Utilise metrics and feedback lessons learned (constant) 12 ½ % lost time/yr, return on investment (within 5 years)

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