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ProgrammeAnalogue Time Digital Time Danger Mouse 07:26 Newsround 09:23 Tracy Beaker 08:17 Junior Masterchef 07:51 Blue Peter 08:53 BBC TV programme schedule.

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Presentation on theme: "ProgrammeAnalogue Time Digital Time Danger Mouse 07:26 Newsround 09:23 Tracy Beaker 08:17 Junior Masterchef 07:51 Blue Peter 08:53 BBC TV programme schedule."— Presentation transcript:

1 ProgrammeAnalogue Time Digital Time Danger Mouse 07:26 Newsround 09:23 Tracy Beaker 08:17 Junior Masterchef 07:51 Blue Peter 08:53 BBC TV programme schedule for Monday Complete the analogue clocks on the timetable. Organise the schedule in chronological order. Newsround begins at twenty three minutes past nine. How many minutes until the next hour? Tracy Beaker begins at seventeen minutes past eight. How many minutes until the next programme? May 2015 MonTuesWedsThurFriSatSun 12 3 Bank Holiday 456789 10111213141516 17181920212223 24252627282930 31 Spring Bank Holiday 1.How many days in May? 2. How many Mondays in May? 3.On what day is the 12th of May? 4.Sali has an appointment with the dentist on the 17th of May. Write this down on the calendar. 5.Sali plays badminton on the 9th of May. Write this down on the calendar. On what date is the next game in a fortnight? 6.Sali has promised to look after her friend’s cat for 5 days starting from the 20th of May. On what date will she stop looking after the cat?

2 Answers ProgrammeAnalogue Time Digital Time Danger Mouse 07:2 6 Junior Masterchef 07:51 Tracy Beaker 08:17 Blue Peter 08.5 3 Newsround 09:2 3 3. 37 minutes 4. 36 minutes 1.31 days 2.5 Mondays 3.Wednesday 4.See calendar 5.See calendar 6.25 th of May 2. May 2015 MonTuesWedsThurFriSatSun 12 3 Bank Holiday 456789 101112 Dentist13141516 17181920212223 Badmin ton match 24252627282930 31 Spring Bank Holiday

3 ProgrammeAnalogue Time Digital Time Danger Mouse 7:25 Newsround 9:20 Tracy Beaker 8:15 Junior Masterchef 7:45 Blue Peter 8:50 BBC TV programme schedule for Monday Fill in the analogue clocks on the schedule. Organise the schedule in chronological order. Newsround starts at twenty past nine. How many minutes until the next hour? Tracy Beaker starts at quarter past eight. How many minutes until the next programme. TimeEvent 1.30pmLunch 10.30amMeet at the local café for breakfast 4.30pmRead my book and do my homework 8.15amGet out of bed and brush my teeth. 9.45pmGo to bed. 6.35pmWatch tv with my family. Put Siân’s diary in chronological order.

4 Answers – Y.3 3. 40 minutes 4. 45 minutes TimeEvent 8.15amGet out of bed and brush my teeth. 10.30amMeet at the local café for breakfast 1.30pmLunch 4.30pmRead my book and do my homework 6.35pmWatch tv with my family 9.45pmGo to bed. 2. ProgrammeAnalogue Time Digital Time Danger Mouse 7:25 Newsround 9:20 Tracy Beaker 8:15 Junior Masterchef 7:45 Blue Peter 8:50

5 87p 23p 65p £1 Come shopping! 1. Sara goes to the shop and buys a teddy and a book. How much does Sara spend? 2. Sara pays with £2. How much change will Sara get? 3. Iolo has £1.50 and he needs to buy felt pens and a teddy. Does he have enough money? Organise these DVDs from the cheapest to the most expensive. £3.57 £2.98 £8.75 £7.32

6 Answers – Y.3 Come shopping! 1.88p 2.£1.12 3.No (£1.52) DVDs £2.98 £3.57 £7.32 £8.75

7 £5. 50 £3.40 £2.70 £7.20 Come shopping! 1. Sara goes to the shop and buys a teddy and a book. How much does Sara spend? 2. Sara pays with a £10 note. How much change will she get? 3. Iolo has £8.50 and needs to buy felt pens and a teddy. Does he have enough money? 4. What is the total cost of a the jacket and the teddy? The following prices represent the price of 10 tickets to see the following movies in the cinema. Put the prices in order from the cheapest to the most expensive. £45.30 £32.70 £75.40 £72.80 What is the price of one ticket for the movie ‘Up’?

8 Answers – Y.4 Come Shopping! 1.£6.10 2.£3.90 3.Yes (£8.20) 4.£9.90 DVDs £32.70 £45.30 £72.80 £75.40 Price of 1 ticket for ‘Up’ - £3.27

9 Rob is a professional baker and is used to making cakes for parties. Here is his recipe for making Victoria sponge cakes for 10 people: Recipe for 10 peopleRecipe for 5 people 400g of sugar 300g of butter 200g of flour 4 eggs 2 teaspoons of baking powder 2 teaspoons of milk 340g of strawberry jam Angharad holds a party for her friends and wants to make a cake for 5 people. Help Angharad make a recipe for 5 people. Angharad enjoys baking and decides to make 20 additional cakes... 1.She take 1/5 of the cakes with her to work. How many cakes is this? 2.She gives 4/10 of the cakes to a neighbour. How many cakes is this? 3.She sells ¼ of them at a coffee morning for MacMillan. **Challenge: how many cakes does Angharad have left?

10 Atebion – Bl 4 1.4 cakes 2.8 cakes 3.5 cakes 4.3 cakes Recipe for 10 peopleRecipe for 5 people 400g of sugar200g 300g of butter150g 200g of flour100g 4 eggs2 eggs 2 teaspoons of baking powder 1 teaspoons 2 teaspoons of milkteaspoons 340g of strawberry jam 170g

11 Rob is a professional baker and is used to making cakes for parties. Here is his recipe for making Victoria sponge cakes for 10 people: Recipe for 10 peopleRecipe for 5 people 50g of sugar 70g of butter 64g of flour 4 eggs 2 teaspoons of baking powder 2 teaspoons of milk 34g of strawberry jam Angharad holds a party for her friends and wants to make a cake for 5 people. Help Angharad make a recipe for 5 people. Angharad enjoys baking and decides to make 20 additional cakes. 1.She takes ¼ of the cakes with her to work. How many cakes is this? How did you work this out? 2. What is ¼ of 40? 3. What is ¼ of 24? **Challenge; What is ¾ of 40?

12 Answers - Y3 Recipe for 10 peopleRecipe for 5 people 50g of sugar25g 70g of butter35g 64g of flour32g 4 eggs2 eggs 2 teaspoons of baking powder 1 teaspoon 2 teaspoons of milk1 teaspoon 34g of strawberry jam17g 1.5 cakes (20 divided by 2 is 10. 10 divided by 2 is 5) 2.10 3.6 Challenge - 30

13 Convert the following units of measurement. A bag weighs 2500g and another bag weighs 3kg. What is the total weight of boths bags in grams? Colour the jug in up to the litre point. 4 cm 8 cm Owain puts up a fence around his garden. What is the perimeter of the garden? Draw lines that measure: 1.5 cm 3.5 cm 9.5 cm 13.5 cm

14 Answers – Y3 1.Perimeter – 32cm 2.Total weight of bags - 5500g 3. See measuring cylinder 4.

15 3m Convert the following units of measurement 300cm5.5m 550cm 2000g 2 kg 4000ml 4 litres Mali jumps 300cm in the long jump competition and Daniel jumps 3.2m. Who jumped furthest? A bag weighs 2500g and another bag weighs 3kg. What is the total weight of both bags in grams? Colour in the jug up to the 1.25 litre point 14 cm 7cm Owain puts up a fence around his garden. What is the perimeter of the garden?

16 Answers – Y4 1.3m = 300 cm 5.5m = 550 cm 2000g = 2 kg 4litr = 4000 litres 1.Perimeters – 94cm 2.Total weight of bags - 550g 3.See measuring cylinder: 5. Daniel, by 200cm.

17 Statement TrueFalse Calculate (How about trying it out the other way round?) Siân went to the zoo and saw 12 pairs of animals. Siân saw 24 animals. Nia bought a watch for £2, so she paid £22 for 10 watches. Wales score 32 points and Englad score 17 point in a rugby match. The difference is 8 points. Siôn and Siân are twins. Siôn weighs 15kg and Siân weighs 18kg. The total weight of the twins is 33kg. Sam saves £15 in a month while Max saves £18. Max has saves £4 more than Sam. Erin jumped 3m. Elin jumped 4m. The total length jumped by both was 6m.

18 Answers - Y3 Statement TrueFalse Calculate (How about trying the other way round?) Siân went to the zoo and saw 12 pairs of animals. Siân saw 24 animals. √ Nia bought a watch for £2, so she paid £22 for 10 watches. √ Wales score 32 points and Englad score 17 point in a rugby match. The difference is 8 points. √ Siôn and Siân are twins. Siôn weighs 15kg and Siân weighs 18kg. The total weight of the twins is 33kg. √ Sam saves £15 in a month while Max saves £18. Max has saves £4 more than Sam. √ Erin jumped 3m. Elin jumped 4m. The total length jumped by both was 6m. √

19 Statement TrueFalse Calculate (How about trying the other way round?) Peter had to distribute 340 letter to 10 different streets. Each street had 34 letters. Nia bought a watch for £2.50. Sam paid £225 for 10 watches. A bus driver drives 12 miles per day, so he drives 83 miles per week. Siôn and Siân are twins. Siôn weighs 15kg and Siân weighs 18kg. The total weight of the twins is 3300g. 64 is a multiple of 9. Aled had 1kg of flour. He used 340g to make a cake. He has 760g of flour left.

20 Answers - Y4 Statement TrueFalse Calculate (How about trying out the other way round?) Peter had to distribute 340 letter to 10 different streets. Each street had 34 letters. √ Nia bought a watch for £2.50. Sam paid £225 for 10 watches. √ A bus driver drives 12 miles per day, so he drives 83 miles per week. √ Siôn and Siân are twins. Siôn weighs 15kg and Siân weighs 18kg. The total weight of the twins is 3300g. √ 64 is a multiple of 9.√ Aled had 1kg of flour. He used 340g to make a cake. He has 760g of flour left. √

21 Words with 5 letters or less: Words with more than 5 letters: Words with 2 syllables or less: Words with more than 2 syllables: Please the following adjectives in the (Y3) Special Crazy Tall Thin Handsome Quiet New Huge Can you add your own adjectives to the Carroll diagram?

22 Special Crazy Tall Thin Handsome Quiet New Huge Words with 5 letters or less: Words with more than 5 letters: Words with more than 2 syllables: Words with 2 syllables or less:

23 Place the following adjectives in the (Y4) 1. What was the most popular applicance? 2. Out of 6 different appliances, which one is least popular? 3. What is the difference between the number of people using an iPod and the number of people using a computer? 4. Which appliance do you use on a weekly basis? 5. Why, in your opinion, is the phone the most popular? Number of users in thousands

24 Answers - Y4 1. Phone 2. Webcam 3. 3500 4. Depends on the child 5. Personal opinion.

25 Pets of the pupils in the class FrequencyAmount Dog IIII IIII II 12 Cat7 Goldfish6 Parrot III 3 Hamster II Lizard I 1 Snake I 1 Rabbit3 1.How many pupils had a dog as a pet? a.) 7b.) 12c.) 6 2.How many pupils had a rabbit as their pet? a.) 2b.) 1c.) 3 3. 2 pupils had a ________________ as a pet. a.) Catb.) Goldfish c.) Hamster 4. 7 pupils had a ________________ as a pet. a.) Cat b.) Goldfish c) Parrot Complete the table above

26 Answers – Y3 and 4 1.12 2.3 3.Hamster 4.Cat

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