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H OW TO U SE THE G LYCEMIC I NDEX Sarah Winter, PharmD UPMC St. Margaret August 20, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "H OW TO U SE THE G LYCEMIC I NDEX Sarah Winter, PharmD UPMC St. Margaret August 20, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 H OW TO U SE THE G LYCEMIC I NDEX Sarah Winter, PharmD UPMC St. Margaret August 20, 2012

2 O BJECTIVES Define the Glycemic Index List foods that are low, medium, and high Discuss how to use the Glycemic Index planning meals Apply information during hands on activities

3 G LYCEMIC I NDEX What is the glycemic index? A scale that ranks carbohydrates by how much they raise the blood glucose levels compared to a reference food. VS


5 G LYCEMIC I NDEX S CALE Low0 – 55 Moderate56 – 69 High70 or more

6 L OW GI F OODS (55 OR LESS ) 100% stone-ground whole wheat bread Oatmeal (rolled or steel-cut), oat bran Pasta, converted rice, barley Sweet potato, corn, yam, lima/butter beans, peas, legumes and lentils Most fruits, non-starchy vegetables and carrots

7 M EDIUM GI (56-69) Whole wheat, rye and pita bread Quick oats Brown, wild or basmati rice,

8 H IGH GI (70 OR MORE ) White bread or bagel Corn flakes, instant oatmeal white rice, rice pasta, macaroni and cheese from mix White potato Pretzels, rice cakes, popcorn, saltine crackers

9 W HAT AFFECTS GI IN FOOD Fat and Fiber Ripeness Processing Cooking method Variety VS

10 PLANNING MEALS Choose low or medium foods High-fiber foods Fresh or raw foods over canned or processed foods.

11 PLANNING MEALS High Low Balanced Meal Portion sizes, and other nutrition principles are still important for managing blood sugar 45-60 gm of carbs/meal 135-180 gm of carbs/day.

12 B ENEFITS OF L OW GI D IET Are there any documented benefits to lowering the GI of one’s diet? BG levels Cholesterol levels Weight Heart disease risk Type 2 DM risk


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