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Junk Food….

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1 Junk Food…

2 What is junk food? Any food that has poor nutritional value is considered unhealthy and may be called a junk food. A food that is high in fat, sodium, and/or sugar is known as a junk food. Junk food is easy to carry, purchase and consume. Generally, a junk food is given a very attractive appearance by adding food additives and colors to enhance flavor, texture, appearance, and increasing long self life.

3 List of junk food… French fries Chocolates Potato chips Coco-cola
Burgers Ham burger Pizza cakes and many more…

4 Best of junk food Ready to eat foods Easily available Saves time
Do not call for culinary skills  Tasty and appealing

5 Worst of Junk food Obesity Lack of energy Poor concentration
High blood pressure Heart diseases Cardiovascular diseases Diabetes

6 Junk food v/s healthy food
Deep fried and breaded chicken fingers with frenchfries A piece of chocolate cupcake, chocolate donut, or chocolate candy bar A cheap fast-food burger on a crappy refined white bun Grilled chicken strips with peanut dipping sauce and vegetables A couple squares of super-dark chocolate higher in fiber and much less sugar A grass-fed burger with raw grass-fed cheese on a sprouted grain roll topped with avocado slices


8 Children and junk food Children find themselves amidst a complex society that is undergoing breathtaking change. JUNK FOOD! comprises of anything that is quick, tasty, convenient and fashionable. Wafers, colas, pizzas and burgers are the most important foods..

9 The commonest scenario is a child who returns from school and plonks himself in front of the television, accompanied by a bowl of wafers and a can of cola. Children suddenly seem to have stepped into a world of fast foods and vending machines, totally unaware of the havoc creating for them selves.

10 Avoid junk food!!! Eliminate temptation at home.
Lay a healthful foundation by stocking up nutritious meals, desserts and snacks. Set realistic expectations for yourself. Identify those times of the day when you're most vulnerable to a junk-food attack. Choose grilled or broiled versions of foods that are typically fried. Focus on eating healthy foods. Avoid situations that may encourage a junk attack Cook large quantities and put extra meals in the freezer.

11 Summary . Healthy food habits
Junk food effects health of every person. So junk food should be avoided to a large extent. . Healthy food habits should be adopted by y every individual to develop a healthier society

12 Thank You… By… N . ALEKYA REDDY 08M31A1203

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