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Innovation and Project Management Cecilia Enberg.

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Presentation on theme: "Innovation and Project Management Cecilia Enberg."— Presentation transcript:

1 Innovation and Project Management Cecilia Enberg

2 1970;ies 2010;ies

3 The first week; Setting the stage Week 44Setting the stage! Monday8-10S26Lecture: Course introduction CE 10-12Lecture: This is innovation ! Choose from literature list (see below) HLV Tuesday8-10A33Lecture: The knowledge-based view of the firm Grant (1996), Kogut & Zander (1992) CE Wednesda y 10-12A35Lecture: Adopting a critical perspective – what does it entail? Fournier & Grey (2000), Cicmil and Dodgson (2006) ÅKE Friday15-17A36Minor examinationAll articles from this week’s lectures are included. CE A37MB A38DM

4 Working according to scrum

5 The following weeks are organized as sprints (3*2 weeks each) 1.Interdisciplinary project teams – an ideal way of fostering innovation? 2.Project-based organizations – an ideal way of fostering innovation? 3.Open innovation – the way into the future?

6 Backlog The Product Backlog is an ordered list of everything that might be needed in the product and is the single source of requirements for any changes to be made to the product. The Product Owner is responsible for the Product Backlog, including its content, availability, and ordering. (Scrum Guide, p. 12)

7 Scrum team Interdisciplinary Self-organizing

8 Daily stand-up meeting

9 Sprint retrospectives

10 A typical sprint Week 47: Project-based organizations – an ideal form for fostering innovation? Monday8-10A38 Lecture: Project-based organizations: what are they? + new backlog CE Tuesday9-10Your officesStand-up meetings CE and/or BG will check in Wednesday9-123A 317:868Feedback sessions 30 minutes per group – exact times are announced at Lisam BG CE Thursday13-15A35 Seminar: Present solutions to backlog + new backlog CE 15-16A35 Mini-lecture: Balancing exploration and exploitation BG Friday9-10Your officesStand-up meetings CE and/or BG will check in Week 48: Project-based organizations – an ideal form for fostering innovation? Monday9-10Your officesStand-up meetings CE and/or BG will check in 13-16Verdi 3D:888Feedback sessions 30 minutes per group – exact times are announced at Lisam BG CE Tuesday9-10Your officesStand-up meetings CE and/or BG will check in 13-15A38 Seminar: Present solutions to backlog + new backlog CE Wednesday9-10Your officesStand-up meetings CE and/or BG will check in Thursday10-12A32 Seminar: Present solutions to backlog CE Friday 16.00 (deadline) Hand in final release at Lisam 18.00 (deadline) Hand in individual reflections and sprint retrospective at Lisam

11 Turning it up-side down

12 Research proposals Final paper A rehearsal prior to your master thesis… – with respect to content – or to gain generic skills related to making a good problematization and defining a research question

13 Examination Number of points Minor examination5 points (individual) Wiki 1: Interdisciplinary project teams – an ideal way of fostering innovation? 10 points (group) Wiki 2: Project-based organizations – an ideal form for managing innovation? 10 points (group) Wiki 3: Open innovation – the way into the future?6 points (group) Backlogs during the third sprint6 points (group) (2*3 points – a maximum of 3 points for each solution handed in for the backlogs during the third sprint) Seminar: A critical perspective on innovation – once more!0/2/5 (individual) Individual reflections for sprint retrospectives8 points (individual) (2*4 points – granted when the group has also handed in its sprint retrospective) Research proposal40 points (in pairs of two) Attendance during seminars of the sprints10 points (individual) Total100 points

14 Det här är en kurs för studenter som är beredda att jobba heltid med kursen, varje dag 8-17.

15 And not the least… Samläses med internationella studenter från SMIO – ta chansen till internationalisering på hemmaplan!

16 Innovation and Project Management We use Lisam, but please consult the webpage; management-15-hp?l=en management-15-hp?l=en Or contact me;

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