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CPO CERTIFICATION INFORMATION New Policies. Live Class Policies (The following policies apply to attendees using classes for Certification or Recertification.)

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Presentation on theme: "CPO CERTIFICATION INFORMATION New Policies. Live Class Policies (The following policies apply to attendees using classes for Certification or Recertification.)"— Presentation transcript:


2 Live Class Policies (The following policies apply to attendees using classes for Certification or Recertification.) If charges apply, because class space is limited, all cancellations must be received 48 hours in advance of a class or the full charges will apply. Cancellations made in advance of 48 hours before the class will not be charged. A charge for any online training required prior to a live class will remain valid if the class was accessed by the student.

3 Live Class Policies Class times are designated in the announcement for each class. Attendees may sign in anytime within 30 minutes before the class is scheduled to begin. Attendees are expected to arrive with enough time to sign in and be seated by the designated class beginning time. Attendees are also expected to remain in the class until dismissed each day.

4 Live Class Policies Attendees are not to disturb the class, anyone arriving in excess of 20 minutes past the beginning of the class period, may not be allowed to enter the class. Make arrangements in advance to locate the meeting room. Arriving late or leaving the class before it is dismissed may result in no credit being allowed for the class.

5 Live Class Policies Devices (phones, tablets, laptops, pagers) are allowed to be used during the class sessions. Absolutely no recording of the Certification class is allowed. If attending the Certified Procurement Officer Certification class, attendees will be told to turn off devices and place all devices under the desk, in purses or brief cases at all times that test questions are reviewed. Devises should remain on silent during class sessions.

6 Live Class Policies Special note for classes held at the Zoo. The Tree House does not have WiFi access. If you wish to take notes on the class using an electronic devise and the class materials, you will need to download those materials (such as the Central Purchasing Act, Rules and Class sessions) prior to the class to assure access.

7 Live Class Policies Phones/Pagers will remain on silent while classes are in session. Attendees should arrange to return phone calls during breaks and lunch times. If a true emergency occurs, the attendee should excuse themselves from the room to take the call. Interruptions or length of absence may cause the attendee to be dismissed from the class and no credit will be given for attendance.

8 Live Class Policies Break times and Lunch times are to be respected. Attendees will arrive back from breaks and lunches at the times designated by the presenters. Attendees arriving more than 10 minutes late from breaks and lunches may be asked to leave the class and no credit will be given for attendance. Attendees habitually interrupting the class by arriving late in the mornings or after breaks may be asked to leave the class and no credit will be given.

9 Live Class Policies Any attendee found not to have attended a minimum of 90% of the class may not be given credit for attendance of the class. Extenuating circumstances will be evaluated on a case by case basis.

10 Continuing Education General Policy Conduct the program substantially as advertised. Sponsor is responsible for supplying evaluation feedback to presenters. Sponsor/Presenter is responsible for providing copy of the evaluation(s) to Central Purchasing. Future credits will be determined based on evaluation(s) received.

11 Continuing Education General Policy The program must primarily deal with matters related to the principles of state procurement practices, basic contracting, provisions of the Oklahoma Central Purchasing Act, rules promulgated pursuant to the Oklahoma Central Purchasing Act, provisions of 3001 et seq. of Title 74 which relates to the State Use Committee, and any other matters related to state procurement practices (Title 74 O.S. § 85.5.D) and approved in advance for CPO credit by the State Purchasing Director [260:115-5-3.(f)]. Ethics training must clearly be designated on the agenda before credit can be given. As with other state approved training, each session will be evaluated either by participants or an independent (Central Purchasing designated) observer.

12 Continuing Education General Policy Conduct a sign-in of attendees at the beginning of the morning session for seminars held in-state or out-of-state (or verification of conference attendance). An additional sign-in before the afternoon and evening sessions is required for all in-state seminars. A list of all CPO’s in attendance must be signed by the organization verifying accuracy of attendance and sent to the Central Purchasing Division within 30 days after the program via the required email format. A copy of the attendance list should also be retained by the sponsor/presenter for two years.


14 CEU’S New CEU Request Form OMES-FORM-CP-022 Instruction Hour minimum 50 minutes Hours reflect only maximum amounts to be considered. You must attend the full program Now you can repeat a course every two years instead of three

15 CEU’S New CEU Request Form Ethics – 4 hours maximum in 24 months Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner meetings – maximum 8 hours in 24 months Half, Full and Multi-day Seminars with live presenters – no maximum in 24 months Live webinars with audience participation – no maximum in 24 months

16 CEU’S New CEU Request Form Learning programs with mandatory audience interaction (i.e. NIGP Multi-week online courses) – no maximum in a 24 month period Audio or Video presentations – maximum of 6 hours in a 24 month period (verification must be possible)

17 CEU’S New CEU Request Form SkillSoft classes with certificate of passing – maximum not to exceed 8 hours in a 24 month period. ERP Software (PeopleSoft, SAP…) class cannot be repeated, maximum not to exceed 6 hours in a 24 month period

18 CEU’S New CEU Request Form-No Credit Allowed Partial participation in a program Partial hourly credits Coffee Breaks Opening and Closing Remarks Meal breaks Business Meetings or Vendor Exhibits

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