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“In The Name of God” Ventral & Dorsal Presented by: Yoosef Najian Visual Pathway.

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Presentation on theme: "“In The Name of God” Ventral & Dorsal Presented by: Yoosef Najian Visual Pathway."— Presentation transcript:

1 “In The Name of God” Ventral & Dorsal Presented by: Yoosef Najian Visual Pathway

2 Cones Rods Parvocells (P cells) Magnocells (M cells)

3 Question ? Stimulus featureM cellsP cells –Color Contrast –Luminance contrast –Spatial Frequency –Temporal Frequency Sensitivity NOYes HigherLower LowerHigher HigherLower



6 Inferior Retina Superior Retina Upper visual Field Lower visual Field Inferior V1 Superior V1

7 Layers of the Cortex –I : Molecular Layer –II : External Granule Cell Layer –III : External Pyramidal Cell Layer –IV : Internal Granule Cell Layer –V : Internal Pyramidal Cell Layer –VI : Multiform Layer





12 What System = Parvocellular Pathway = P Pathway = Ventral Pathway = Temporal Pathway Where System = Magnocellular Pathway = M Pathway = Dorsal Pathway = Parietal Pathway

13 Organization of Visual Areas in Macaque and Human Cerebral Cortex David C. Van Essen In: Visual Neurosciences (L. Chalupa and J. Werner, eds.)

14 visual (blue, 52%) somatosensory (green, 10%) auditory (red, 3%) motor (magenta, 8%) olfactory (brown, 1%) Unassigned cortex (gray, 25%) is mostly cognitive or emotional in function

15 How can we identify distinct visual areas? –Architecture –Connectivity –Visual Topography –Functional Characteristics

16 Sulci : STS: Superior temporal sulcus AMTS: Anterior middle temporal sulcus PMTS: Posterior middle temporal sulcus OTS: Occipitotemporal sulcus RS: Rhinal sulcus IOS: Inferior occipital sulcus LS: Latral sulcus

17 Areas: TEOd ~ PITd TEOv ~ PITv TEpd ~ CITd TEpv ~ CITv TEad ~ AITd TEav ~ AITv

18 Keiji Tanaka TEOd TEpd TEad TEOvTEpvTEav

19 Kadharbatcha S. Saleem Keiji Tanaka Kathleen S. Rockland K. Cheng W. Suzuki T. Hashikawa Webster MJ Bachevalier J Ungerleider LG

20 Overall Distribution of Labeled Terminals(1)

21 Single Axon Reconstruction(1)

22 Single Axon Reconstruction(2)

23 Single Axon Reconstruction(3)

24 Conclusion: LIPd LIPv LOPV3A Parietal Areas Prefrontal Areas 845 12 1113

25 The Ventral Visual Object Pathway in Humans : Evidence from fMRI Nancy Kanwisher



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