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Lorem Ipsum Dolor The art of obtaining decisions. How to get decisions 2 hrs.

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Presentation on theme: "Lorem Ipsum Dolor The art of obtaining decisions. How to get decisions 2 hrs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lorem Ipsum Dolor The art of obtaining decisions. How to get decisions 2 hrs

2 Obtaining decisions ❖ In the valley of decision ❖ Progressive steps 1 ❖ Progressive steps 2 ❖ The technique of appeals ❖ How to meet excuses ❖ Answering questions ❖ Opposition

3 In the valley of decision ❖ Many are convinced that we have the truth, and yet they are held as with iron bands; they dare not risk the consequences of taking their position on the side of truth. Many are in the valley of decision, where special, close, and pointed appeals are necessary to move them to lay down the weapons of their warfare and take their position on the Lord’s side

4 Dual responsibility ❖ Ours ❖ The highest of all sciences is the science of soul saving. The greatest work to which human beings can aspire is the work of winning men from sin to holiness. MH p.398. ❖ The Holy Spirit's ❖ It is the absence of the Spirit that makes the gospel ministry so powerless. Learning, talents, eloquence, every natural or acquired endowment, may be possessed; but without the presence of the Spirit of God, no heart will be touched, no sinner be won to Christ {COL 328.1}

5 In presenting the message of the plan of salvation we should consider: ❖ The mind. ❖ The presentation should be logical,clear and affirmative. ❖ The emotions. Love ❖ The sinner who listens to us should feel that in spite of the past, God is willing to help him and accept him. ❖ The will. Decision.

6 Our part. ❖ Sincerity ❖ Firmness ❖ Prayer ❖ Perseverance ❖ Power of observation ❖ Ask for a decision

7 Factors involved in a decision ❖ A complete surrender to Christ. ❖ Change of life's habits and practices. ❖ The keeping of all God's commandments. ❖ Dedication of whole life and service to God. ❖ In other words a person is making a decision to be a passionate disciple.

8 Some tests encountered ❖ Husband or family opposition.(Mt.10:36-37) ❖ The embarrassment of friends.( James 4:4; Jn15:19). ❖ Former church association strained.(Rev.18:4;Jn10:26- 27) ❖ Employment difficulties. (Mt.6:33;Ps.37:3;1Tim.4:8) ❖ BREAK.

9 Progressive steps ❖ Preach or teach Christ centered messages. (Jn.12:32). ❖ Teach the whole message. (Rev 14:6-7) ❖ Teach the message with conviction of heart.(Isa.58:1) ❖ Gain progressive acknowledgement and assent.(1Jn.1:7). ❖ Secure definite surrender to Christ before decision on testing truths. (Jn.14:15). ❖ Read promises of God's Word.(Heb.4:12) ❖ Cite own experience in meeting test. ( Mk.5:19).

10 Steps cont'd ❖ Visit in the home and help with their problems. ❖ Five words spoken to them privately will do more than the whole discourse has done. But you can do more than that. You can show love and kindness and courtesy, and in doing that you remove prejudice. ❖ Recognize right moment to press for decision.(Heb.4:7). ❖ Make direct personal appeals.(Acts.26:27-29; Lu.5:27-28). ❖ Pray convicted soul over the line to a decision.(Mt.7:7-8). ❖ Break

11 The technique of appeals. ❖ The triple alliance against the decision for Christ and His Word,constituted by negligence, the habit of postponing duties, and indecision, seriously affects the success that we could achieve in soul winning. ❖ Let us always fight against the habit of postponing decisions.

12 Appeals to prompt decision ❖ Present message as a life and death issue. Jn.3:36 ❖ Show the danger in delay. Matt.25:10. Rev.22:10-12. ❖ Stress the influence of a decision on loved ones and friends. Romans 14:7,12. ❖ Impress the thought only two classes at the end of the world. Matt.7:14. ❖ In love pointedly inquire,"where are you planning to spend eternity?." Proverbs 27:1

13 ❖ You want to live with Christ approval. Heb 5:9 Ja.4:17. ❖ Relate your own experience in accepting truth. ❖ Press home that it takes courage to be a Christian. Daniel 3:16- 18. Acts.4:13-20 ❖ Truth or Tradition. Joshua 24:15 ❖ Vividly portray the triumph of truth. Rev.19:1-8 ❖ Avoid embarrassing or offensive questions.

14 Four life decisions must be made by people before they become one with God's remnant people. ❖ 1. To accept Christ as their personal Saviour.,yielding full obedience to His sovereign will. ❖ 2. To observe all the commandments of God. ❖ 3. To abstain from alcoholic drinks, tobacco,and harmful beverages. ❖ 4. To come all the way out of Babylon and unite with the remnant church in response to God's last gathering call.

15 Group activity. ❖ Share in the group the individual responsibility in soul winning. ❖ Share in the group some factors involved in soul winning. ❖ Review with the group the progressive steps. ❖ In the group work out a system of role playing and answering some objections in regards to the tests someone may face. (Role play some appeals to prompt decisions.) ❖ What are the four major decisions people have to make.

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