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The development of nano-particle reinforced polymer composites is presently seen as one of the most promising approaches in the field of future engineering.

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Presentation on theme: "The development of nano-particle reinforced polymer composites is presently seen as one of the most promising approaches in the field of future engineering."— Presentation transcript:

1 The development of nano-particle reinforced polymer composites is presently seen as one of the most promising approaches in the field of future engineering applications. The unique properties of at least some of these nano-particles (e.g., CNTs or carbon black) and the possibility of combining them with conventional reinforcements (e.g., carbon-, glass- or aramid-fibres), has led to an intense research in the field of nanocomposites. Especially carbon nanotubes have shown a high potential to improve the material properties of polymers. Besides the improvement of the electrical conductivity at extremely low nanotube contents, the improvement of mechanical properties is of special interest [1,2]. The exceptionally high aspect ratio in combination with a low density and a high strength and stiffness make carbon nanotubes a potential candidate as reinforcement for polymeric materials. The electrical, mechanical and thermal properties of CNTs open up new perspectives for multifunctional materials,e.g., conductive polymers with improved mechanical performance [3]. 1. Characterization of Nano Alumina/ Epoxy and CNTs/ Epoxy Composite: 2. Thermal properties of Nano Alumina/ Epoxy and CNTs/ Epoxy Composite: 3. Effect of Nano Alumina and CNTs on adhesion strength of epoxy adhesive: In the present study, the epoxy adhesive reinforced with carbon nanotubes and nano- alumina were investigated. The combined weight of the reinforcing effect on adhesion strength and thermal stability properties of these adhesives were evaluated. By adding reinforcing carbon nanotubes and nano-alumina, respectively, about 25 and 70% increased adhesion strength. By adding reinforcing carbon nanotubes and nano-alumina, respectively, about 25 and 70% increased adhesion strength. Temperature of the beginning of the destruction of the remaining coal adhesive will improve. The reinforcing also investigated, nano-alumina most increase the adhesion strength of the adhesive. Temperature of the beginning of the destruction of the remaining coal adhesive will improve. The reinforcing also investigated, nano-alumina most increase the adhesion strength of the adhesive. When the carbon nanotube and nano-alumina was used as a hybrid, synergistic effect was observed in the amount of coal remaining adhesive. When the carbon nanotube and nano-alumina was used as a hybrid, synergistic effect was observed in the amount of coal remaining adhesive. According to the results, among the filler material has been studied, nano-alumina is the best material for improved adhesion properties and thermal stability of epoxy resins. [1] Yu MF, Files BS, Arepalli S, Ruoff RS. Tensile loading of ropes of single wall carbon nanotubes and their mechanical properties. Phys Rev Lett 2000;84:5552–5. [2] Thostenson ET, Ren Z, Chou TW. Advances in the science and technology of carbon nanotube and their composites: a review. Compos SciTechnol 2001;61:1899–912. [2] Thostenson ET, Ren Z, Chou TW. Advances in the science and technology of carbon nanotube and their composites: a review. Compos SciTechnol 2001;61:1899–912. [3] Sandler J, Shaffer MSP, Prasse T, Bauhofer W, Schulte K, Windle AH. Development of a dispersion process for carbon nanotubes in an epoxy matrix and the resulting electrical properties. Polymer1999;40:5967–71. The Effect Of CNTs On Thermal Stability and Adhesion Strength The Effect Of CNTs On Thermal Stability and Adhesion Strength Of Nano Alumina/ Epoxy Composites Of Nano Alumina/ Epoxy Composites A. Katourani*, N. Mirzaee, S. Barzegar * Polymer Research Laboratory, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran 1,2 Applied Chemistry Research Laboratory, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran E-mail E-mail: 2 1 Al-O St. O-H St. Sym. Al–OH bending a Figure(1).a)XRD pattern, b)SEM and c)FT-IR Spectrum of Synthesized Nanoparticles Of Al 2 O 3 b c a b c d Figure(2).a)SEM of Ep- Al 2 O 3 Nanocomposite,b)SEM Al 2 O 3 /CNTs/Epoxy NanoComposite, c)FT-IR Spectrum of Ep- Al 2 O 3 Nanocomposite,d) FT-IR Spectrum of Al 2 O 3 /CNTs/Epoxy NanoComposite Figure(3). Thermogravimetric (TG) curves of ( I )Nano Alumina/ Epoxy and ( II ) Al 2 O 3 /CNTs/Epoxy NanoComposite I II γ-Al2O3 Figure(4). a) Effect of γ-Al2O3 additive content on the adhesion strength, b) Effect Of CNTs additive content on adhesion strength of epoxy adhesive a b

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