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NJTPA Electric Vehicle Symposium December 3, 2013 Chuck Feinberg Clean Cities Overview.

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Presentation on theme: "NJTPA Electric Vehicle Symposium December 3, 2013 Chuck Feinberg Clean Cities Overview."— Presentation transcript:

1 NJTPA Electric Vehicle Symposium December 3, 2013 Chuck Feinberg Clean Cities Overview

2 Clean Cities / 2 A NJ registered IRS 501(c)3 non-profit corporation, and is formally designated by the US Dep’t of Energy as a Clean Cities Coalition. The only state-wide entity dedicated to the establishment of Public/Private Partnerships for the advancement of alternative transportation fuels, advanced vehicle technologies and clean fuels project development in order to increase domestic energy security, enhance economic development and improve regional air quality. NJ Clean Cities Coalition

3 Clean Cities / 3 The U.S. Department of Energy's Clean Cities program advances the nation's economic, environmental, and energy security by supporting local actions to cut petroleum use in transportation. A national network of nearly 100 Clean Cities coalitions brings together stakeholders in the public and private sectors to deploy: –Alternative and renewable fuels –Idle-reduction measures –Fuel economy improvements –Emerging transportation technologies. Clean Cities Mission

4 Clean Cities / 4 DOE designation in 1997, as a BPU program Incorporated as a NJ Non-Profit and IRS 501(c)3 tax exempt entity in 2009 More than 200 stakeholders representing the spectrum of public and private interests Activities funded by: Member dues Sponsorships grants & contracts Secured more than $17 million in grants for stakeholders in the past 4 years Outreach to more than 3000 through: LinkedIn Group, Facebook, Twitter, e-newsletter, New Jersey Clean Cities Coalition

5 Clean Cities / 5 Clean Cities Portfolio of Technologies Replace Reduce Eliminate Alternative Fuels Electric Vehicles Biodiesel Ethanol Hydrogen Propane Natural Gas Fuel Economy More Fuel efficient vehicles, adopting smarter driving and vehicle purchasing habits Hybrids Light- and heavy-duty Electric hybrids Plug-In hybrids Hydraulic hybrids Idle Reduction Heavy-Duty Trucks School & Transit Buses Light-Duty Vehicles Post Sandy Theme = FUEL DIVERSIFICATION!

6 Clean Cities / 6 Emergency Planning with alternative fuel vehicles Hurricane Sandy recovery efforts showed value of alternative fuel vehicles/advanced technology vehicles –Able to provide critical services when conventional fuel supplies are interrupted –Alternative fuel supplies remained available post-storm –Point to need for FUEL DIVERSIFICATION Important to maintain an inventory of these resources so they can be integrated into contingency planning efforts and energy assurance planning. Clean Cities Coalitions –Informed about local alternative fuel landscape –Connected to key stakeholders

7 Clean Cities / 7 No gas? – No problem! Note the license plate! (EF-OPEC)

8 Clean Cities / 8 Fueling an EV with Nat Gas Generator

9 Clean Cities / 9 NJCCC Projects CNG Fleet & Infrastructure Program Regional Electric Vehicle Network Planning, with NYSERDA/TCI/NJDEP EPA Region 2 Diesel Emission Reduction Program, Marine Vessel Engine Replacement Program DOE Clean Cities Program Support

10 Clean Cities / 10 CC Program Support Contract This is the “bread & butter” of the CC Program Major tasks: Annual Report of Petroleum Displacement Quarterly Alternative Fuel Price Reports Maintain data for Alternative Fuel Station Locator Stakeholder meetings, fuel-specific workshops, events Dedicated fleet outreach

11 Clean Cities / 11 AFDC Alternative Fueling Station Locator

12 Clean Cities / 12 New AFLEET Tool Available for Download Developed to estimate light-duty and heavy-duty vehicle: –Petroleum use –GHG emissions –Air pollutant emissions –Cost of ownership Contains 15 fuel/vehicle technologies –Conventional: gasoline and diesel –Hybrid: gasoline HEV, diesel HEV, diesel hydraulic hybrid –Plug-in electric: PHEV, EREV, EV –Alternative fuel: B20, B100, E85, LPG, CNG, LNG, LNG/diesel pilot ignition Based on several models and data sources including: –Petroleum and GHGs - current public version of GREET model (GREET1_2013) –Air pollutants - EPA’s MOVES model and certification data –Costs - Clean Cities Alternative Fuel Price Report and Recovery Act awards

13 Clean Cities / 13 Contact Information Chuck Feinberg Chairman of the Board, New Jersey Clean Cities Coalition Twitter: @njcleancities LinkedIn Group: New Jersey Clean Cities Coalition Executive Vice President, Greener By Design

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