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We have one form to request either a travel card or net card. Travel/Net Card ApplicationTravel/Net Card Application Travel Cards (Blue) are issued to.

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2 We have one form to request either a travel card or net card. Travel/Net Card ApplicationTravel/Net Card Application Travel Cards (Blue) are issued to all NYS employees who travel for the University to facilitate the payment of all State business related travel expenses. Non-Employee Travel (Net) Cards (Green) are issued to state account managers to facilitate the payment of non-state employee travel expenses while traveling on State University Business. (e.g. UA Foundation employees, RF employees, student athletes, job candidates, and consultants)

3 Card applications are assigned to our reporting hierarchy and entered into Citibank for processing. Citibank Applications are scanned into electronic cardholder files and logged into excel Application Worksheet 2013.xlsx for tracking. Application Worksheet 2013.xlsx Cards are received via FEDEX within 5 business days, checked for accuracy, and logged into excel as received.

4 Cardholders are notified via an Email when their card(s) are available for pick up in our office.Email Cardholders sign a Card Receipt form which is scanned into their electronic file.Card Receipt If there is an embossing error, Citibank is contacted to have a corrected card issued. These are received with 3 business days.

5 Air, train, and ground transportation Meals and lodging Conference registration fees Baggage fees Parking and toll fees Fuel charges for both rental and personal vehicles Incidental expenses (e.g. business center charges including photocopies and faxes)

6 On the 7 th (Net) and 23 rd (Travel) of each month, statements for our programs are downloaded in PDF format March BillMarch Bill The bills are emailed to the processing unit for payment.emailed Bills are paid out of an IFR dump account which is subbed 01- for Travel Card payments and 02- for Net card payments so payments and expenditure transfers can be easily tracked.

7 An excel copy of the Bill is downloaded from Citibank Custom Reporting for use in preparing the expenditure TransferBillTransfer This excel file is also emailed to our secretary so she knows which cardholders have statements that must be downloaded. Our Secretary downloads each statement in pdf format. Our bills typically have 200 cardholders so the downloads take about 2 hours. Emailing them takes another hour.statement

8 NYS Travel guidelines must be adhered to when using the NYS Travel/Net Card. Important note: Campus departmental travel policy will supersede state policy if the departmental policy mandates more restrictive travel spending. Travelers must stay within the per diem rates for lodging and meals when using their card. Travelers must reimburse the University for charges incurred above the per diem rates. One noted exception is exceeding the lodging rate by staying at a Conference hosting hotel. This rate will be covered in full.

9 Each cardholder is emailed their Statement and a blank Reconciliation form.emailedStatementReconciliation The account manager of the cardholder’s default account for charges is copied on this email. While expenditure transfers are processed to the default accounts prior to receiving cardholder reconciliations, cardholders can designate a different account to be charged on their reconciliation form.

10 If the cardholder has out of pockets travel expenses associated with a trip on their monthly bill, they need to complete a travel voucher and attach their receipts to request reimbursement. These reimbursement vouchers must be attached to their reconciliation forms for the month and sent to the Credit Card Team for processing. Failure to submit the vouchers and reconciliations together will delay the audit process for the travel card and significantly delay reimbursements. Reconciliation forms and travel vouchers must have original supporting documentation attached. (Travel itinerary, lodging folio, meal receipts, conference agendas) Cardholders are strongly encouraged to keep copies of all completed forms and supporting documentation.

11 Cardholders will have 3 weeks from the date their statement is emailed to reconcile their charges, complete any travel vouchers, and submit them to the credit card team for processing. Failure to submit reconciliations, vouchers and/or necessary reimbursements by the deadline may result in immediate suspension or revocation of card privileges.

12 Cardholder reconciliations are reviewed to ensure; Original receipts are included for each charge In the absence of receipts, cardholders are asked to complete an Unavailable Documentation Form if the undocumented charge is $75 or under, no reimbursement is required. For charges over $75, the cardholder is required to reimburse the amount over $75.Unavailable Documentation Form Contracted agencies are used for airfare In the absence of a documented saving of $200 over the contracted price, cardholders must reimburse the airfare charged Per Diems for meals and lodging aren’t exceeded. The maximum per diem for the city travel to can NOT be exceeded. NYS sales tax has not be paid If meals are placed on card, verify that a meal per diem has not been requested on travel voucher. If gas has been charged for a personal vehicle, verify that a mileage reimbursement has not be requested on a travel voucher.

13 Request reimbursements and prepare and process refunds of appropriations Process any expenditure transfer revisions Request additional documentation (receipts, conference hotel proof, or completed unavailable documentation forms.) If fraud is detected, contact Citibank and have the cardholder complete notarized fraud affidavit and submit to Citibank.

14 966 Travel Cards (YTD thru March Cycle) Average Monthly Transactions 966 Average Spent per Month $141,940 Total Spent $1,135,520 150 Net Cards(YTD Thru February Cycle) Average Monthly Transactions 367 Average Spent per Month $143,670 Total Spent $1,149,356 306 P Cards We still receive between 5 to 10 applications a week.

15 Eileen Scanlan Credit Card Program Manager Email: Phone 442-3195 Tina LaMarche Assistant Program Manager Email: Phone 442-3182 Chris Messenger Email

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