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Committee Orientation Day 2016. Welcome Staff Intro Section Title Sub-text explaining section, lorem ipsum dolor est lordem rondus lindum Slide Title.

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Presentation on theme: "Committee Orientation Day 2016. Welcome Staff Intro Section Title Sub-text explaining section, lorem ipsum dolor est lordem rondus lindum Slide Title."— Presentation transcript:

1 Committee Orientation Day 2016

2 Welcome

3 Staff Intro Section Title Sub-text explaining section, lorem ipsum dolor est lordem rondus lindum Slide Title Here to help: Joel Kesterton - Sports Manager Ellen Holmes - Sports Club Programme Leader Nicola Cromwell - Social Sport Facilitator Lydia Smith - BUCS Administrator Sarah Nelis - Activities Administrator Emily Wilkes - Sports Officer Ryan Amos - Sports Development Assistant Manager (Performance) Helen Roberts - Performance Athlete Support Officer

4 Team Hallam

5 Slide Title

6 Role of the Committee Section Title Sub-text explaining section, lorem ipsum dolor est lordem rondus lindum Slide Title To manage the club - operational tasks - club development - representing club members Personal Development

7 Role of the Committee What makes a strong committee? Leadership Skills Delegation Accountability Communication Time Management Approachable Organised Democratic Supportive Welcoming Representative Responsible

8 SWOT Analysis Section Title Sub-text explaining section, lorem ipsum dolor est lordem rondus lindum StrengthsWeaknesses OpportunitiesThreats

9 Focus area - Participation

10 Participation - Increasing numbers in your sport Think about.... Think about the make up of your club What (if any changes) can you make to increase membership What support do you need from us? We can discuss any ideas you have in your club handover meeting

11 Slide Title Recreation Club Social Members Competitive Members Team Hallam Club Competitive Teams Interested in a sport... come and find your stall Attend a Trial Attend a taster session Successful - Join Club Unsuccessful - ? Enjoy it - Join club Didn't enjoy it - ? Student Journey

12 Slide Title Recreation Club Social Members Competitive Members Team Hallam Club Competitive Teams Interested in a sport... come and find your stall Attend a Trial Attend a taster session Successful - Join Club Unsuccessful - ? Enjoy it - Join club Didn't enjoy it - ? Not enough members to make a committee Conceded 40 walkovers this year Most players are injured or on placement

13 Slide Title Recreation Club Social MembersCompetitive Members Team Hallam Club Competitive Teams Interested in a sport... come and find your stall Attend a Trial Attend a taster session Successful - Join Club Unsuccessful - ? Enjoy it - Join club Didn't enjoy it - ?

14 Team Hallam Clubs Developme nt Squads Fitness Programme Social Sport Programme Intramural Programme (and entry to local community leagues) Bespoke Programme (engaged in PA, not 'sport') Bespoke Programme (NOT engaged in PA and/or sport) Expansion of Intramural Programme (in partnership w/ UoS) Student Sport Activator Programme Expansion of Student Sport Activators (Student Sport Mentors, Halls Sport Reps, Sport Development Interns) Focus Sports IM Varsit y Workforce Exit Route/ Pathway University Sport Activation Fund (2014 - 17) Impact of Active Universities University Activation Fund Pre Active Universities Offer Club/Performan ce Sport Coach Education Performanc e Athletes

15 Ways to increase membership Find out what level the student wants to play the sport and inform them of what your playing level your club is at Have the right people at trials (so not too hectic) Good first impression Keep contact details of sign ups/ those unsuccessful in trials When membership starting dropping advertise taster sessions/re-trials to initial sign ups Link with corresponding social sport sessions (if your sport has one)- keep an eye out for talented players Link with intramural competition - talent ID Set up a development team to train alongside squads Is there capacity to have 'social' members train with you? Link with your Higher Education Officer (if your sport has one) Keep an eye out on social media/ message boards/ websites for any students trying to communicate with your club or wanting to play your sport - invite them to training if suitable.

16 Social Sport Badminton Basketball Boxing Cricket Football Hockey Netball Rowing Squash Tennis Table Tennis Volleyball Wheelchair Basketball Try it Out Running Basketball Boxing Cycling Lacrosse Futsal Multi-Sport Netball Rounders Swimming Squash Tennis Table Tennis Higher Education Officer Badminton Football Netball Tennis Volleyball Wheelchair Basketball

17 Focus Area - Performance

18 Club Development Planning

19 Your club, your plans Section Title Sub-text explaining section, lorem ipsum dolor est lordem rondus lindum Activity 1 What are the top 3 things you want to achieve as a club this year? Activity 2 How are you going to achieve them?

20 Club Development Planning Section Title Sub-text explaining section, lorem ipsum dolor est lordem rondus lindum Club Structure What do you want to improve in 2016/17? What will you aim to do?Who will do it?When?Complete?

21 Club Culture

22 Club Culture (Defined) Slide Title “The values and behaviours that contribute to the unique social and psychological environment of your sports club"

23 Club Culture (Exercise) Slide Title Discuss the following with your committee: What are the values of your club? (if you are struggling, think about what makes your club different to other clubs both inside and outside the University) Do your behaviours, as a committee, support these values?

24 Club Culture (Positive Culture) Slide Title Things that contribute to a positive club culture: Clear objectives and direction for the club A safe, non-threatening environment for all A strong sense of inclusion and belonging Welcoming of new players, members and supporters and how they will be inducted positively into the club and its culture Continual flow of positive and negative feedback delivered in a constructive manner A communication plan so club stakeholders are continually informed and empowered with the information they need Opportunities to develop committee members as leaders who contribute to the club and the broader Team Hallam and Sheffield communities

25 Club Culture (Disciplinaries) Slide Title Two high profile disciplinary investigations in 15/16 due to initiation style events in welcome week Risk to the reputation of the University Long process Clubs suspended Affected players from both clubs banned from training and BUCS competition University disciplinary process (Academic consequences) Revised process for 16/17

26 Club Culture Slide Title Social Behaviour Agreement University Disciplinary Framework (complaints) Chairs and Captains Responsibility Agreement

27 Inclusivity

28 Importance of Inclusion

29 Inclusivity Section Title Sub-text explaining section, lorem ipsum dolor est lordem rondus lindum Slide Title Section Our aim What is diversity and inclusion What are underrepresented groups? Barriers to participation Steps to be more inclusive

30 Our Aim Section Title Sub-text explaining section, lorem ipsum dolor est lordem rondus lindum Slide Title To provide physical activities that allow all students to have an equivalent student experience regardless of religion, race, gender, ability, sexual orientation.

31 What is Diversity and inclusion? Section Title Sub-text explaining section, lorem ipsum dolor est lordem rondus lindum Slide Title Diversity Including representatives from more than one social, cultural, or economic group, especially members of ethnic or religious minority groups Inclusion A group that is particularly welcoming to all kinds of people.

32 What are underrepresented groups? Section Title Sub-text explaining section, lorem ipsum dolor est lordem rondus lindum Slide Title Women International LGBT+ Post Grad Mature Disability BME

33 Barriers to participation Section Title Sub-text explaining section, lorem ipsum dolor est lordem rondus lindum Slide Title Club stereotypes Language Lack of adaptations Prejudice and discrimination Domination of groups Facilities Lack of Cultural awareness Lack of inclusive promotional material

34 How to become more inclusive? Section Title Sub-text explaining section, lorem ipsum dolor est lordem rondus lindum Slide Title Do not be afraid to raise an issue. Utilise existing provisions within the Union. Access appropriate training and support. Promote the positives to members. Set a zero ‐ tolerance agenda. Engage with organisations such as Pride Sports, Kick it Out. Do not rely on one person to develop policy and practice; ensure whole committee has engagement and ownership. Celebrate your achievements.

35 How to become more inclusive? Section Title Sub-text explaining section, lorem ipsum dolor est lordem rondus lindum Slide Title Inclusion in Sport Programme

36 Your Club in the Community

37 What you can do Slide Title One-off projects Start a new project Get involved in community week

38 What's in it for you? Slide Title Team building & socials Recognition for your club Develop your skills & gain new experiences

39 What to do next? Get a taste of it! Get in touch

40 What needs to be done between now and September

41 APRIL Kit Returns

42 Kit Returns Section Title Sub-text explaining section, lorem ipsum Slide Title 27 th April (Today!) Midday - unless organised with SN Lost Kit = Lost Deposit Kit should be clean, dry and in an acceptable state Deposits refunded in Cash or by BACS (2 working days) Don't take kit home for the summer, we need to stock take and re-order Please don't steal, it's not your kit unless you bought it and someone else will need it

43 MAY Committee Handovers

44 Committee Handovers Slide Title Gives you the chance to meet all staff - let us know what you want to do next year! Meet as a committee, find the best time for you Contact Ellen

45 MAY Sports Ball

46 Sports Ball Section Title Sub-text explaining section, lorem ipsum dolor est lordem rondus lindum Slide Title 21 st May 2016 - Ponds Forge Tickets on sale now Sports Ball Awards - Nominate!

47 SUMMER Development Plan

48 Sponsorship Section Title Sub-text explaining section, lorem ipsum dolor est lordem rondus lindum - Committee / staff meeting - Sponsorship proposal - Contact potential sponsors - Sponsorship agreement / contract - Getting and spending the money

49 Top Tips Section Title Sub-text explaining section, lorem ipsum dolor est lordem rondus lindum - beware of over committing - ask for a percentage - hold meetings with sponsor and keep monitoring - keep the sponsor updated - make sure you'll dealing with the right people

50 JUNE Equipment Inventory & Budget Requests

51 JUNE Kit Orders

52 New Kit Orders Section Title Sub-text explaining section, lorem ipsum dolor est lordem rondus lindum Slide Title Once all kit is returned a stock take will happen SN will contact Chairs/Kit Officers for details of kit needed - look out for this email and respond!! If okayed, kit will be ordered to arrive for Welcome Week Don't order more than you need

53 JULY and AUGUST Fixtures - Planning Ahead

54 Fixtures - Planning Ahead Slide Title BUCS Fixtures are released towards the end of July BUCS starts in October, plan for pre-season Team Hallam staff change fixtures to fit in facility time Changes are not always possible We want YOU to have you best chance

55 SUMMER Sponsorship

56 Sponsorship - £££ Section Title Sub-text explaining section, lorem ipsum dolor est lordem rondus lindum Slide Title Shop around! You don't have to be sponsored by a bar! No, you can't have your sponsors logo on Team Hallam kit

57 SEPTEMBER Welcome Week 2016

58 Welcome Week Section Title Sub-text explaining section, lorem ipsum dolor est lordem rondus lindum Slide Title Sports Fair - Get lots of sign ups, showcase your team and sport Lots of other fairs and activities on at HUBS everyday Trials - selection process and transport Initiations - don't do it! Hold a welcome party instead :)

59 Any Questions?

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