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Wireless Mesh in Granbury, Texas A Case Study in Public Safety and Public Access.

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Presentation on theme: "Wireless Mesh in Granbury, Texas A Case Study in Public Safety and Public Access."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wireless Mesh in Granbury, Texas A Case Study in Public Safety and Public Access

2 Topics For Discussion Where did we start from How did the partnership form What needs and goals drove the project Cost/Benefit Model What equipment was procured How was it installed How was the system tested Where is the project currently What is left to complete

3 Where did we start from No Technology Department prior to November 2002 $6000 Total Budget No staff “Worst Environment Imaginable” Internet access at one building via Cisco Aironet to Frontier ISDN at one building No WAN Network at all City Manager, Finance Director, and City Council bought into new technology plan

4 How did the partnership form Existing ISP for the city Broadband provided using CISCO Aironet Wireless Technology plan called for Wireless WAN all facilities Agreed to co-location on City Communication Tower Deployed CISCO to two facilities Frontier began selling Broadband Wireless to larger customer base Replaced CISCO with Motorola Canopy Agreed to co-location on City Water Tower Narrowed Mobile WIFI search to Tropos solution Pilot Project for approximately 60% City coverage launched November 2004 Frontier to buy equipment, City provide mounting assets and manpower to mount equipment Negotiations began on amount of Cities financial contribution to TROPOS network

5 What needs and goals drove the project Police Officer access to local databases from patrol vehicles Interoperable communications with other agencies Internet access to listserv groups for investigations Fire Department access to GIS Fire Department access to WISER Fire Department access to local database (Firehouse) City Inspector access to local database (PermitLV) Read electric and water meters from network Inexpensive Broadband access to citizens Tourist access to Broadband Ability to do remote live web casts Strategic plan to role out to adjoining Cities and Counties for complete interoperability

6 What needs and goals drove the project City 2City 1 Multi-City Deployment  Seamless virtual networks over separate city networks  Each PD has access to its own data anywhere in the cloud  PDs linked through backend systems  Common access to County, State, Federal databases  Enables mutual aid for large incidents State Federal County City 2 PD SSID2: PD1 802.1x/VPN VLAN 1 SSID1: PD2 802.1x/VPN VLAN 2 SSID2: PD2 802.1x/VPN VLAN 2 SSID1: PD1 802.1x/VPN VLAN 1 City 1 PD

7 Cost/Benefit Model $60,000 Infrastructure Costs $65,000/Sq. Mile for Tropos Approx. $10,000 Deployment Cost 1 st Yr. Estimated Savings $98,000 3 FTE * 1.5 hours * $20/hr * 3 shifts * 365 days. Intangible of having the officer on the street an additional 1.5 hours per shift per day. Ability to quickly solve crime on the street Meter Reading not factored in (100k/yr estimate) Inspectors not factored in City portion for network and services for 5 yrs $305,000 All employees granted free internet access

8 What equipment was procured 22 Toughbook 29’s and 6 Toughbook 50’s 10 Jotto Desk Car Mounts, 22 Toughbook Port Replicators, and 22 Lind Power Converters, 7 Gamber Johnson Truck Mounts 14 SMC High Power 802.11 B 200mw cards and 5db external antennas, 8 Delmarc 300mw cards and 8 - 3db Antenex external antennas 5 HP NX9010s purchased for inspectors 110 Tropos radios 25 Canopy 5.7 Backhauls New Datacenter Infrastructure for Frontier Netmotion Software Colubris Gateway Airpath Service

9 How was it installed














23 Setup access with WEP in two patrol cars for 3 weeks for Internet only with no public access Setup access without WEP for all patrol vehicles and public for Internet for 4 weeks During this time we tested in car video feeds using Net Meeting, Yahoo, and Viewport for 1 week Setup VPN access in two patrol cars for 3 weeks TROPOS 5110 changed out with 5210 How was the system tested

24 Where is the project currently 10 Sq. Miles deployed coverage VPN access in 10 patrol vehicles, 9 Fire apparatus VLAN, Multiple SSID, Netmotion completing this week TLETS Coordinator to meet with State concerning network review for car access 3 Constable vehicles being fitted with laptops Only 16 public access customers currently

25 What is left to complete TLETS approval Wireless Meter Reading Tie in Video Surveillance Systems from businesses for live feed to Police and Fire Vehicles Approach School District about Police and Fire access to Video Surveillance Systems GPS unit locater software VOIP Phones for City Workers Press release and advertising for public access

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