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Adaptive Software Development Process Framework. Version 02 -- 2/ 21 / 2001Page 2 1.0 Project Initiation 2.0 Adaptive Cycle Planning 5.0 Final Q/A and.

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Presentation on theme: "Adaptive Software Development Process Framework. Version 02 -- 2/ 21 / 2001Page 2 1.0 Project Initiation 2.0 Adaptive Cycle Planning 5.0 Final Q/A and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adaptive Software Development Process Framework

2 Version 02 -- 2/ 21 / 2001Page 2 1.0 Project Initiation 2.0 Adaptive Cycle Planning 5.0 Final Q/A and Release 3.0 Concurrent Component Engineering ASD Process Request Solution Maintain Solution Approved Project Accepted Solution Milestone Preceding or Succeeding Process Project Process 4.0 Quality Review Legend: Parallel Processes SpeculateCollaborateLearn

3 Version 02 -- 2/ 21 / 2001Page 3  Request to develop a solution; the request may occur in various forms:  Formal or informal  Verbal or written  Initial project charter  Initial creative brief  Initial prototype  etc. 1.0 Project Initiation Identify the mission Identify project team Create mission artifacts Obtain approval Share mission values 2.0 Adaptive Cycle Planning Determine time boxes Write objective statements Define product components Assign components to cycles Plan project Develop project task list 3.0 Concurrent Component Engineering 4.0 Quality Review 5.0 Final Q/A and Release  Solution  Project documentation artifacts:  Project Vision  Project Data Sheet  Product Mission Profile  Product Specfication (outline)  Mission Values  Etc. Place to describe roles, whatever InputOutputActivities Place for notes Purpose To deliver Name ASD Process Summary Notes

4 Version 02 -- 2/ 21 / 2001Page 4 1.0 Initiate Project 1.1 Identify the Mission 1.5 Share Mission Values 2.0 Adaptive Cycle Planning 1.3 Create Mission Artifacts Project vision (charter) Project data sheet Product mission profile Product specification (outline) Request Solution Approved Project 1.2 Identify Project Team 1.4 Obtain Approval

5 Version 02 -- 2/ 21 / 2001Page 5  Request to develop a solution; the request may occur in various forms:  Formal or informal  Verbal or written  Initial project charter  Initial creative brief  Initial prototype  etc. 1.1 Identify the mission 1.2 Identify project team 1.3 Create mission artifacts Create project vision (charter) Create project data sheet Create product mission profile Develop product specification outline 1.5 Obtain approval 1.4 Share mission values Discuss quality Define the result Define the quality criteria to measure the result  Approval to proceed  Project documentation artifacts:  Project Vision  Project Data Sheet  Product Mission Profile  Product Specification (outline, Story Cards, Use Cases)  Mission Values  Etc. Place to describe roles, whatever InputOutputActivities Place for notes Purpose To define the project and obtain approval to proceed Name 1.0 Initiate Project Notes

6 Version 02 -- 2/ 21 / 2001Page 6 2.0 Adaptive Cycle Planning 2.1 Determine Time Boxes 3.0 Concurrent Component Engineering 1.0 Initiate Project 2.2 Write Objective Statements 2.3 Define Product Components 2.4 Assign Components To Cycles 2.6 Develop Project Task List Feature Technology Support JAD Sessions 2.5 Plan Project 4.0 Quality Review

7 Version 02 -- 2/ 21 / 2001Page 7  Approval to proceed  Change requests  Project documentation artifacts:  Project Vision  Project Data Sheet  Product Mission Profile  Product Specification (outline)  Mission Values  Etc. 2.1 Determine time boxes Project Cycles 2.2 Write objective statements(for each cycle) 2.3 Define product components (using Joint Application Design sessions) Feature Technology Support 2.4 Assign components to cycles 2.5 Plan project Schedule Risks Analyze resource requirements Deploy methods and tools for collaboration Buffer the schedule 2.6 Develop project task list  Cycle plan  Product Specification (draft)  List of product components allocated to cycles  Project schedule  Risk list  Collaboration methods and tools  Project task list Place to describe roles, whatever InputOutputActivities Place for notes Purpose To define components and allocate them to cycles, conduct detailed planning of the next cycle incorporating feedback from quality review Name 2.0 Adaptive Cycle Planning Notes

8 Version 02 -- 2/ 21 / 2001Page 8 3.0 Concurrent Component Engineering 4.0 Quality Review 3.1 Develop Components Primary Technology Support 2.0 Adaptive Cycle Planning 3.2 Manage Project 3.3 Prepare For Final Q/A 3.4 Prepare For Quality Review 5.0 Final Q/A and Release

9 Version 02 -- 2/ 21 / 2001Page 9  Cycle plan  Product Specification (draft)  List of product components allocated to cycles  Project schedule  Risk list  Collaboration methods and tools  Project task list 3.1 Develop components* Primary Technology Support 3.2 Manage project Persisting (communications, focus, obstacle removal) Monitor progress, Contain change (bounding, ignoring, postponing, filtering, re-planning), 3.3 Prepare for final Q/A Develop test plan Develop test cases Develop test scripts 3.4 Prepare for quality review Setup meeting time & place Create agenda  Executable  Risk list (updated)  Issues list  Project status  Change requests  Test plan  Test cases  Test scripts  Quality review agenda * Practices that can be applied under 3.1 Develop Components: Daily and weekly builds Refactoring Pair programming Peer reviews, inspections InputOutputActivities Unit tests Integration tests Purpose To develop components allocated to the cycle and make preparations for quality review and final Q/A. Name 3.0 Concurrent Component Engineering Notes

10 Version 02 -- 2/ 21 / 2001Page 10 4.0 Quality Review 4.1 Conduct Cycle Review 5.0 Final Q/A and Release 3.0 Concurrent Component Engineering - customer focus groups - Evaluate focus group results- 4.3 Conduct Cycle Post Mortem 2.0 Adaptive Cycle Planning OR Review team, process and practice effectiveness 4.2 Determine Next Steps Customer Focus Groups

11 Version 02 -- 2/ 21 / 2001Page 11  Components  Risk list (updated)  Issues list  Project status  Change requests  Test plan  Test cases  Test scripts  Agenda 4.1 Conduct cycle review Conduct customer focus groups Document change requests Evaluate focus group results 4.2 Determine next steps Develop another cycle -or- Release for final Q/A 4.3 Conduct cycle post mortem Review team, process and practice effectiveness Take corrective actions  Customer focus group results  Change requests  Decision to develop another cycle or release for final Q/A  Cycle post mortem  Corrective actions * notes InputOutputActivities Place for notes Purpose To review incremental build of product and collect feedback. Decide whether to proceed with final Q/A or develop another cycle Name 4.0 Quality Review Notes

12 Version 02 -- 2/ 21 / 2001Page 12 5.0 Final Q/A and Release 5.1 Perform Tests Maintain Solution 3.0 Concurrent Component Development 4.0 Quality Review 5.2 Evaluate Test Results 5.4 Make Decision 2.0 Adaptive Cycle Planning OR 5.3 Fix Problems 5.5 Transition To Production 5.6 Close Project Accepted Solution

13 Version 02 -- 2/ 21 / 2001Page 13  Customer focus group results  Change requests  Decision to develop another cycle or release for final Q/A  Cycle post mortem  Corrective actions  Test plan  Test cases  Test scripts 5.1 Perform tests 5.2 Evaluate test results 5.3 Fix problems 5.4 Make decision 5.5 Transition to production 5.6 Close project Declare success, Wrap up loose ends Conduct post mortem Conduct party  Test results  Problem fixes  Decision to release or develop another cycle  Post mortem report  Party * notes InputOutputActivities Place for notes Purpose To review incremental build of product and collect feedback. Decide whether to proceed with final Q/A or develop another cycle Name 5.0 Final Q/A and Release Notes

14 Version 02 -- 2/ 21 / 2001Page 14  …. 2.1 Optional template  …. …. InputOutputActivities Purpose … Name 2.0 Plan and Initiate Release Tools Entry CriteriaExit Criteria NotesTemplates ….. ….  ….

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