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Recap The Mexica gained control over mesoAmerica by building an alliance with two other groups. This was known as “the triple alliance”. Later, the Mexica.

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Presentation on theme: "Recap The Mexica gained control over mesoAmerica by building an alliance with two other groups. This was known as “the triple alliance”. Later, the Mexica."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recap The Mexica gained control over mesoAmerica by building an alliance with two other groups. This was known as “the triple alliance”. Later, the Mexica became sole rulers of the area and built Tenochtitlan, the capital of Aztec empire, along lake Texcoco. اكتسبت المكس السيطرة على أمريكا الوسطى من خلال بناء تحالف مع اثنين من المجموعات الأخرى. كان يعرف هذا باسم " التحالف الثلاثي ". في وقت لاحق، وأصبح الحكام المكس الوحيد للمنطقة وبنيت تينوختيتلان، عاصمة امبراطورية الازتيك، جنبا إلى جنب بحيرة تيكسكوكو.

2 Recap Tenochtitlan was a highly developed and organized city of that time.

3 Aztec Architecture Tenochtitlan – City Center

4 Interesting Tidbit! Tenochtitlan was compared to Venice in Italy. Was dubbed as “ Venice of the world”.

5 Similarities to Venice

6 Aztec Engineering Canals and aqueducts

7 Chinampas This unique and a highly productive way of agriculture was a remarkable characteristic of Aztec civilization. كان هذا طريقة فريدة ومثمرة للغاية من الزراعة سمة ملحوظا للحضارة الأزتك.

8 Chinampas

9 Tribute Collection Aztecs collected tribute from the subjects in the form of clothing, cacao, rubber balls et cetera. Paying tribute was mandatory and sometime oppressive for people. جمعت الأزتيك تحية من الموضوعات في شكل الملابس والكاكاو والكرات المطاطية وهلم جرا. الإشادة كانت إلزامية والقمعية في وقت ما للناس

10 Mexica Society and Religion Understanding the social structure and the culture

11 Mexica Society How do we know? 1. Codices Some Mexica books survived the Spanish conquest in the form of codices: these are manuscripts made of animal skin with pictures representing tribal records of family history, and mythology.. المخطوطات نجا بعض الكتب المكس الغزو الاسباني في شكل مخطوطات : هذه هي المخطوطات المصنوعة من جلد الحيوان مع الصور التي تمثل السجلات القبلية في التاريخ العائلي، والأساطير.

12 Codices – Codex Borgia Recount Aztec genealogy Dual aspects of universe Made of animal skin Codex Borgia (stored at the Vatican) 20 pictographic days on either side يروي الأنساب ازتيك جوانب مزدوجة من الكون مصنوعة من جلد الحيوان الدستور بورجيا ( المخزنة في الفاتيكان ) 20 يوما التصويرية على جانبي Undo edits Cancel

13 How do we know? 2. Interviews Interviews done by Spanish Missionaries with local leaders, priests, elders. مقابلات مقابلات قام به المبشرون الاسبانية مع القادة المحليين والكهنة والشيوخ.

14 Social Structure Social Ranking: From top to bottom 1. Royal family 2. Military elites and priests 3. Artisans and craftsmen 4. Commoners 5. Slaves

15 Important!! Social status was reflected by ALL of the following: Dress Land grants Public honor د انعكس الوضع الاجتماعي قبل كل مما يلي : فستان منح الأراضي شرف العام

16 Warriors The Mexica society looked upon all males as potential warriors. But for the most part, the military elite came from Mexica aristocrats. Military elites received many perks. The rich ate the best food and consumed luxury products. The most powerful warriors formed a council whose members selected the ruler, discussed public issues, and filled government positions.

17 Question? What do we know about the dress of mexica society?

18 Dress and Social status Even dress reflected social status. Ordinary individuals were required by law to dress in garments made of henequen. Hen-uh-kin

19 Dress and Social Distinction Aristocrats were permitted to wear cotton clothing Successful warriors also enjoyed the right to wear brightly colored capes and decorate them with eagles feathers.

20 What about women? What do we know about women’s roles and status?

21 Mexica Women Mexica women did not have a public role in society. Couldn’t inherit property or hold official positions Women were under the authority of their fathers and husbands. Enjoyed the honor of given birth to warriors Their main function was to bear children.

22 Priests Along with the military aristocrats, a priestly class also ranked among the Mexica elite. Received special education Headed religious ceremonies Priests read omens and explained the forces that drove the world They wielded considerable influence as advisors to Mexica rulers. جنبا إلى جنب مع الأرستقراطيين العسكرية، في المرتبة فئة الكهنوتية أيضا بين النخبة المكس. التعليم الخاص تلقى الاحتفالات الدينية التي تعيلها قراءة الطوالع الكهنة وأوضح القوى التي قادت العالم أنها تمارس نفوذا كبيرا كمستشارين للحكام المكس.

23 Social Classes Artisans and Merchants Skilled artisans, particularly those who worked with gold, silver and other luxury items, enjoyed prestige. Merchants supplied the elites with products and earned good money. Cultivators Cultivators worked small owned family lands and lands owned by the elite. They delivered periodic tribune payments to state agents Slaves Slaves worked as domestic servants. Slaves were Mexica who had financial distress or were criminals. الحرفيين والتجار الحرفيين المهرة، وخصوصا أولئك الذين عملوا مع الذهب والفضة وسلع كمالية أخرى، يتمتع هيبة. زودت التجار النخب مع المنتجات وكسب المال جيدة. المزارعين عملت المزارعين الأراضي المملوكة للأسرة الصغيرة والأراضي المملوكة من قبل النخبة. سلموا المدفوعات منبر دورية لموظفي الدولة العبيد عملت العبيد كخدم في المنازل. كانوا عبيدا المكس الذي كان ضائقة مالية أو كانوا مجرمين.

24 Language What was the language of the Mexica?

25 Aztec Language Meso American (including the mexica) spoke “NAHUATL”

26 Mexica Religion Multiple gods existed. Two of the main ones were: Tezcatlipoca “the smoking Mirror” and A powerful figure, the giver and taker of life. required the sacrifice of human blood. prounce: Tez-kati-li-po-cah Quetzalcoatl known as “the Feathered Serpent.” supported the arts, crafts and agriculture. pronounce: Ket-sahl-koh-ahtl وجود آلهة متعددة. وكان اثنان من أهمها : Tezcatlipoca " مرآة التدخين " و شخصية قوية، والراشي واخذ الحياة. المطلوب التضحية من الدم البشري. prounce: تيز - كاتي لى بو -CAH قوتزلكتل المعروفة باسم " الثعبان المصقولة." بدعم الفنون والحرف اليدوية والزراعة. نطق : كيت - سهل كوه -

27 Portrait of Coatlique Mother of Gods - “lady of skirt of serpents” Combine feline and human features (fantastic, yet terrifying) Necklace of heart and hands Destroyed by Europeans

28 Aztec Temple

29 Human Sacrifice Ritu Ritual sacrifice of human beings regarded as essential to the world’s survival. Mexica priests presided over the sacrificial killing of human victims. Criminals, tribute from neighboring people and war captives were used for sacrifice. طقوس التضحية بالبشر تعتبر ضرورية لبقاء العالم. ترأس كهنة المكس بشأن مقتل الذبيحه من الضحايا من البشر. المجرمين، واستخدمت تحية من الشعب المجاورة وأسرى الحرب للتضحية

30 Aztecs Sacrifice Neighboring Tribes to the Sun God

31 Human Sacrifice Ritual sacrifice of human beings regarded as essential to the world’s survival. Mexica priests presided over the sacrificial killing of human victims. Criminals, tribute from neighboring people and war captives were used for sacrifice طقوس التضحية بالبشر تعتبر ضرورية لبقاء العالم. ترأس كهنة المكس بشأن مقتل الذبيحه من الضحايا من البشر. المجرمين، واستخدمت تحية من الشعب المجاورة وأسرى الحرب للتضحية.

32 Human sacrifice Human sacrifice as shown in the Codex Magliabechiano

33 Sacrificial Statue, Tenochtitlan

34 Human Sacrifice To win the favor of the gods and ensure the continuation of the world, the Mexica engaged in their own sacrificial bloodletting. Mexica priests performed acts of self-sacrifice, piercing their bodies to let out blood. للفوز صالح الآلهة وضمان استمرار العالم، وتشارك في المكس في إراقة الدماء فداء الخاصة بهم. الكهنة المكس تنفيذ أعمال التضحية بالنفس، وثقب أجسادهم للسماح للخروج الدم.

35 Aztec Calendar Stone Adopted from Mayans Symbol of Aztec Cosmos 4 square panels – previous worlds 20 signs of days of month Role of serpents

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