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An Overview of a Pandemic PSA Campaign Jim Bender Academy for Educational Development National Immunization Conference March 5, 2007.

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1 An Overview of a Pandemic PSA Campaign Jim Bender Academy for Educational Development National Immunization Conference March 5, 2007

2 Product Testing Focus Group  Six groups selected past preparedness actions or intentions; 4 ‘non-doer’ and 2 ‘doer’ groups  Short discussion of bird flu/pandemic flu  Review 3 TV PSA concepts and boards  Review tape of 2 radio PSAs  Review ‘companion piece’  Review 2 logos  Preparedness worksheet

3 Overall Findings Pan/bird Flu  High awareness of bird flu, but low understanding of details.  Little understanding of pandemic influenza  Panic + epidemic = pandemic  Pandemic influenza is not a concern for non-doers; more of a concern for doers

4 Participant Preferences for Pandemic Communication  Prefer a serious tone  Turned off by strong fear appeals, since they do not see pan flu as a major threat  Admit that they are not likely to take action (even visit the Web site) until threat is more immediate and well understood  Want to see concrete and actionable details in materials

5 TV PSAs  Questions  Can relate to kids asking tough questions  Believe including children will increase concern, especially among parents  Questioned non-age-appropriate language  Prefer that some fact be provided in spot  Most preferred spot

6 TV PSAs  Know  Like familiar environments and implication that you need to consider preparation in all areas of your life  Liked description of difference between bird and pandemic flu at beginning of spot  Also widely preferred by participants

7 TV PSAs  Remote  Changing channels conveyed that pandemic influenza was not an immediate concern  Confusion between bird and pandemic flu  Questions but no answers  Some found changing channels annoying; others attention getting  Least preferred spot

8 Radio PSAs  Overall favorable reaction to the information-rich approach  More analysis of response data advised to make content revision recommendations  Plan  Some found tone ‘alarmist’  Many thought action steps seemed excessive given low threat  Others appreciated concrete and unusual steps

9 Radio PSAs  Hygiene  Good statement at beginning about bird vs. pandemic  Understandable, clear action steps  Action steps underplay seriousness of pandemic influenza  May not visit Web site

10 Factsheet  Positive: short, easy-to-read; provided concrete facts  Negative: ‘talk to local leaders’ is unclear, impractical. Very few respondents are at all inclined to do so  Explain bird, annual and pandemic flu  Want to know when a pandemic will happen

11 Thank you for your time Jim Bender Academy for Educational Development Center for Health Communication 1825 Connecticut Ave., NW Washington, DC 20009-5721 202-884-8737 /

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