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First things first… Why is Patient Safety & Quality the Driver of Meaningful Use? Georgia Rural HIT Conference Paul Moore, DPh.

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Presentation on theme: "First things first… Why is Patient Safety & Quality the Driver of Meaningful Use? Georgia Rural HIT Conference Paul Moore, DPh."— Presentation transcript:

1 First things first… Why is Patient Safety & Quality the Driver of Meaningful Use? Georgia Rural HIT Conference Paul Moore, DPh

2 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act “the Stimulus Bill” Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act, or HITECH Act $19.2 Billion Electronic Health Records (EHR) “Meaningful Use” milestones required to receive the stimulus funding!

3 “Meaningful Use” is NOT just about getting the money! (or avoiding penalties!) However…

4 “How can it be that… a checked bag on an airline flight is still exponentially safer than a patient in an American hospital? In fact…there may be a better reason….

5 20 years ago… my first airplane (VFR) Navigation technique = “Dead Reckoning” 2 years later… Instrument Rating (IFR) (but I still mainly just flew in good visual weather) My current airplane (GPS and XM-Wx) Enhanced “Situational & Environmental Awareness” An analogy from my own flying experience…

6 1.Technology provides a readily available source of critical information. Observations: “Meaningful Use” (in flying and patient care)

7 2.Readily available information is crucial to safety and quality outcomes! Observations: “Meaningful Use” (in flying and patient care)

8 3.Meaningful use means more than just having technology installed and running. Observations: “Meaningful Use” (in flying and patient care)

9 4.Meaningful Use requires as much attention to people and process as it does to the technology. Observations: “Meaningful Use” (in flying and patient care)

10 5.Meaningful Use means we are using information in ways that measurably improves outcomes. Observations: “Meaningful Use” (in flying and patient care)

11 6.Meaningful Use involves: Planning of goals and objectives; Workforce, workload, and workflow issues; Implementation and evaluation of process changes; Tracking and communicating outcomes. Observations: “Meaningful Use”

12 Meaningful Use impacts more than just your facility: Imagine an air traffic system… Meaningful use must be “universal”. One final point…

13 “Meaningful Use” the RIGHT THING For the RIGHT REASON.

14 Thank you.

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