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Unit 6 Fashion Grammar (the first period) three days ago 以前.

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2 Unit 6 Fashion Grammar (the first period)

3 three days ago 以前

4 (was) three years ago five years old this year (were) Last month 50 yuan this month


6 Last MondayLast TuesdayLast Thursday Last Friday Last Saturday Beijing DalianShanghai HongkongNew York A:was he …… last …… ? B:Yes, he was. / No, he wasn ’ t.

7 Guess Where were the students two hours ago? A:Were they …….. two hours ago? B:Yes, they were. /No, they were not. weren ’ t.

8 Do the exercise on Page 95 Millie: were you at home on Saturday morning? Sandy:Yes, I was. Millie: _______ your cousin at the football match? Sandy:No, he _____.He ____ at the shopping mall with Mum. Millie: ______ you and your parents at the cinema on Saturday evening? Sandy:Yes, we ______. Millie: _______ your grandparents at the fashion show on Friday? Sandy:No, they _______. Millie: ________ we at school last Monday? Sandy:No, we ________.Last Monday _______ a holiday. Was wasn ’ twas Were were Were weren ’ t Were weren ’ twas

9 usually ____ bread for breakfast. ___ noodles for breakfast yesterday. has had

10 ____ to school by bike every day ____ to school by car two days ago. 以前 goes went

11 often _____ tennis after school. _____ football after school last week. play played 认识动词的过去式 have had play played go went has had

12 Last Monday Last Tuesday Last Wednesday Last Friday Last Saturday A:Did …….last …….? B:Yes,they did. / No, they didn ’ t.

13 Write the simple past tense forms( 写出动词的过去式) 1 start ______ 4 help ______ 7 look ______ 2 dress ______ 5 use ______ 8 study______ ( 给 … 穿衣) 3 play ______ 6 like ______ 9 plan ______ (计划) 1 。大多数动词后加上 ed walk walked 2 。以 e 结尾的动词后加上 d live lived 3 。以辅音字母加 y 结尾的动词,把 y 改成 i 后加上 ed study studied 4 。以一个元音字母和一个辅音字母结尾的短动词,双写该辅音 字母后加上 ed stop stopped started dressed played helped used liked looked studied planned 规则动词的过去式形成 :

14 不规则动词的过去式变化 ( 不加 ed) : 1.cost----cost put----put 2.come----came ring----rang 3.make----made send----sent buy----bought

15 Millie was busy last week.Look at the list. “ To do ” list 1.Give Eddie a bath( 洗澡) 2.Go to the Reading Club 3.Ask Grandma about 1960s dress 4.Do some work for the fashion show 5.Do the Maths project 6.Clean the bedroom Did she do everything? 26 Monday Went to the Reading Club 27 Tuesday Helped Mum with shopping 28 Wednesday Played volleyball 29 Thursday Listened to new CDs 30 Friday Did some work for the fashion show 1 Saturday Watched TV 2 Sunday Visited Amy

16 Do the exercise on Page 94 Complete Mrs Wang and Andy ’ s conversation. Mrs Wang: Did Millie ask Grandma about the dress on Monday? Andy : No, she _______. She _____ to the Reading Club. _____ she _____ you with the shopping on Tuesday? Mrs Wang: Yes, she _____. _____ she _____volleyball on Wednesday? Andy: Yes, she _____. But she ____________her bedroom. Mrs Wang: I know! _____ she ______her Maths project? Andy: No,she ______. But she ______ some work for the fashion show. didn ’ twent Didhelp did Did play did didn ’ t clean Did do didn ’ tdid

17 一 般 过 去 时 定义: 表示过去发生的动作 句子 构成 : 主语 + 行为动词的 或 主语 + 时间 状语: Last …… yesterday …… …… ago in 1992 等等 或 过去存在的状态 过去式 was,were

18 It ________(is) Thursday yesterday. I ________(am) 14 last year. We _______(are) in the library just now. They ________(are) at school last Monday. He ________(is) a baby 10 years ago. was were was It wasn ’ t Thursday yesterday. Was it Thursday yesterday? Yes it was. No. it wasn ’ t. I wasn ’ t 14 last year. Were you 14 last year? Yes, I was. No, I wasn ’ t. We weren ’ t in the library just now. Were you in the library just now? Yes, we were. No, we weren ’ t. They weren ’ t at school last Monday. Were they at school last Monday? Yes, they were. No, they weren ’ t. He wasn ’ t a baby 10 years ago. Was he a baby 10 years ago? Yes, he was. No, he wasn ’ t.

19 1. We ________(enjoy) the show yesterday. 2. We _______(watch) a fashion show last Wednesday. 3. Daniel______(look) smart last night. 4. Simon _____(wear) a blue shirt last week. 5. Everyone ________(have) fun at the party two days ago. 6.He ________(go) shopping last Saturday. enjoyed watched looked wore had went We didn ’ t enjoy the show yesterday. We didn ’ t watch a fashion show last Wednesday. Daniel didn ’ t look smart last night. Did Simon wear a blue shirt last night? Did everyone have fun at the party? Did he go shopping last Saturday?


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