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Presentation on theme: " EU sponsored ICT R&D projects – examples, SME’s view point, lessons learnt Witold Hołubowicz ITTI Ltd. and A.Mickiewicz University Poznań,"— Presentation transcript:

1 EU sponsored ICT R&D projects – examples, SME’s view point, lessons learnt Witold Hołubowicz ITTI Ltd. and A.Mickiewicz University Poznań, 27 October 2010

2 Plan Introduction Examples of two EU-sponsored ICT projects SME’s in 7FP programme Acquiring EU-sponsored projects Conclusions

3 ITTI Ltd. – scope of activities

4 ITTI Ltd. – in short company founded in 1996 employment: around 60 employees turnover in 2009: 1,9 ME fully owned by ITTI partners Prizes and rewards: „Cristal Brussels Prize (2001-10)” for the most active Polish SME participating in FP6 and FP7 Leader of entrepreneurship in Wielkopolska region (2008) Prize for innovation in IT appliance given by Polish IT Association (2009) Reward for the high performance in R&D projects for European Defence Agency given by Polish Ministry of Defence (2009)

5 Examples of EU 7FP projects 7th Framework Programme ICT DaVinci – Design And Versatile Implementation of Non-binary wireless Communications based on Innovative LDPC codes INTERSECTION – INfrastructure for heTErogeneous, Resilient, SEcure, Complex, Tightly Inter-Operating Networks N4C - Communications for Challenged Areas: Architecture, Test beds and Innovative Alliances 7th Framework Programme SECURITY SICMA - Simulation of Crisis Management Activities TALOS - Transportable Autonomous patrol for Land bOrder Surveillance system SECRICOM - Seamless Communication for Crisis Management 7th Framework Programme TRANSPORT ASPIS - Autonomous Surveillance in Public transport Infrastructure Systems 7th Framework Programme ICTSEC INSPIRE - INcreasing Security and Protection through Infrastructure REsilience

6 European Defense Agency (EDA) projects EDA introductory projects UAV Simulation Testbed Joint Investment Programme on Force Protection ATHENA - Asymmetric Threat Environment Analysis CARDINAL - CApability study to investigate the essential man- machine Relationship for improved Decision making IN urbAn miLitary operations SIMS - Smart Information for Mission Success AUDIS - Acoustic Urban Threat Detector for Improved Surveillance Capabilities

7 NATO Industrial Advisory Group (NIAG) projects SG 98 – M&S for Civil Emergency Planning in Context of Defence Against Terrorism SG115 - NEC Infrastructure for dissemination of ISR data to the Field Commanders SG121 - Technologies for Monitoring and Tracking for Situation awareness in Urban Areas SG137 - Industrial Contribution to Achieving Interoperability SG147 – New technologies for network based still imagery access and exchange services

8 Example 1 – INTERSECTION INfrastructure for heTErogeneous Resilient SEcure Complex Tightly Inter-Operating Networks Enhancing the European potential in the field of security by assuring the protection of heterogeneous networks and infrastructures Focused on vulnerabilities at the intersection points between different interoperating network providers 24 Months, Jan 2008 – Dec 2009 ICT-2007.1.4 Secure, dependable and trusted infrastructures

9 The consortium INDUSTRY Elsag Datamat (Coordinator) Thales Research and Technology Coronis Systems SA ITTI (SME) END USERS Telefonica ID Investigación y Desarollo Telespazio Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa ACADEMY Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per l’Informatica Lancaster University Fraunhofer Gesellschaft Zur Foerderung Der Angewandten Forschung Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule Zuerich

10 Project Motivation

11 PIVOT – software tool PIVOT (Project INTERSECTION Vulnerability Ontology Tool) is the ontology-logic based manager tool End-user oriented application, which allows to modify and browse the vulnerability ontology Ontology knowledge and PIVOT tool are elements of the off-network Intrusion Detection Tolerance System ITTI role: Leader of WP 2 Participation in project definition and PIVOT software packet specification Creation of a part of PIVOT software tool

12 Example 2: DA VINCI project

13 13 DA VINCI project – potential application of LDPC codes Satellite Television DVB-S2 Production with stv900, sti7111 WiFi - IEEE 802.11n Available for production WiMAX - IEEE 802.16e Under validation 10GBASE-T IEEE 802.3an Delayed Hard Disk Drives Design on going on proprietary standards DA VINCI project objectives: propose alternative coding schemes for future WIMAX develop testbed validate results

14 14 DA VINCI project viewed on a FP7 project map lessons learnt,

15 7FP projects – the view point of SME (1/2) Key questions for SMEs: What is the added-value for SME’s business? New or better product? More clients? More investment? Key lesson learnt from „i”FP : For the very most of SMEs, FP7 is not interesting – their main interest and needs are not technological! Types of SME’s usually seen in 7FP Hi-tech companies with an existing product or with a view on developing a product, incl. spin-off companies created around universities Providers of a variety of high-tech services, including consultancies

16 16 7FP projects – the view point of SME (2/2) Indirect benefits for a SME acquired via 7FP projects: Extension of network of „para-business” relations Seeing potential for future developments Possible modifications to their own strategic roadmap Help in applying business and technical competencies to a new field Allow addition of some international activities to domestic everyday business

17 17 CASE – SECRICOM (1) Seamless Communication for Crisis Management Budget: 12,5 mln euro Duration: 44 months, Sep 2008 – Apr 2012 Aim: to produce a competetive solution for secure communication and collaboration of emergency responders with advanced functions End users: emergency services (medical forces, fire-brigade, special forces, police etc.) and hospitals

18 CASE – SECRICOM (2) SME from Slovakia has a product – secure telecommunication platform Product is being developed within the project for a specific market (crisis management) Benefits for the SME: Access to funds for product development (EU funding) Access to valuable knowledge: (parts of product developed by the best) of universities being experts in the field (e.g. Graz Technical University) of world brand industry players (e.g. QinetiQ) of high-tech IT security solutions producers (e.g. Infineon) about end users requirements (through BAPCo) (such cooperation hard to imagine without the project) Final product well adjusted to the target market Easier way to commercialisation of the product

19 Acquiring EU-sposored R&D projects (1/3) The group of institutions which do these projects is like a club Seek an experienced club-member to assist you Always start from a small role – it is more natural Consider avoiding „the Meeting Days” organized by Brussels Never think of proposing a new project unless you are a very experienced partner Keep in mind that most new projects are developed during informal meetings being a part of other on-going projects Consider joining an exisiting „start-up” proposal rather than proposing you own new one The success rate for an experienced partner is 20-40%, yours will be 5-15%, think how many proposals you want to submit?

20 20 Acquiring EU-sposored R&D projects (2/3) Your general strategy vs. EU-sponsored R&D projects Think what benefits you are looking for: - development of a new product or service? - prestige of being there? - increased exposure to international activities? Never put into your project your crucial ideas or objectives: - it takes 6-12 months to see the decision, 24-36 more months to deliver the results - positive decision is never guaranteed - EU projects and proposals are never fully confidential and are co- owned Decide, whether you want to be less selective in chosing the project scope

21 21 Acquiring EU-sposored R&D projects (3/3) Writing a good proposal (or contribution) Try to see other successful proposals – imitate the best, it is not a shame! Try to see the evaluation form of a reviewer – use this information! Put comparable effort to content and form – you are participating in a beauty contest! Ask for a feedback or instructions from your project coordinator – and use it! Analyze information about tender priorities or keywords – try to involve possibly many of them

22 22 Conclusions EU-sponsored projects are a good solution if: - they fit your interests - you agree on the „own contribution” aspect - you like international collaboration Additional chances include: - trying to deliver something useful to you after te project finishes - securing some additional national finances Participation of a SME in a 7FP project depends on: - your stress on having direct benefits (or only indirect) - your profile: do you have a high-tech product or offer advanced high-tech services? If you decide to participate in a proposal - identify your strenghts and interests - look for a suitable coordinator and try to sell your advantages to him/her

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