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ESCIT Ballot January 8, 2007. Ballot Results Sequence IIIG preferred by a majority of the members –Sequence IIIG-EOT was the preferred duration Secondary.

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Presentation on theme: "ESCIT Ballot January 8, 2007. Ballot Results Sequence IIIG preferred by a majority of the members –Sequence IIIG-EOT was the preferred duration Secondary."— Presentation transcript:

1 ESCIT Ballot January 8, 2007

2 Ballot Results Sequence IIIG preferred by a majority of the members –Sequence IIIG-EOT was the preferred duration Secondary support was equally divided between: –PEI165 16 hr –TEOST MHT –Sequence IIIG at 20/40 hours Consensus vote in favor of the statement regarding SwRI’s catalyst test

3 Ballots 17 returned ballots 16 test votes cast, 1 abstention 20-hr 40-hr EOT

4 Votes by industry ILSAC members supported the Sequence IIIG-EOT uniformly. API/ACC members spread support between the three options. Labs/others supported the PEI165 or abstained.

5 Comments In support of TEOST MHT: –It is an “existing, cost-effective bench test that is appropriate for measuring phosphorus retention and/or volatility.” –It will “not negatively affect the ILSAC GF-5 timeline as the test is already in-place and monitored by the ASTM-TMC.” –It correlates with the a catalyst test which shows correlation with the field. –“Best precision and correlation” with field and catalyst data –It is an “existing bench test” and additional data can be generated quickly.

6 Comments In support of the IIIG –Using the retained phosphorus from a Sequence IIIG test after 20, 40, or 100 hours would be acceptable; the results after 100 hours are the most robust. In support of the PEI165 –“Provides the most data to correlate with field/dyno tests…” coupled with “the best precision/discrimination of all tests” considered. –A bench test that correlates engine and field data is a better path with respect to setting acceptable levels and precision of phosphorus volatility

7 Comments Other: –ESCIT should finalize test recommendation in January to ILSAC/Oil to keep GF-5 progress according to the current timeline.

8 Conclusion & Next Steps ESCIT by majority supports the Sequence IIIG-EOT. Next up: –Letter to ILSAC/Oil –Calculation method –Limits setting

9 Addendum Voting Parties –RT Vanderbilt, Lubrizol, Chevron Oronite, Infineum, Afton, Phosphorus Derivatives Inc., RohMax, General Motors, Ford, Chrysler, Toyota, Nissan, Savant, Tannas, SwRI, ExxonMobil, ConocoPhillips

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