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Air Sailing Gliderport Annual Safety Meeting Welcome 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Air Sailing Gliderport Annual Safety Meeting Welcome 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Air Sailing Gliderport Annual Safety Meeting Welcome 2016

2 Today’s Agenda

3 2016 Operating Procedures The Operating Procedures Manual was updated for 2016. There were two (2) changes.

4 2016 Operating Procedures

5 We updated the Airport Diagram to graphically emphasize some of the verbiage of the document.

6 2016 Tow Pilot Manual We started the season off with a meeting of the Tow Pilots. We went thru the manual and made numerous editorial updates. Most of these are not of interest to the general population … but a few are.

7 2016 Tow Pilot Manual




11 Tow Sheets

12 2016 Safety Review Ed Winchester

13 2016 Safety Review Prior to the beginning of the soaring season, all pilots must sign that they have:  Read, Understood, and will comply with our Operating Procedures Manual.  Received a “Safety Briefing” from a designated Safety Briefer.

14 2016 Safety Review Operating Procedures

15 2016 Safety Review Operating Procedures

16 2016 Safety Review Operating Procedures

17 2016 Safety Review Operating Procedures

18 2016 Safety Review Operating Procedures

19 2016 Safety Review

20 Operating Procedures Please, be kind to your tow pilot …………

21 2016 Safety Review Operating Procedures

22 2016 Safety Review Operating Procedures

23 2016 Safety Review Operating Procedures

24 2016 Safety Review Windsocks shall orient themselves to the wind at 3 Kts and shall be fully extended at 15 Kts. Windsocks “Wind Cones” (AC 150/5345-27C)

25 2016 Safety Review Checklists  The emergency plan, (altitude and turn direction) should be repeated out loud, even if you are flying solo. This means that the decision is already made.

26 2016 Safety Review Landing Checklist Considerations  Pre-Landing Checklist should be completed before descending through pattern altitude (5300).  R – RadioMake radio call at 6000 feet  U – UndercarriageDown and locked if applicable  F – FlapsSet for landing if applicable  S – Speed1.5 Vso + ½ wind + gust factor  T – TrimSet to hold speed with hand off stick  A – Airbrakes Test  L – Look AroundCheck wind, obstructions and traffic  L – Land Land the glider somewhere on field  Be at pattern altitude by the middle of your downwind leg with checklist complete and approach speed selected.

27 2016 Safety Review Landing Tips  Turns should be 30 - 45° of bank.  During your turns you should concentrate on 2 things: -- Airspeed -- Yaw String  At least by the point where you turn to the base leg, you should be repeating the question, “Am I too low, too high, or OK” and making a change to the spoilers to correct any error found.

28 2016 Safety Review Maintain 60 Kts AS and – 6 Kts VS; look at the spoilers. Nominal GS for everyone ranges from 8:1 to 13:1 Assume ~ 10:1 for discussion. Landing Glideslope

29 2016 Safety Review Don’t fall into the trap! Close spoilers completely. Re-acquire the “Nominal”. Re-deploy the spoilers. Landing Glideslope

30 2016 Safety Review High Wind Landings V approach = 1.5 (V stall ) + ½ (Wind) + (Gust Factor) At ASG it is only a question of when not if …….

31 2016 Safety Review What’s your ground speed on downwind? What are the 3 common mistakes? High Wind Landings

32 20 Kts of wind No wind AS = 70 GS = 50 ? ? ? If you do nothing; What will the glider do? Effect of Wind Shear

33 2016 Safety Review Descending thru wind shear means: Progressively lowering your nose to maintain airspeed. And Progressively closing spoilers to maintain glideslope. The End

34 2016 ASI Financials Ty White 2016 ASI Financials Ty White

35 2016 ASI Budget

36 154 ASI Members -56 NV residents -63 CA residents -65 took tows in 2015 (active) $22,370 donated to Op Fund in 2015 -70 donors -$320 average contribution $15,000 in donations needed in 2015 -$100 per member -$230 per active member -Suggest $100-250 donation

37 2016 Tow Pilot Scheduling Tim Tobin

38 Tow Pilot Scheduling Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Tow Pilots will be automatically scheduled for these days. They will be available starting at Noon. To support earlier training flights contact the scheduled Tow Pilot directly. This approach guarantees a 4 day weekend for those members traveling from distant locations. You may request a Tow Pilot by entering your request onto the Tow Pilot Schedule. Be sure to check the Tow Pilot Schedule before coming out. And, send them an E-Mail at: Subject: Need Tow Pilot on Day/Date Check the Tow Pilot Schedule first

39 Tow Pilot Scheduling Tow Pilot Schedule & Scheduling Instructions See, they’re both right here !! Get Tow Pilot contact info here.

40 Accessing the Tow Pilot Schedule


42 Break Time

43 2016 Spinning Gliders Jimmy Hamilton

44 2016 Airworthiness Corrie Volinkaty

45 2016 Soaring Safety; True or False John Scott

46 Soaring Safety T or F? True ? or False !

47 Soaring Safety T or F? During the takeoff ground roll, the ailerons and rudder serve non-conventional functions and are used independently. True:Wings level with ailerons. Steer with the rudder. Takeoff

48 Soaring Safety T or F? During the takeoff roll and the first few hundred feet of altitude, your left hand should be gripping the spoiler handle to make sure they don’t pop open. False:Your left hand should be “at the ready” to address a problem (close spoilers, pull release, grab the canopy). Gripping the spoilers could result in accidental deployment.

49 Soaring Safety T or F? During a crosswind takeoff, with the glider in the air and the tow plane still on the ground, the glider should be “crabbing” into the wind. True:Crab into the wind to maintain a ground track over runway centerline. Once airborne, use coordinated controls to follow the tow plane.

50 Soaring Safety T or F? The sole function of the elevator is to control the Angle-of-Attack of the wing. True:That’s all it does. Inflight

51 Soaring Safety T or F? In theory, whenever you move the ailerons you must also move the rudder. True:Moving the ailerons changes the yaw moment which requires a rudder correction to maintain coordination.

52 Soaring Safety T or F? During the tow, if you lose sight of the tow plane, you should fly straight ahead, maintain airspeed and wings level flight, and wait for the tow plane to reappear. False:Release immediately.

53 Soaring Safety T or F? You must always be nice to your tow pilot because, if you don’t, he may pull the emergency release at an inopportune time just to teach you a lesson. False:It’s too dangerous.

54 Soaring Safety T or F? The Yaw String was the worlds first aircraft instrument and was invented by Wilbur Wright. True !

55 Soaring Safety T or F? Due to the superior performance of a glider, it is always “OK” to follow the tow plane in a descent. False:You are likely to overtake the tow plane.

56 Soaring Safety T or F? The yellow triangle on the ASI represents the manufacturer’s minimum recommended landing speed. True:This usually corresponds to the glider’s maximum L/D in calm air. But that is by happenstance. Landing

57 Soaring Safety T or F? The IP (Initial Point) is a theoretical point in space that is better defined by function than by geography. True:Before the IP RUFSTAL completed Monitor altimeter Should cross at ~ 1,000 feet. Last chance to do a 360 After the IP Monitor variometer Concentrate on landing (airspeed, yaw string, angles and GS)

58 Soaring Safety T or F? While on final approach your nominal descent rate should be about 5 - 6 kts. True:Nominal airspeed ~ 60 kts Nominal glide slope ~ 10:1 Nominal descent rate ~ 6 kts

59 Soaring Safety T or F? During a slip you must allow the nose to drop slightly in order to maintain airspeed. False:Maintain airspeed by maintaining the same pitch attitude. Do not allow the nose to drop.

60 Soaring Safety T or F? Crosswinds don’t matter. Slips can be done in either direction. False:Slips should always be made towards the side from which the wind is blowing.

61 Soaring Safety T or F? If you force a glider into a stall/spin situation, the direction of spin rotation will always be the direction the rudder is pointing regardless of which wing is raised. True:This helps to explain why “Skids” are bad but “Slips” are OK.

62 Soaring Safety T or F? The End

63 2016 Annual Safety Briefing Ed Winchester

64 2016 Safety Briefing








72 The End Thanks for Coming !

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