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Lowe’s Home Improvement Center TLZM 2010-0002 TLSE 2010-0008 TLSE 2012-0006 January 14, 2014 Town Council Public Hearing.

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Presentation on theme: "Lowe’s Home Improvement Center TLZM 2010-0002 TLSE 2010-0008 TLSE 2012-0006 January 14, 2014 Town Council Public Hearing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lowe’s Home Improvement Center TLZM 2010-0002 TLSE 2010-0008 TLSE 2012-0006 January 14, 2014 Town Council Public Hearing

2 Location & Existing Site Conditions

3 Zoning

4 Zoning History ZM-129 & TLSE2006-0008 &0010 Rezoning & Special exception to allow auto sales & a special exception for structured parking TLSE 2006-0012-Parkway Office Expired SE for Structured Parking to support 130,680 of office

5 Concept Plan Elements Eastern Portion Lowe’s Parcel Western Portion Residual Parcel

6 Concept Plan - Lowe’s Rental Vehicle Parking Garden Center Defined Outdoor Sales Areas

7 Lowe’s Building Elevations

8 Cary, North Carolina

9 Residual Parcel Grid of Streets 1a1a 1b1b 2a2a 2b2b

10 Residual Parcel Central Feature

11 Residual Parcel Frontage 40% 65%

12 Residual Parcel Building Height 24’

13 Concept Plan Landscaping

14 Site Design Guidelines Streetscape:Required elements Central Feature:Characteristics Parking:Location & Screening Lighting:Types & Height

15 Architectural Design Guidelines Defined Elements:Form, Massing, Scale, Transitions, Character/interest, Trademark Buildings Facades:Primary & Secondary Materials:Primary & Secondary Entrances:Number & Spacing Decorative Elements:Awnings, Canopies, Overhangs Roof Design:Types, Material, Screening

16 Architectural Design Guidelines Secondary Facades

17 Planning Commission Recommendation On December 19, 2013 the Planning Commission Recommended: Approval of the Rezoning Application Conditional approval of the Special Exception applications

18 Proffers Proffer I.A :Substantial Conformance Proffer I.B : Uses (proffered use restrictions) Proffer I.C:Identifies Eastern/Western Parcels Proffer I.D:Phasing, two tiers to ensure office development is through out the development of the property Proffer II.A:Russell Branch dedication and construction Proffer II.B:Traffic signal installation Proffer II.C:Construction of internal roads and timing Proffer II.D:Offsite Transportation Contribution

19 Proffers Proffer II.E :Access and construction of Public Works access Proffer II.F:Interchange reservation Proffer III.A:Streetscape Proffer III.B:Design Guidelines Proffer III.C:Redevelopment of Eastern Parcel Proffer III.D:Building Heights Proffer III.E:Building size limitations Proffer IV.A:Stormwater management compliance Proffer IV.B:Recycling Proffer IV.C/D: Lighting

20 Proffers Proffer IV.E:Interior Parking Lot Landscaping Proffer IV.F:Perimeter Landscaping Proffer IV.G:Energy saving Design measures Proffer V.A:Fire and Rescue contribution Proffer V.B:Bike Racks

21 Staff Recommendation Rezoning:If the Town Plan Amendment regarding design elements is approved Staff recommends approval Special Exceptions: Staff recommends approval of the special exception use for lumber and/or building material sales with outdoor storage, with two conditions of approval.(substantial conformance/no expressed or implied waivers) Staff recommends approval of the special exception use for vehicle rental, with three conditions of approval. application and conditional approval of the special exception applications.(substantial conformance/4 spaces, and no expressed or implied waivers)

22 End of Presentation …

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