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 Inhabitants of Britain  No writings  Invaded and defeated the Britons  Became part of the Roman Empire  410 A.C. – The Romans left.

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Presentation on theme: " Inhabitants of Britain  No writings  Invaded and defeated the Britons  Became part of the Roman Empire  410 A.C. – The Romans left."— Presentation transcript:


2  Inhabitants of Britain  No writings

3  Invaded and defeated the Britons  Became part of the Roman Empire  410 A.C. – The Romans left

4  Jutes  Angles  Saxons

5  Created a common language  Created Anglo-Saxon England (Angleland)  Reign lasted until 1066 (Norman conquest)

6  Old English or Anglo-Saxon  West German Languages  Dutch

7  England was NOT unified  Could not avoid the Vikings (Norsemen or Danes)

8  Language  Heroic ideal  Shortness of life  Wyrd

9 FFamily Unit – Clan/Tribe – Kingdom DDemocratic

10  Education  Beauty


12  Sung by a Scop  Strong beat  Alliteration  Recycled songs  Accompanied by a harp

13  The Epic  A long narrative poem that tells about the adventures of a national hero.  Epic Hero  The hero on the adventure in an Epic Poem.

14 HHeroic poems CContain a hero EExample - Beowulf EElegiac Poems MMourn the passing of good times EExample – “The Seafarer” RRiddles IIntellectual exercises


16 I’m prized by men, in the meadows I’m found, Gathered on hill-sides, and hunted in groves; From dale and from down, by day I am brought. Airy wings carry me, cunningly store me, Hoarding me safe. Yet soon men take me; Drained into vats, I’m dangerous grown. I tie up my victim, and trip him, and throw him; Often I floor a foolish old churl. Who wrestles with me, and rashly would measure His strength against mine, will straightway find himself Flung to the ground, flat on his back, Unless he leave his folly in time, Put from his senses and power of speech, Robbed of his might, bereft of his mind, Of his hands and feet. Now find me my name, Who can blind and enslave men so upon earth, And bring fools low in broad daylight

17  Venerable Bede  Alfred the Great

18  Personal valor  Shortness of life  Religious with a touch of fatalism  Allegiance to a Lord or King  Open-handed hospitality  Stern and barbarous life  Savage and sentimental

19  Incredibly strong  Courageous  Appreciated beauty  Boastful  Generous  Loyal  Believed in wyrd

20  The hero is a figure of national importance  The action involves a long and dangerous journey  The setting is large in scale  Supernatural beings and events play a role in the action  The style is formal and grand  The action begins with in medias res (“in the middle of things”) rather than at the true beginning of the story  Short descriptive phrases are assigned to individual characters  The poem is sectioned into parts

21  He was concerned with relaying human values and moral choices  He was considered the historian of the people, blending the past and present  He was referred to as a scop, and traveled around entertaining warriors and kings

22 Often a poem that describes an object without naming it.

23  I am the beginning of the end, and the end of time and space. I am essential to creation, and I surround every place. What am I?

24  What always runs but never walks, often murmurs, never talks, has a bed but never sleeps, has a mouth but never eats?

25  The person who makes it, sells it. The person who buys it never uses it and the person who uses it doesn't know they are. What is it?

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