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FASCISM IN ITALY. BELL RINGER What do you look for in a “leader?” Write down any aspects, leadership skills, past accomplishments, characteristics or.

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2 BELL RINGER What do you look for in a “leader?” Write down any aspects, leadership skills, past accomplishments, characteristics or ideas that you can think of that model strong “leadership.”

3 ESSENTIAL QUESTION FOR TODAY What values did Fascism promote and why would people follow them?

4 ITALY AFTER WWI High unemployment Factory strikes/peasants seize land Didn’t get territory promised after WWI  Yugoslavia Weak gov’t - powerless

5 RISE OF BENITO MUSSOLINI Fiery speaker Extreme nationalist Bring order to Italy, end corruption Return to “Roman greatness” “Black shirts” – combat squads Violent – anti-communist

6 RISE OF BENITO MUSSOLINI (CONT.) 1922 - Fascist March on Rome 30,000 march for change King asks Mussolini to form new gov’t “Legally” gains power

7 MUSSOLINI’S ITALY Takes title of “Il Duce” (The Leader) Outlawed other political parties, muzzled press, rigged elections Gov’t controls economy, keeps capitalism Works with business, not take it over Blind obedience – “Believe! Obey! Fight!” Military glorified Fascist Youth Groups

8 FASCISM AND TOTALITARIANISM 1.Single-party dictatorship 2.Gov’t control of economy 3.Secret police/spies 4.Censorship/gov’t control of media 5.Schools used to indoctrinate 6.Blind loyalty to leader

9 BTW What values did fascism promote? Think of two similarities and two differences between fascism and communism. You may use a chart/Venn Diagram to complete this. Review your notes on Russia/Soviet Union if need be.

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