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Evolutionary Patterns, Rates and Trends

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1 Evolutionary Patterns, Rates and Trends
Chapter 22 / 20

2 Natural Selection Results in adaptations of a population to the biotic and abiotic environment Evolution by Natural Selection requires: Variation Inheritance Differential adaptiveness Differential reproduction

3 Speciation Speciation
process by which one species splits into two or more explains the features shared between organisms due to inheritance from their recent common ancestor forms a conceptual bridge between microevolution and macroevolution Microevolution consists of changes in allele frequency in a population over time Macroevolution refers to broad patterns of evolutionary change above the species level 3

4 Speciation & Natural Selection
Natural selection can lead to speciation New biological species evolve Changes in a gene pool allele and genotypic frequencies Speciation can also occur as a result of other micro-evolutionary processes Genetic drift Founder effect Bottleneck effect Mutation

5 The Biological Species Concept
states that a species is a group of populations whose members have the potential to interbreed in nature and produce viable, fertile offspring they do not breed successfully with other populations Gene flow between populations holds the populations together genetically 5

6 (a) Similarity between different species
Figure 22.2a The biological species concept is based on the potential to interbreed rather than on physical similarity (part 1: similarity) (a) Similarity between different species 6

7 (b) Diversity within a species
Figure 22.2b The biological species concept is based on the potential to interbreed rather than on physical similarity (part 2: diversity) (b) Diversity within a species 7

8 Reproductive Isolation
Existence of biological barriers that impede two species from producing viable, fertile offspring Arises as a by-product of genetic change Speciation is the attainment of reproductive isolation Cornerstone of the biological species concept Can be classified by whether barriers act before or after fertilization

9 Pre-Zygotic Isolating Mechanisms
Prezygotic barriers block fertilization from occurring by Impeding different species from attempting to mate Preventing the successful completion of mating Hindering fertilization if mating is successful

10 Pre-Zygotic Isolating Mechanisms
Habitat Isolation Two species encounter each other rarely, or not at all, because they occupy different habitats Temporal Isolation reproduce at different times of the year Mechanical Isolation animal genitalia or plant floral structures are incompatible Behavioral Isolation courtship behaviors

11 Reproductive Isolation
Albatross courtship

12 Pre-Zygotic Isolating Mechanisms
Gamete Isolation sperm of 1 species may not be able to survive in the reproductive tract of another species Polyploidy occurs in plants can’t reproduce with plants that have polyploidy

13 Post Zygotic Isolating Mechanisms
Postzygotic barriers prevent the hybrid zygote from developing into a viable, fertile adult by Reduced hybrid viability / Zygote mortality Genes of the different parent species may interact and impair the hybrid’s development or survival Reduced hybrid fertility Even if hybrids are vigorous, they may be sterile Hybrid breakdown Some first-generation hybrids are fertile when they mate with another species or with either parent species, offspring of the next generation are feeble or sterile

14 Mechanisms of Speciation
Speciation can occur in two ways Allopatric speciation Sympatric speciation 14

15 Allopatric speciation: forms a new species while
Figure 22.5 Two main modes of speciation Allopatric speciation: forms a new species while geographically isolated. (a) (b) Sympatric speciation: a subset forms a new species without geographic separation. 15

16 Allopatric Speciation
Allopatric speciation (other country) gene flow is interrupted when a population is divided into geographically isolated subpopulations the definition of a geographic barrier depends on the ability of a population to disperse a canyon may create a barrier for small rodents, but not birds, coyotes, or pollen 16

17 Allopatric Speciation
Separate populations may evolve independently through mutation, natural selection, and genetic drift Reproductive isolation may arise as a result of genetic divergence For example, mosquitofish in the Bahamas comprise several isolated populations in different ponds 17

18 body shape that enables rapid bursts of speed Under low predation:
Figure 22.6 Reproductive isolation as a by-product of selection Under high predation: body shape that enables rapid bursts of speed Under low predation: body shape that favors long, steady swimming 18

19 Allopatric speciation on an archipelago
Models of Speciation Allopatric speciation on an archipelago

20 Sympatric Speciation Sympatric Speciation (same country)
speciation takes place in populations that live in the same geographic area occurs when gene flow is reduced between groups that remain in contact through factors including Habitat differentiation Sexual selection Polyploidy

21 Polyploidy Polyploidy
presence of extra sets of chromosomes due to accidents during cell division much more common in plants than in animals Autopolyploid an individual with more than two chromosome sets, derived from one species the offspring of matings between autopolyploids and diploids have reduced fertility 21

22 Polyploidy Allopolyploid
a species with multiple sets of chromosomes derived from different species Allopolyploids cannot interbreed with either parent species 22

23 Parapatric Speciation: Hybrid zones
region in which members of different species mate and produce hybrids Hybrids are the result of mating between species with incomplete reproductive barriers Hybrids often have reduced fitness compared with parent species 23

24 B. variegata-specific allele Distance from hybrid zone center (km)
Figure 22.11 Fire-bellied toad range Fire-bellied toad, Bombina bombina Hybrid zone Yellow-bellied toad range 0.99 Hybrid zone 0.9 Figure A narrow hybrid zone for Bombina toads in Europe B. variegata-specific allele Frequency of 0.5 Yellow-bellied toad range Fire-bellied toad range Yellow-bellied toad, Bombina variegata 0.1 0.01 40 30 20 10 10 20 Distance from hybrid zone center (km) 24

25 Parapatric Speciation

26 Hybrid Zones over Time When closely related species meet in a hybrid zone, there are three possible outcomes: Reinforcement occurs when hybrids are less fit than the parent species Natural selection strengthens (reinforces) reproductive barriers, and, over time, the rate of hybridization decreases Where reinforcement occurs, reproductive barriers should be stronger for sympatric than for allopatric species 26

27 Fusion when parent species fuses into a single species may occur if hybrids are as fit as parents, allowing substantial gene flow between species Figure Fusion: the breakdown of reproductive barriers 27

28 hybrids continue to be produced over time
Stability hybrids continue to be produced over time 28

29 Gene flow Population Barrier to gene flow
Figure Formation of a hybrid zone and possible outcomes for hybrids over time (step 1) Population Barrier to gene flow 29

30 Isolated population diverges. Gene flow Population Barrier to
Figure Formation of a hybrid zone and possible outcomes for hybrids over time (step 2) Population Barrier to gene flow 30

31 Isolated population diverges. Hybrid zone Gene flow Population
Figure Formation of a hybrid zone and possible outcomes for hybrids over time (step 3) Population Barrier to gene flow Hybrid individual 31

32 Isolated population diverges. Possible outcomes: Hybrid zone
Reinforcement Fusion Gene flow Figure Formation of a hybrid zone and possible outcomes for hybrids over time (step 4) Population Barrier to gene flow Hybrid individual Stability 32

33 Evolutionary tree diagram
Evolutionary Trees Evolutionary tree diagram

34 Gradual Model Speciation model in which species emerge through many small morphological changes that accumulate over a long time period

35 Punctuated Model Speciation model in which most changes in morphology are compressed into brief period near onset of divergence

36 Phylogeny The scientific study of evolutionary relationships among related species Practical applications Allows predictions about the needs or weaknesses of one species on the basis of its known relationship to another The discipline of systematics classifies organisms and determines their evolutionary relationships

37 TAXONOMY Early taxonomists classified all species as either plants or animals Later, five kingdoms were recognized: Monera (prokaryotes) Protista Fungi Plantae Animalia 37

38 TAXONOMY More recently, the three-domain system has been adopted
Archaea Eubacteria single celled prokaryotes Eukarya dominated by multicellular organisms consists of Fungi, Plants and Animals The three-domain system is supported by data from many sequenced genomes

39 Euglenozoans Forams Diatoms Ciliates Domain Eukarya Red algae
Green algae Land plants Amoebas Fungi Animals Nanoarchaeotes Archaea Domain Methanogens COMMON ANCESTOR OF ALL LIFE Thermophiles Figure The three domains of life Proteobacteria (Mitochondria)* Chlamydias Spirochetes Domain Bacteria Gram-positive bacteria Cyanobacteria (Chloroplasts)* 39

40 Binomial System Devised by Carl von Linneas
Each species has a two-part Latin name First part is generic Second part is specific name 40

41 Higher Taxa Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species 41

42 Figure 20.3 Linnaean classification

43 Cladistics Cladistics classifies organisms by common descent
(a) Monophyletic group (clade) (b) Paraphyletic group (c) Polyphyletic group A A A 1 1 B Group I B B Group III C C C D D D E E Group II E 2 2 F F F G G G Cladistics classifies organisms by common descent A clade is a group of species that includes an ancestral species and all its descendants 43

44 A valid clade is monophyletic, signifying that
it consists of the ancestor species and all its descendants A 1 B Group I C D Figure 20.10a Monophyletic, paraphyletic, and polyphyletic groups (part 1: monophyletic) E F G 44

45 A paraphyletic grouping consists of an ancestral species
and some, but not all, of the descendants A B C D Figure 20.10b Monophyletic, paraphyletic, and polyphyletic groups (part 2: paraphyletic) E Group II 2 F G 45

46 A polyphyletic grouping consists of various taxa with
different ancestors A 1 B Group III C D Figure 20.10c Monophyletic, paraphyletic, and polyphyletic groups (part 3: polyphyletic) E 2 F G 46

47 Shared Ancestral and Shared Derived Characters
In comparison with its ancestor, an organism has both shared and different characteristics A shared ancestral character is a character that originated in an ancestor of the taxon A shared derived character is an evolutionary novelty unique to a particular clade 47

48 Phylogenetic Trees with Proportional Branch Lengths
In some trees, the length of a branch can reflect the number of genetic changes that have taken place in a particular DNA sequence in that lineage Drosophila Lancelet Zebrafish Frog Chicken Human Mouse 48

49 In other trees, branch length can represent chronological time, and branching points can be determined from the fossil record Drosophila Lancelet Zebrafish Frog Figure Branch lengths can indicate time Chicken Human Mouse PALEOZOIC MESOZOIC CENOZOIC 251 65.5 Present 542 Millions of years ago 49

50 Patterns of Change in a Lineage
Cladogenesis Branching pattern Lineage splits, isolated populations diverge Anagenesis No branching Changes occur within single lineage Gene flow throughout process

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