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History 1302 U.S. History 1877 to Present Slide Set 2 Central Texas College Fort Knox Kentucky Bruce A. McKain.

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Presentation on theme: "History 1302 U.S. History 1877 to Present Slide Set 2 Central Texas College Fort Knox Kentucky Bruce A. McKain."— Presentation transcript:

1 History 1302 U.S. History 1877 to Present Slide Set 2 Central Texas College Fort Knox Kentucky Bruce A. McKain

2 Settling The West Movement West Immigrants lured by offers of cheap/free land. Many failures due to: – Over extension on loans – Weather – Nature’s other obstacles – Many homesteads taken over by large land companies Bonanza Farms Typical Homestead

3 Barbed Wire

4 Transcontinental Railroad Tying a Nation Together Central Pacific Union Pacific End Result – Made the interior of the U.S. accessible. – Changed the “Great American Desert” into the “Great Plains” – Lowered cost of products in the cities. The Meeting at Promatory Point Utah

5 The Indian Wars Nez Perce Oregon/Washington Territories Promised land forever. Forced move to new reservation. Killings on both sides = “Indian Uprising” Joseph and his band leads the army on a long chase in an attempt escape to Canada. Chief Joseph

6 In the Southwest Cochise

7 Hostile Apache Chiefs Victorio Naches

8 Hostile Apache Chiefs Geronimo General Oliver Otis Howard

9 Wounded Knee Bigfoot Hotchkiss Gun

10 Wounded Knee End Result

11 The Gilded Age

12 Settlement House Movement Hull House Jane Addams

13 Robber Barons Andrew Carnegie J.P. Morgan

14 Homestead Steel Strike Burning Barges The Strike

15 Robber Barons Cornelius Vanderbilt John D. Rockefeller

16 Robber Barons George Pullman Pullman Strike

17 Philanthropist Andrew Carnegie Cornelius Vanderbilt

18 Philanthropist J.P. Morgan J.D. Rockefeller

19 Steel Homestead Strike Bessemer Converter

20 Immigration At Ellis Island about 1898 Human Cargo

21 Immigration Asian Exclusion Act European Immigration about 1900

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