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James Rusk, Chair, Glasgow Welcomes Advisory Board.

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Presentation on theme: "James Rusk, Chair, Glasgow Welcomes Advisory Board."— Presentation transcript:

1 James Rusk, Chair, Glasgow Welcomes Advisory Board


3 The Aim “ support the delivery of a WORLD CLASS customer service experience across the ENTIRE customer journey for the benefit of the city, its visitors and its businesses.”

4 Our products Delivering Service Excellence; Glasgow Welcomes – Online; Language & Cultural workshops; Supervisory Skills; Leading Service Excellence; Familiarisation Walking Tours; Leadership Masterclasses.

5 Engagement 10,000+ participants; 1900+ at management level; 900+ businesses engaged; 500 + workshops and events; 8200+ engaged with Glasgow Welcomes – Online.

6 Glasgow Welcomes – Online

7 Glasgow – the destination

8 Glasgow Welcomes – Online: business feedback 100% of businesses surveyed noticed a more positive attitude and/or behaviour amongst their staff; 100% of businesses said that staff are more confident and knowledgeable about Glasgow’s tourism product; 90% of businesses said that staff have an increased level of awareness about the importance of their role and their contribution to the bigger picture at company and city level; 100% of businesses said that there had been an impact on staff and/or their business/organisation.

9 Business feedback

10 Thank you for your time and interest. Good luck!

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