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Nuclear Chemistry. Radioactivity  Nuclear Reactions – reactions in which the nuclei of unstable isotopes (radioisotopes) gain stability by undergoing.

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1 Nuclear Chemistry

2 Radioactivity  Nuclear Reactions – reactions in which the nuclei of unstable isotopes (radioisotopes) gain stability by undergoing changes

3 Radioactivity  Henri Becquerel noticed that uranium ore exposed photographic film  Marie & Pierre Curie named the process radioactivity  The particles and rays emitted by a radioactive source are called radiation

4 Radioactivity  Radioactivity disproves Dalton’s theory of indivisible atoms  The stability of a nucleus depends on the relative proportion of neutrons to protons in the nucleus as well as the overall size of the nucleus  An unstable nucleus loses energy by emitting radiation during the process of radioactive decay

5 Types of Radiation  Alpha Radiation – consists of helium nuclei emitted from a radioactive source (alpha particles).  In nuclear equations, an alpha particle is written as

6 Types of Radiation  Beta Radiation – fast moving electrons formed by the decomposition of a neutron in an atom (beta particles)  In nuclear equations, beta particles are written as

7 Types of Radiation  Gamma Radiation – high energy electromagnetic radiation given off by a radioisotope  Often emitted along with alpha or beta radiation by the nuclei of disintegrating radioactive atoms

8 Types of Radiation Property Alpha Rad Beta Rad Gamma Rad Composition Alpha Particle Beta Particle Gamma Ray Symbol Charge2+1-0 Mass41/18370 Shielding Paper, clothing Metal foil Lead, concrete

9 Nuclear Stability and Decay  1500 nuclei are known. Of those, only 264 are stable and do not decay with time  In elements of low atomic number (less than 20), stable nuclei have roughly equal n 0 and p +  In elements of high atomic number, stable nuclei have more n 0 than p +

10 Nuclear Stability and Decay  The stable nuclei on a neutron vs proton plot are located in a region called the band of stability

11 Nuclear Stability and Decay  A nucleus may be unstable for several reasons:  Nucleus has too many neutrons relative to number of protons.  Decay occurs by turning a neutron into a proton and emitting a beta particle (electron) from the nucleus  Result: increase in p + and decrease in n 0

12 Nuclear Stability and Decay  Nucleus has too few neutrons relative to the number of protons.  Increase stability by converting a proton to a neutron by the nucleus capturing an electron

13 Nuclear Stability and Decay  Positron – a particle with the mass of an electron but with a positive charge. It may be emitted as a proton changes to a neutron

14 Nuclear Stability and Decay  All nuclei with atomic number 83 and higher are radioactive because they have too many n 0 and p + to be stable  Most emit alpha particles

15 Half-Life  Every radioisotope has a characteristic rate of decay measured by its half-life  Half-life – time required for one-half of the nuclei of a radioactive sample to decay to products

16 Transmutation Reactions  Transmutation – conversion of an atom of one element to an atom of another element.  Radioactive decay  Bombarding the nucleus with high-energy particles (p +, n 0, or α)

17 Transmutation Reactions  The elements with atomic numbers greater than 92 are called the transuranium elements  None occur in nature, and all are radioactive  Synthesized in nuclear reactors

18 Nuclear Fission  When the nuclei of certain isotopes are bombarded with neutrons, they undergo fission, the splitting of a nucleus into smaller fragments  Fission reactions generate additional neutrons, which lead to a chain reaction

19 Nuclear Fusion  Fusion occurs when nuclei combine to produce a nucleus of greater mass  Requires very high temperatures to start the reaction.  At these temperatures, matter exists as plasma, a high-energy state in which ions exist in a gaslike form

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