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Cool Magnets By: Makayla.

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Presentation on theme: "Cool Magnets By: Makayla."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cool Magnets By: Makayla

2 A magnet is a metal object that has an invisible field that attracts and repels some kinds of metal. The force is called magnetism.

3 Bar magnets are more magnetic at the ends.
The ends are called poles.

4 The Poles There are two types of poles. They are the North and South poles. When the poles of two bar magnets are put together, they will either attract or repel. When they’re on the same side, like South and South or North and North they will repel. And if they are on the opposite they will attract. When they are in a force field, they are kind of hard to break apart.

5 Magnets attract things that have a lot of iron in them
Magnets attract things that have a lot of iron in them. They attract some metal objects such as: Other magnets Paper clips Steel Nails Screws They won’t attract things such as: Aluminum foil Nickels Pennies Dimes These are different types of metal, that don’t contain iron.

6 Magnets are fun. They make learning fun, too.
I like to do cool things like take a paper or plastic fish and put a metal object on it and see if a magnet will get or find the object. It is like fishing.

7 And these are the things that it did not pick up…
A button, a piece of bark, a nickel, a toothpick, and a glass bead. There are a lot of activities to do with magnets. I played a magnet game called Magnet Treasure Hunt. This is how I played it. First, I took things to see if magnet would attract them. Then, I took a bowl of sand. Next, I put the objects in the sand. Last, I started to play. The magnet picked up… a screw and a needle.

8 You can make your own magnets, and here are the steps:
Step 1: Take a piece of steel with mostly iron, like a needle. Step 2: Take a magnet. Step 3: Rub the steel piece on the magnet. Voila! Now you have your very own magnet.

9 Credits "Magnet." World Book Kids. World Book, 2015. Web. 5 Feb. 2015.
“ What is Magnetism – Magnetism for Kids. What Is Encyclopedia. magnetism.html. Feb. 24, 2015. Tiansheng Plastics. February 25, Magnets and coins vector My cute graphics. March 4, 2015. Bar Magnets for Kids. March 4, 2015 Pictures of Makayla taken by Mrs. C. McAleer

10 The End

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