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Map of the world. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Do the digits 1 have the same value? Think again.

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Presentation on theme: "Map of the world. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Do the digits 1 have the same value? Think again."— Presentation transcript:

1 Map of the world

2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Do the digits 1 have the same value? Think again.

3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Is 1 US dollar the same with 1 Euro dollar?

4 11111 is a number, has digits with values and place values

5 Digits – 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

6 11111 Where is the first digit? Where is the second digit? Where is the third digit? Where is the fourth digit? Where is the fifth digit?

7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 If we put the digits 1 in the place value chart, do you think the digits 1 will have the same value like putting them on the map of the world?

8 OnesTensHundredsThousandsTen Thousands 111 1 1 Place Value Chart 10,0001,000100101 Eleven thousand one hundred eleven 1 ten thousand1 thousand1 hundred1 ten1 one

9 We can use this square to represent a number.

10 111100 3 ones2 tens1 hundred How many “hundreds” are there? How many “tens” are there? 10 How many “ones” are there? What is the number of the squares? 123

11 The number 123 has three digits. What are these digits?1,2,3 Each digit in a number has a value. In the number 123, the value of each digit is: 1 is 1 hundred or 100. 2 is 2 tens or 20. 3 is 3 ones or 3

12 1001011111100 5 ones3 tens2 hundreds How many “hundreds” are there? How many “tens” are there? 10 How many “ones” are there? What is the number of the squares? 235

13 The number 235 has three digits. What are these digits?2,3,5 Each digit in a number has a value. In the number 235, the value of each digit is: 2 is 2 hundreds or 200. 3 is 3 tens or 30. 5 is 5 ones or 5

14 100 1 hundred How many “hundreds” are there? To make 1 thousand, how many do you need of this group of squares? 10

15 100 2 hundreds 100 To make how many squares do you need?

16 OnesTensHundredsThousandsTen Thousands 210 3 2 Place Value Chart 1,000 10,000 1 10 1 Twenty-one thousand thirty-two 2 ten thousands1 thousand3 tens2 ones How many “ten thousands” are there? How many “thousands” are there? How many “tens” are there? How many “ones” are there?

17 1,000 10,000 10 110,000 10 110,000 1,000 100 10 1 30 0002 000100403 Get the value of the following group of circles.

18 = 32 143 30 000+2000+100+40+3 Expanded form OnesTensHundredsThousandsTen Thousands 32143 Place Value Chart

19 1,000 10,000 10 1 10,000 10 110,000 1,000 100 10 1 OnesTensHundredsThousandsTen Thousands 32143 Place Value Chart 3 ten thousands2 thousands4 tens3 ones 1 hundred

20 OnesTensHundredsThousandsTen Thousands Place Value Chart 32143 Where is the first digit? Where is the second digit? Where is the third digit?

21 OnesTensHundredsThousandsTen Thousands Place Value Chart Hundred Thousands 31 4 392 What digit is in the Thousands place? What digit is in the Hundreds place? What digit is in the Hundred Thousands place? Nine hundred thirty-two thousand one hundred forty-three What is the value of digit 9? 900 000

22 Use words for place value. Use numbers for value and for stand for.

23 106 400 = 100 000 + 6 000 + 400 What is the value of digit 6?6 000 What is the value of digit 1? 100 000 What does the digit 1 stand for? Expanded form 100 000

24 324 816 = 300 000 + 20 000 + 4 000 + 800 + 10 + 6 What is the value of digit 6? What is the value of digit 1? What is the value of digit 2? 6 10 20 000 What does the digit 2 stand for?20 000

25 106 400= 100 000 + ? + 400 What is the missing number?6 000

26 324 816= 300 000 + 20 000 + 4 000 + 800 + ? + 6 What is the missing number? 10

27 OnesTensHundredsThousandsTen Thousands Hundred Thousands In number 324 816, 32 4 816 What is the place value of digit 6? 324 816 = 300 000 + 20 000 + 4 000 + 800 + 10 + 6 What is the value of digit 8? 800 Ones The digit 2 is in the ____________ place and its value is___________ Ten Thousands 20 000 Expanded form

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