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Farshid Feyzi. Outline What we have learned and our present focus Small sample of projects Brief history of where we started and where we are now How.

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Presentation on theme: "Farshid Feyzi. Outline What we have learned and our present focus Small sample of projects Brief history of where we started and where we are now How."— Presentation transcript:

1 Farshid Feyzi

2 Outline What we have learned and our present focus Small sample of projects Brief history of where we started and where we are now How can we help in detector R&D

3 What is PSL? We are an engineering and construction organization within UW-Madison We specialize in unique requirements for the research community PSL has helped UW-Madison take on larger projects than are typical for a single department

4 Specialize in Basics Sounds contradictory, but it is essential to what we do Most of our projects are one of a kind and we need to go to basics We actively hire and retain engineers who can work well in this environment

5 Mobilize Quickly Projects are getting more and more time critical Must stay flexible and mobilize quickly to meet schedule and technical challenges Work off-site is routine, must be effective everywhere

6 DayaBay K. Heeger Design, construction and assembly of ADs and filling system UW, BNL, LBNL, CalTech, IHEP

7 Cost and Technical Success Cost is the most important thing in this business, but technical success is even more important! Keep costs low and overhead to a minimum Maintain highest level of technical proficiency

8 USA Japan Serbia China Russia, Pakistan, Korea Full design, construction and assembly of endcaps

9 Technical Documentation Insist on real engineering drawings, avoid “We will draw it after it works”. CAD models are the beginning not the end Don’t make the process too cumbersome and stay flexible Avoid extra paper work: Don’t require an ECN to start!

10 DM Ice Feasibility R. Maruyama We only have 2010 left Mobilize quickly, design and build with minimum formality Use experience from IceCube DOMs to design DMIce modules

11 Brief Overview PSL is a self-supporting unit within the Graduate School of UW-Madison It is dedicated to design and building research equipment of all kinds PSL also works with other universities and national labs on federally funded projects Work on non-federally funded projects is also done, but at a higher rate About 30 scientific, engineering and technical staff 2900 m 2 shop with high bay CNC and manual machines, electronics shop, large array of test and measurement equipment Experienced and local purchasing staff and project accounting

12 A Very Brief History Midwestern Universities Research Association (MURA) formed in 1954 to focus research in accelerator design and technology Moved from a garage downtown to present location near Stoughton in 1963 A proposal for a proton machine was developed and submitted in 1964 Many of MURA scientists moved to Fermilab or other labs MURA was disbanded and facilities turned over to UW-Madison Physical Sciences Laboratory formed in July 1967 Scientific focus switched to electron storage ring and synchrotron radiation while engineering focused on diversified projects Aladdin storage ring was built and became the Synchrotron Radiation Center in 1983 Plasma physics research has continued PSL focus changed to an engineering lab for physics projects of ever- increasing size Focus on small projects and other fields is also maintained

13 LBNE Water Cherenkov Detector Partners: BNL, FNAL, DUSEL, Duke, RPI, CSU

14 Stay Diversified Prototype Company Concept

15 Clients shape our mission “The advantage of using PSL is that we can specify exactly what we need our equipment to do,” adds doctoral student Ron Breitmeyer. “So we’re able to design the equipment around our experiments, instead of having to design experiments around the available equipment.” “IceCube is the largest project ever undertaken by a single university. UW-Madison simply could not have done this without PSL.” –Francis Halzen, Principal Investigator, IceCube Project “I always give credit to the PSL engineers for our design.” – Prof. Rock Mackie, Co-Founder of Tomotherapy

16 How can we help? Mobilize quickly--we are able to add staff as needed Focus on what we do best, i.e. engineering that is not typically available at university departments. Build exactly what is needed, e.g. special electronics, vacuum chamber, magnet, etc.) We can work with all universities and national labs We work on a project basis and provide full cost accounting information No project is too large, too small, or too unusual

17 Conclusions There are many models possible for universities, PSL’s model has been a work in progress and has been adaptable. It has served the needs of UW-Madison and other collaborating institutions and will strive to do so by staying adaptable. Engineering in support of science is, in itself, a specialty that needs to be maintained. Cost containment and schedule are critical with projects of any size. Focus on technical progress at all time to ensure cost and schedule success.

18 Thank you We appreciate being included in this conference and give a perspective of where PSL fits in. This workshop has been a great learning experience and we look forward to working with you in the future.

19 Additional Pictures

20 Stoughton Lake Kegonsa Located in the town of Dunn between McFarland and Stoughton PSL SRC

21 PSL High Bay

22 IceCube and CARA (Center for Astrophysical Research in Antarctica) projects

23 Main Hose Reel Assembly

24 Inside RWS MDS

25 EHWD Test Site

26 Hot point drill to go through top snow layers Navigation module of main drill to go down to 2500 m

27 Full 3-D CAD model of Digital Optical Module

28 About 4000 modules have to be built and tested at -40C

29 IceCube Module Production Lab

30 Assembly of hose reel at the South Pole

31 Drilling for seismic studies in Antarctica

32 Wisconsin Hydrogen Alpha Mapper (WHAM) siderostat during construction at PSL


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