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Presentation on theme: "1.02: INTERPRET ROADBLOCKS TO PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT Roadblocks."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is a Roadblock?? a barrier or obstacle that is in your way

3 Physical Roadblocks Health Issues Substance Abuse Addictions

4 Health Issues Who is ultimately responsible for YOUR health? To do the best possible job you need to be informed about good health practices and some of the dangers that may confront you Making wise decisions is a critical part of being an adult or maturing

5 Drugs Drugs pose a risk to anyone Drugs that are frequently abused: tobacco, alcohol, inhalants, stimulants, marijuana and steroids Tobacco: contain harmful things for your body as well as can cause severe damage to your body  Nicotine cravings: cigarettes, cigars, pipes, chewing tobacco all contain nicotine which is an addictive drug!  Most tobacco users crave greater amounts of nicotine than what the product they are using contains  Health problems: studies prove that tobacco causes cancer and is related to various other health problems such as emphysema, heart disease, and high blood presure

6  Stress: some people claim that smoking calms their nerves. In reality smoking releases a substance that creates physical stress rather than relaxation  Secondhand smoke: the smoke that is given off by a burning cigarette is secondhand smoke. Secondhand smoke is a danger to your health.

7 Alcohol Why is it against the law for someone under the age of 21 to drink?? As a teen you can become addicted quicker to alcohol than adults because your body is still developing Alcohol consumptions interferes with your natural growth and development Excessive use can cause serious damage to your body organs Alcohol is a DEPRESSANT that reaches the brain in a matter of MINUTES

8 Over time drinking can kill brain cells, which can not be replaced, or repaired As a result the brain will begin to not be able to function properly Body movements, speech, vision, and good judgment are dramatically altered.

9 Inhalants Inhalants are substances that have dangerous FUMES that are sniffed to produce a mind-altering high More than a thousand household and commercial products can be abused by sniffing, or huffing.  Glue  Hair spray  Nail polish  Spray paint

10 Illegal Drugs It is illegal to buy, sell, or possess these drugs If a person is found guilty of illegal drugs they can be suspended from school, sent to jail or placed under court supervision Taking illegal drugs gives an intense sensation or rush which can only last a short time To maintain the rush you need more drugs more often Stimulants: increase a person’s heart rate, speed up the central nervous system, increase breathing, and raise blood pressure. Illegal stimulants include: cocaine, crack cocaine, meth and estacy

11 Depressants: reduces blood pressure and slow heart and breathing rates They result in a loss of coordination, poor attention span, mood changes and extreme anxiety Marijuana: is a drug made from the hemp plant There are numerous street names for marijuana: pot, weed, grass Marijuana is absorbed into the blood stream rapidly  short term effects: loss of motivation, memory loss, learning difficulties  Long term effects: can lead to serious health problems such as Cancer

12 Hallucinogens: are street drugs that distort the users thoughts, moods, and senses  PCP and LSD are hallucinogens  Hallucinogens change the way tour brain functions and affect your self control  People under the influence of hallucinogens may think they are hearing voices, seeing images, or feeling sensations that don’t exit  Can cause heart and lung failure and induce a coma 

13 Anabolic Steroids: are manufactured substances that alter the body’s characteristics.  Anabolic refers to muscle building and steroids are simply a class of drug

14 Prescription over the counter drugs: those sold without a prescription and are beneficial to treating many health problems.  Stay away from other medications: do not use a prescription that is prescribed to someone else  Follow directions: take only the amount prescribed  Don’t mix drugs with alcohol: drugs should never be mixed with any alcohol  Obtain doctors approval for supplements: diet pills and herbal supplements can also be dangerous to your health. Do not use these products unless talking to a doctor first

15 STD’s Sexually transmitted diseases: are diseases that are passed from one person to another through sexual contact  Chlamydia  Gonorrhea  Syphilis  Herpes  Dangerous and can even be fatal  Symptoms and complications range from feelings of discomfort to permanent physical and mental damage  Symptoms are not always obvious  No vaccines or treatments exist to prevent these  The way you avoid contact with STD’s is practicing abstinence  Abstinence is not engaging in any sexual activities

16 AID’s & HIV AID is Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome: is a life threating disease that interferes with the body's natural ability to fight infection  HIV is spread from one person to another by the exchange of body fluids during sexual activity  It can also be transmitted by using unclean needles to inject illegal drugs  HIV carries may not display any signs or symptoms of the disease  You can not identify by looking at someone who has this disease  For your own protection is it wise to avoid risky behavior that can spread the disease

17 Pregnancy Teen pregnancy can create harmful health risks for both young mothers and their children. Teen girl’s body is still developing and may not be able to support and nourish an unborn child Many pregnant teens also do not receive any prenatal care The children to teen mothers are often born with low birth weights Creates emotional and financial problems for the teen mother For teens the demands for parenting are overwhelming

18 Avoiding Health Risk Try to develop friends who share your interest and values and who will not peer pressure you Try to focus on positive behaviors Say NO to drugs

19 Mental/Emotional Abuse Dependency issues Depression Eating Disorders Suicide prevention

20 Suicide Every teen experiences a certain amount of stress, disappointment and confusion Sometimes these feelings can be overwhelming, causing some of us to consider suicide People who are considering suicide need your help Know the warning signs: if someone is under stress, depressed What can you do if you feel someone maybe thinking about suicide?

21 Constant mood swings Giving possessions away Talking about death Always remember it’s the person decision and you are not responsibly if for some reason you are unable to try and talk them out of suicide There is nothing you could do, and you should not feel guilty



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