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I’m studying English next summer I’ll be a pop star I’m going to visit Oxford.

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Presentation on theme: "I’m studying English next summer I’ll be a pop star I’m going to visit Oxford."— Presentation transcript:

1 I’m studying English next summer I’ll be a pop star I’m going to visit Oxford

2 Present progressive I’m seeing a play at the theatre next Thursday Azione futura programmata, certa. What time are you going to the dentist? Avverbi di tempo comunemente associati al present progressive con significato futuro: Next year, next Monday, this weekend, tonight, soon, tomorrow.

3 Will /won’t What a nice day! I’ll go out right now. The tube is on strike! I’ll take a taxi. Per esprimere: Decisione presa nel momento in cui parlo; Una promessa:Will you forget my party?No, I won’t miss your party. Una predizione futura, spesso introdotta dal verbo think: I think you’ll pass the driving test

4 MAKE HYPOTHESIS If I go ……………….I’ll……………. L’ipotetica di I grado indica un’ipotesi probabile, basata su dati reali: If I go to University, I’ll have more opportunities to find a job. If he doesn’t study hard, he won’t pass the examination. (subordinata)If + pres simple…… (principale) WILL/WON’T + Verbo base form

5 To be going to+forma base It’s 9.00.The train leaves at 9.15 and I am stuck in a traffic jam. I’m going to miss the train. Per esprimere un futuro certo, inevitabile (se il cielo è nero sono sicuro che sta per piovere: It is going to rain) Per esprimere la forte volontà di compiere un’azione futura: I’m going to buy a new car (farò di tutto per comprarmi l’auto nuova).

6 To be going to - vs. present progressive Spesso il present progressive e il to be going to (futuro intenzionale) possono essere usati indifferentemente, ma: 1.Il present progressive indica un progetto definito, un piano stabilito: I’m going to London tomorrow. 2.Il to be going to sottolinea più la volontà di compiere quell’azione (I’m going to phone him) o l’imminente accadere di un evento (the film is going to start)

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