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HOW TO IDENTIFY MINERALS What makes minerals different from each other? All minerals have certain traits or properties that make them different from each.

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Presentation on theme: "HOW TO IDENTIFY MINERALS What makes minerals different from each other? All minerals have certain traits or properties that make them different from each."— Presentation transcript:

1 HOW TO IDENTIFY MINERALS What makes minerals different from each other? All minerals have certain traits or properties that make them different from each other…remember minerals are made from elements. There are 6 tests you perform on a mineral to identify it:

2 1.COLOR: is the easiest test to perform but it is the least reliable clue. One mineral can be several different colors. Minerals can change colors due to weathering. These are all specimens of calcite Which of these samples is calcite and which sample is halite?

3 2. LUSTER: is the way a mineral reflects light or how it shines Metallic luster… if a mineral shines like the chrome trim on cars or like reynolds wrap, it has metallic luster (examples are galena, pyrite and magnetite) GalenaMagnetitePyrite

4 Nometallic luster..if a mineral does not shine, then it is nonmetallic (examples are quartz, gypsum, talc). Nonmetallic lusters are described as dull, earthly, pearly, silky, waxy, or greasy Talc Garnet “greasy” “earthy”

5 Quartz “glassy”

6 3. BREAKAGE: is the way a mineral breaks. This is determined by the way those atoms are aligned or connected. Cleavage - when atoms of a mineral are arranged in certain patterns that allow it to break smoothly, or with flat sides, it has cleavage (example is mica ) CalciteMica


8 Fracture - when a mineral breaks along jagged edges or sharp pointed edges (example is quartz ) Fracture

9 4. HARDNESS: this is how easy or hard a mineral can be scratched. Hardness is also determined by the internal arrangement of the atoms within the mineral. Common objects used to determine hardness are you fingernail, a glass plate, a penny, a nail and a steel file. Friedrich Mohs (German) developed a scale called Moh’s Hardness Scale. Minerals are listed from softest, which is talc, to hardest being diamond

10 If a mineral CAN be scratched, then it is softer than the object you used to scratch it If a mineral CANNOT be scratched, then it is harder than the object you used to scratch it

11 5. STREAK: the color of a mineral in its powdered form The mineral can be rubbed across an unglazed porcelain plate called a streak plate. This usually leaves behind a powdered color called the streak. Hematite Pyrite

12 6. SPECIFIC GRAVITY: Specific gravity measures the density of a material. Use a graduated cylinder filled with a pre-measured amount of water Drop the mineral in and see how much the water level changes ****This is the best test to use to identify a mineral*** Water Displacement

13 SOME MINERALS DISPLAY SPECIAL PROPERTIES SUCH AS: Magnetic----- Magnetite Double refraction----- Calcite Fizzes with acid----- Calcite Fluorescence (glows under a black light)-Fluorite Taste----- Halite (salty)

14 1. Mineral properties such as _________________________ depend on the internal arrangement of atoms within that mineral. 2. _______ is not a good way to identify a mineral because some minerals like quartz come in many different colors. 3. _______ is the powered form of a mineral, and is found by using a streak plate 4. Minerals that break regularly along flat sides show ___________. 5. _________ is a mineral that bubbles with acid. 6. Moh’s Scale is used to measure a minerals ____________. 7. _________ is used in making glass. AMAZING EARTH SCIENCE FACTS hardness and cleavage Color Streak cleavage Calcite hardness Quartz

15 Magnetite takes a job at an office supply store.

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