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Quick Write 1 Write down two things you know about immigration in America.

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2 Quick Write 1 Write down two things you know about immigration in America

3 Immigration Quote "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest- tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" Emma Lazarus, Statue of Liberty to US in 1886

4 Statue of Liberty 1880-1920: 25 mill ppl immigrate to US


6 Am. industries sent recruiters to tell ppl how great Am was

7 III. Industrialization A. Immigration 1. They Fled famine, disease and religious and political persecution Before 1890 most immigrants were Protestants from N & W Europe 2. After 1890 80% from E & S Europe 3. later immigrants more likely to be poor and illiterate

8 1887: Am. Protective Association established, against: immigrants Catholics and Jews More prominent in bad economic times, promoted immigration restrictions, teaching of “Am language” in schools. Protestants feared Catholics would take over US

9 a. Promoted by labor unions (less ppl in the workforce would raise wages) b. Nativists feared immigrants would undermine Am political & economic system & challenge Protestant domination 4. Restriction of immigrants

10 c.1872: Chinese Exclusion Act 1. supported by unions 2. stopped Chinese immigration to US 3. Showed Am. Hostility toward immigrants

11 Railroads recruited Chinese (hardworking, reliable, didn’t strike) & accepted lower wages which angered whites




15 Chinese immigrants

16 These immigrants were recruited by railroads, worked for low wages and were known to be hardworking Chinese

17 Before 1890, most immigrants came from these two areas of Europe North and West

18 The goal of this law was to decrease Chinese immigration Chinese Exclusion Act

19 These groups wanted to restrict immigration in order to reduce the number of workers and raise wages Labor unions

20 Quick Write 2 Write down three ways immigrants “assimilate” or become more “American?”

21 B. Assimilation of immigrants 1. Immigrants settled in cities because that’s where the jobs were 2. Americanization: ppl sought to assimilate ethnic immigrant groups into Am culture

22 3. Social Gospel movement a. preached salvation through service to the poor b. religion should emphasize reconstructing society

23 4. Settlement houses 1. provided education and social services for poor ppl 2. founded by social reformers 3. helped immigrants assimilate into Am culture

24 The goal of this was to assimilate ppl of various cultures into the dominant culture Americanization movement

25 Like the Great Awakening in the 18 th century, this movement was concerned with improving society Social Gospel movement

26 Founded by social reformers, provided education and social services to poor Settlement houses

27 This movement believed that organized religion should put more emphasis on reconstructing American society Social Gospel movement

28 Most immigrants settled in cities because that’s where they found these Jobs

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