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Welcome back for day 2! On a clean sheet of paper, put today’s date and respond to the following: Make a list of everything you know about the Holocaust.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome back for day 2! On a clean sheet of paper, put today’s date and respond to the following: Make a list of everything you know about the Holocaust."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome back for day 2! On a clean sheet of paper, put today’s date and respond to the following: Make a list of everything you know about the Holocaust. From where did you obtain this information?

2 Vocabulary I know, I know. You hate vocabulary! You think it is boring or what is the purpose of learning vocabulary.

3 Vocabulary: No way around it. Learn it, love it, and use your new words everyday! For each vocabulary word I give you, use this model to help you define and internalize it. The Frayer Model Word Definition Visual Representation (Picture) Synonyms Different variations of the word

4 Vocabulary Words: Your first quiz is Friday!!!  AsperityImbueUnremitting  BaneInstigate  BuffoonPenchant  DolefulRambunctious  ExtrovertRepertoire  GarishRudiment  HierarchyUndermine Wordly Wise\Voc. 1 Clown College.pptx

5 Mini-Lesson: Singular and Plural Nouns Just a brief review

6 Work Time  Open your books to page 952-958  Create a two column chart. On the left side, tell us what you know about the sub-headings. On right the side, what you learned from the reading.

7 Closing  Summarize three important tidbits of information you learned from the time period during our time together.  I will call on three students (randomly) for them to record their findings.

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