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SEMESTER 1 Foundational Church Ministries Certificate Program.

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Presentation on theme: "SEMESTER 1 Foundational Church Ministries Certificate Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 SEMESTER 1 Foundational Church Ministries Certificate Program

2 Week #3 Human Development

3 Semester Calendar Week 1Week 2Week 3 September 26October 3October 10 Becoming A DiscipleIntimacy With GodHuman Development Week 4Week 5Week 6 October 17October 24October 31 Biblical FoundationBiblical FoundationDoctrines Week 7Week 8Week 9 November 7November 14November 21 DoctrinesFoundationalChurch Ministries

4 Quiz #2 Name three things which Prayer DOES NOT do Explain why in each case (10 mins.)

5 Due Today: Homework #2 Describe a New Testament “Christian” who was not originally a disciple.

6 Ministry for ALL Stages of Life

7 Overview Examine basic human development from a Christian perspective. Explore the truths of God as evidenced through physical, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual characteristics. Today’s Reading: Understanding People, pgs. 7-14

8 Human Development … Understanding Peop le Have you ever stopped at a high mountain overlook to view the road or valley below? It puts you in an advantageous place to understand both the problems and successes you and others experience in reaching that pinnacle. Understanding People places you in a position to view human development in such a way that you more readily understand the progress of people as they journey on the highway of life. Grasping its content will help you better relate to people in ministry as well as in your own family; to view people in terms of their physical, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual characteristics contributes valuable insight for sharing the truths of God…

9 Prepare for the Journey

10 Periods of Development  Prenatal (Birth)  Infancy (Birth – 2 years)  Toddlers (2 – 3 years)  Preschool (4 – 5 years)  Early Childhood (6 - 8 years)  Pre-Teen (9 – 11 years)  Early Adolescence (12 – 13 years)  Middle Adolescence (14 – 17 years)  Later Adolescence (18 – 21 years)  Early Adult (22 – 40 years)  Middle Adult (41 – 65 years)  Senior Adult (65+ years)


12 Periods of Development  Nature vs. Nurture Which is more influential in the growth and development of persons, their hereditary blueprint (genetic makeup) or their environmental circumstances? Which is primary and which is secondary?

13 Periods of Development  Continuity vs. Discontinuity Does a person’s development increase in incremental steps or big jumps of growth?

14 Periods of Development  Descriptive vs. Prescriptive  Are the influences of early life a barrier to growth?  Are the influences of early life an indicator of what a person will become?

15 Prep for Week #4 (There will be no in-class session on 10/17/14) 1.Advance Reading: Old Testament Survey, pgs. 7-19 2.Study for Exam #1 (Class # 5, 10/24/14) 3.Report #1 due (Class #5, 10/24/14) Choose a stage, explain its application… “inter-connectivity”

16 Report #1 Sample Rahab’s life … Prayer (Joshua 2:8-14) Does that sound like a prayer to you? At first look, it might not. But consider this. There are many forms of prayer, including the 7 Components of Prayer: Worship, Confession, Adoration, Praise, Thanksgiving, Intercession and Requests. Clearly, Rahab asked for something. But she didn't ask God. She asked the two nameless spies. That was supplicatatory prayer (intercession), between fellow humans. The heart of Rahab's speech, as recorded here, is that she used Adoration: "Yahweh your God, he is God in heaven above, and on earth beneath.“ Was this a part of Rahab’s nature or nurture? Must include components of inter-connectivity:


18 Nature vs. NurtureContinuity vs. Incontinuity Descriptive vs. Prescriptive Formation Prayer LifeRahab was a Canaanite-Big step/immediately helped the spies -Small steps/already starting to believe in the God of the Israelites Describe who she was – a woman accustomed to receiving strange men. Prescriptive – in the lineage of Jesus! Fasting Lying Cheating Report #1 Sample Must include components of inter-connectivity:

19 Report #1 Sample Rahab Nature vs. Nurture Prostitute vs. Provider Descriptive vs. Predictive Formation Sneak vs. Jesus Continuity vs. Incontinuity Tentative Believer vs. Step of Faith Visual representation of connections made


21 PTMBI We are more than conquerers!

22 Development is a normal process of life. It is God-given in that it is a similar process for all Believers. Yet, it is incredibly special because it is a unique process for every person. Can a person’s natural processes be interrupted or re-focused? Is their present determined by their past? Is their future determined by their present?

23 Week #4 10/17/14 No class session

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