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INDUSTRIAL ISD 2016 Capital Improvements Program.

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Presentation on theme: "INDUSTRIAL ISD 2016 Capital Improvements Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 INDUSTRIAL ISD 2016 Capital Improvements Program

2 2015/2016 Community Facilities Planning Team School District Representatives ▪ Tony Williams, Superintendent ▪ Jessica Hunt, Business Manager ▪ Shelley Dominguez, Curriculum Director ▪ Billy Barr, Maintenance Director ▪ Nathan Sappington, Technology Director ▪ Jim Green, HS Principal ▪ Amber Stansberry, HS Assistant Principal ▪ Caleb McCain, JH Principal ▪ Kim Schaefer, IEE Principal ▪ Cynthia Adams, IEW Principal School Board Representative ▪ Delano Kinsfather ▪ Sara Perry Campus Representatives ▪ Kensey Allen, Athletic Director ▪ Houston Cummings, Band Director ▪ Kathy Hunt, HS Teacher ▪ Brandi Davis, JH Teacher ▪ Brandy Bowers, IEE Teacher ▪ Rhonda Keith, IEW Teacher ▪ Kristi Koop, District Librarian Community Representatives ▪ Dan Martino, Inteplast, Parent ▪ Michelle Smith, Parent ▪ Clay Kolle, Parent ▪ Brandon Crowe, Parent

3 2015/2016 District Education Improvement Committee School District Representatives ▪ Tony Williams, Superintendent ▪ Jessica Hunt, Business Manager ▪ Shelley Dominguez, Curriculum Director ▪ Billy Barr, Maintenance Director ▪ Nathan Sappington, Technology Director ▪ Jim Green, HS Principal ▪ Amber Stansberry, HS Assistant Principal ▪ Caleb McCain, JH Principal ▪ Kim Schaefer, IEE Principal ▪ Cynthia Adams, IEW Principal Community Representatives ▪ Michael Maraggia ▪ Donna Jones ▪ Dorney Gonzales ▪ Shad Estes Campus Representatives ▪ Kensey Allen, Athletic Director ▪ Houston Cummings, Band Director ▪ Meredith Holub, HS Ag Teacher ▪ Christi Opiela, HS CTE Teacher ▪ Cara Dunbar, JH Teacher ▪ Brandi Davis, JH Teacher ▪ LaFawn Snedecor, IEW Teacher ▪ Monica Zacek, IEW Teacher ▪ Shelly Riddle, IEE Teacher ▪ Heather Creamer, IEE Teacher ▪ Kristi Koop, District Librarian ▪ Kathy Kuchler, Nurse ▪ Melody Vickery, HS Counselor ▪ Pam Mader, JH Counselor ▪ Anne McCain, Elementary Counselor

4 The issuance of $25,000,000 of bonds by Industrial Independent School District for the purpose of financing the acquisition, construction and equipment of school buildings, and levying the tax in payment thereof. Proposition on the Ballot

5 Industrial Elementary West Additional Classrooms Industrial Elementary West Entryway & Office Area Industrial Elementary East Additional Classrooms Junior High Practice Gym Football Stadium Seating on Home Side & Press Box Concession & Restroom Facilities at Football Stadium Auditorium Foyer & Gallery What Are the Planned Improvements? New Facilities

6 Auditorium & Drama Classroom Remodel Repurpose Existing Areas for Career & Tech Classrooms High School Band Hall Renovation Renovation of Visitor Side Football Stadium Seating Field House Renovation Bus Barn & Maintenance Building Renovation Baseball Press Box Remodel High School Gym Dressing Rooms Renovation What Are the Planned Improvements? Renovated Facilities

7 Fence Replacements District Wide Roof Replacements District Wide Band Instruments High School Parking Lot Lighting High School Gym Floors Batting Cages (Baseball & Softball) What Are the Planned Improvements? Other Projects

8 NO Under current school funding, IISD will send approximately $173,000 of its local funds to the State. All local debt service tax collections (Bond) will stay in Industrial ISD Capital Improvements Program (Bond Election) will not be sent to the State Will Any of the Tax Collected for the Capital Improvements Program be Sent Back to the State?

9 How Much $ Does the State Recapture From Industrial ISD Taxpayers? School Year Tax Base Recapture 2015-16 $7,894,145 $173,000 (Projected) 2014-15$8,188,973$147,852 2013-14$7,545,829$120,913

10 The District will be authorized to issue up to $25 million in bonds as authorized by the 2016 election. The debt service tax rate is expected to increase in increments, based on the amount of bonds sold. For example : – Series 2016, $10 million bond sale, I & S tax rate would be approximately $0.1351 (an increase of $0.0531) – Series 2017, $10 million bond sale, I & S tax rate would be approximately $0.2734 (an increase of $0.1383 from 2016) – Series 2018, $5 million bond sale, I & S tax rate would be approximately $0.3474 (an increase of $0.0740 from 2017). – $10 million for 10 years and $15 million for 20 years. What is the taxpayers cost of this bond program?

11 How Does the Proposed Tax Rate Compare to Previous Years? Rates based on previous example of bond sales. * The projected tax rate is lower than the $1.74 rate the District set during the 2005-06 school year.

12 YES. School taxes on the homestead plus 20 acres for people over the age of 65 are frozen that have applied for and received the tax freeze. The taxes cannot be raised even if the residence is reappraised, unless the owner makes significant improvements to the property, at which time the taxes are frozen again. NO TAX INCREASE on your homestead plus 20 acres I’m Over 65. Are My Taxes Frozen?

13 Where Does the District Receive its Tax Revenues From? Amounts shown are appraised market values, not taxable values.

14 EARLY VOTING Main Location: Industrial ISD Administration Building, 167 Fifth Street, Vanderbilt, TX 77991 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. on April 25-29 and May 2-3, 2016 Inez Branch: Industrial Elementary West, 599 FM 444, Inez, TX 77968 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. on April 26-29 and May 2-3, 2016 LaWard Branch: LaWard Fire Hall, 13041 State Hwy 172, LaWard, TX 77970 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. on April 27-28 and May 2-3, 2016 and between the hours of 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. on April 26 & 29, 2016 Early Voting by Mail: Industrial ISD, Attn: Lorie Paul P.O. Box 369 Vanderbilt, TX 77991

15 County Precinct Number Polling Location & Address Victoria27 Inez Fire Hall 297 Railroad Street Inez, TX 77968 Jackson 4 LaWard Fire Hall 13041 State Hwy 172 LaWard, TX 77970 Jackson5 Vanderbilt Fire Hall 5955 FM 616 Vanderbilt, TX 77991 Jackson7 Francitas Fire Hall 116 Ave G Francitas, TX 77961 Jackson8 Lolita Fire Hall 452 Pecan Lolita, TX 77971 ELECTION DAY Saturday, May 7, 2016 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.

16 Thank You Questions? Please Contact Industrial ISD (361) 284-3226

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