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CareerSource Broward is an Equal Opportunity Employer/Program. Auxiliary aids are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. All voice numbers.

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Presentation on theme: "CareerSource Broward is an Equal Opportunity Employer/Program. Auxiliary aids are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. All voice numbers."— Presentation transcript:

1 CareerSource Broward is an Equal Opportunity Employer/Program. Auxiliary aids are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. All voice numbers in this document may be reached by persons using TTY/TDD equipment via the Florida Relay Service at 711. WIOA Local Plan PY 16/17-19/20

2 The Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act (WIOA) Requires local workforce development boards to partner with their local chief elected officials, to develop a comprehensive four year workforce plan. CSBD held hearings at the BWDB and committee meeting level in 10/15 through 4/16 to allow the community stakeholders’ “voices to be heard.” CSBD posted the plan on our website on 3/29/16 to allow for a 30 day public comment period, and held a public hearing on 4/12 after the plan was posted.

3 WIOA Local Plan Three main goals: Provide businesses with skilled, and competitive talent through employment, education, training and support services. Promote accountability through performance and evaluation that drives strategies and best practices. Provide youth with career exploration, and training for in demand industries and occupations leading to employment, credentialing and postsecondary education.

4 The Plan Provides an overview of the local workforce system Describes how CSBD will: Foster strategic alignment Improve service integration among workforce partners Ensure the workforce system is industry-relevant WIOA Local Plan

5 Organizational Structure Analysis of Need and Available Resources Local Workforce Development Area Vision and Strategic Goals Coordination of Services Description of the Local One Stop System Description of Program Services Regional Planning Analysis Public Comment Process Required Elements of the Plan

6 The elected officials updated their Consortium Agreement to incorporate WIOA and describes how they will execute their duties and responsibilities. The governance partnership between the Council and the BWDB continues under WIOA. Section 1 Organizational Structure

7 Section 2 Analysis of Need & Available Resources Identifies the demand occupations in our area noting: We noted that many of the top 15 in-demand occupations are in customer service and hospitality characterized by: Low-skills and Low wages High rates of worker turnover. Only 2 of the top 15 in demand occupations require significant technical training Registered nurses Accountants and auditors.

8 Section 2 Analysis of Need & Available Resources Physicians Assistants Statisticians First Line Supervisors/Construction Logisticians Advertising and Promotions Managers Occupational Therapists Distance Learning Coordinators Civil Engineers Surveyors Remote Sensing Scientist/Tech. Nuclear and Preventive Physicians Sales Rep. (energy related) Clinical neuro psychologists Computer system analysts The Plan speaks to emerging occupations

9 With respect to the WIOA focus on out of school youth: CSBD has revamped its youth programs Providers are competitively procured as they were in the past CSBD has new program design models A small % of funds are still allocated to in school youth CSBD provides additional services to youth through coordination with Children’s Services Council and Broward cities. A special grant serving in school youth – P3 Summer Program funds through general revenue Section 2 Analysis of Need & Available Resources

10 Section 3 Local Vision & Mission CSBD will implement workforce services through new core partnerships Wagner Peyser Adult Literacy and Family Education Programs Vocational Rehabilitation The plan describes Our board meeting schedule and policies The manner in which the board and chief local elected officials exercise their oversight and policy making responsibilities How CSBD will enter into MOUs with our core and one stop partner programs

11 Section 4 Coordination of Services WIOA emphasizes the coordination of services, CSBD accomplishes this through: The creation of intermediaries Mutual representation on the BWDB by Economic Development and on The Greater Ft Lauderdale Alliance Board by the CSBD President/CEO Membership on the Alliance of Entrepreneur Resource Organizations – a new focus under WIOA The award of a grant from the Department of Commerce under which CSBD is partnering with Broward College’s Innovation Hub to help individuals start their own businesses

12 Section 5 Description of Local One Stop System CSBD centers provide access to all career services All one-stops are Americans with Disabilities Act compliant. Integrated Resource Teams assist special needs individuals. Disability Specialists in each center help. To assist with using the assistive technology. Schedule an interpreter as needed. Disability program success coaches provide Ticket to Work services

13 Section 6 Description of Program Services All required partners are co-located in the CSBD career centers or provide access to their programs through the centers Partners co-located include WIOA Adult, Dislocated Worker and Youth Wagner-Peyser Veterans Re-employment Services Trade Adjustment Assistance Welfare Transition Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Programs Vocational Rehabilitation

14 Section 6 Description of Program Services Intermediaries will engage the following targeted industries: Healthcare Technology Marine Aviation Construction targeted industries CSBD will continue to provide entrepreneurial training

15 Section 6 Description of Program Services The priorities for serving Adults and Dislocated Workers has changed under WIOA. The priorities as follows: 1.Veterans and their spouses who have one of the WIOA barriers 2.Non – veterans who have one or more of the WIOA barriers 3.Veterans and their spouses with no WIOA barriers 4.Military spouses whose partner is on active duty and whose family income is reduced because of deployment, or a service- connected death or disability of the service member 5.Military spouses who are unemployed or underemployed and are experiencing difficulty in obtaining or upgrading employment 6.Non-veterans with none of the WIOA barriers

16 Section 6 - Youth Services Description of Program Services As approved by the governing boards: We have modified the youth program designs and competitively procured youth service providers We have expanded the universe of youth able to be served under WIOA by defining “needs additional assistance,” as broadly as possible

17 Section 7 Regional Planning Analysis CSBD commits in the plan to partnering with our neighboring regions as appropriate We jointly fund the Disability Services Intermediary with Palm Beach County CSBD plans to continue the position adopted by the governing boards earlier this year with respect to regionalism

18 Section 8 Public Comment Process CSBD used its committee structure as the venue for community input to the plan inviting stakeholders to committee and board meetings Approximately 23 organizations or individuals representing economic development, public and private education, veterans groups, community based organizations, chambers, and the disabled, made presentations at committee and board meetings

19 Section 8 Public Comment Process A public hearing was held on 4/12/16, pursuant to advertised notice We heard from a representative of the Broward County refugee population The Plan was posted on the CSBD website on 3/28 for comment through the end of April

20 Final Steps The plan is on the agenda for the governing boards today. When approved it will be submitted to the state on 4/30/16. The WIOA four-year plan will be effective 7/1/16 for Program Years 16/17 – 19/20.

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