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The Big Interview Samara Deese EDU 650 Dr. Reason December 8, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "The Big Interview Samara Deese EDU 650 Dr. Reason December 8, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Big Interview Samara Deese EDU 650 Dr. Reason December 8, 2014

2 Hello, my name is Samara Deese, I am the lead teacher for NC Pre-K, and I am applying for the Kindergarten lead teacher position. I am very excited to bring in my current knowledge from teaching NC PreK, and the information and research that I have learned and gathered while attending grad school, which I know will help my future Kindergrteners towards advancing to the first grade.

3 Philosophy of Education Behind every teacher there is a set of beliefs that one has, which pushes and shows evidence towards that teachers style of teaching, and those beliefs are what we call our Philosophy of Education. My philosophy of education stems through the use of Mastery Learning which provides educational opportunities that benefit both slow and fast learners. What better way can a teacher reach all of his/her students when time would allow him/her to spend with each student is their class. My Philosophy of Education matches up with making sure that every student that enters and leaves my classroom, does not feel rejected or neglected because I couldn’t reach them the way that they needed to be reached.

4 Classroom Management Plan  The Solution Kit has been successful classroom management plan for my students. The solution kit helps my students learn how to deal with their problems, what things to say to their friends if they have hurt their feelings, when it is a good time to have the teacher involved, and I say that because I want my students to also be able to solve some of their issues on their own, an when they can’t, that’s when I step in.

5 Classroom Management Plan Rules and Expectations  Students are taught the rules at the beginning of the classroom and we set expectations for the students. Teacher’s Role  Protecting my students at all times.  Teaching them the needed materials so that they walk inside their Kindergarten classroom the next school year confident and ready to learn  Communicating with my parents effectively through newsletters, email, text messages, phone calls, and etc.

6 School Models  The school model that I support is the Magnet school program. Magnet schools receive additional funding’s that are not just only from the state.  Magnet schools exist outside of zoned school boundaries, and charter schools open enrollment where the student does not have to live in that designated zone.  This magnet school offers all the tools needed for the 21st century. Not only do they teach in the subjects of reading, writing, and math, but they also have classes that are geared towards the arts, foreign languages, and so on. Inside the charter schools, have greater freedom towards their curriculum, and teaching philosophy. Therefore, they are committed with the change 21st century learning, because they do have that wiggle room to do so.

7 Effective Lesson Planning Goals Objectives Teaching Methods Content to cover What do students already know? Materials needed

8 Effective Lesson Planning Developing clear learning objectives can help develop conceptual understanding for cognition. Are the learning objectives clear, complete, and specific? Do they consist of the knowledge, skills, or attitudes that a teacher should expect from the students?

9 Assessment Matters Teachers assess students, and for what purpose, has enormous implications for what they teach and how effectively they teach it. Therefore when looking at assessment and its use, purpose is everything. Two reasons students are assessed are to collect data to inform instruction and to encourage learning. A third and important reason students are assessed is to engage them in the learning process and take responsibility for their learning (Newman, 2013).

10 Professional Learning Communities A Classroom supporter works with classroom teachers to collaborate on a lesson and give feedback. The learning facilitator helps facilitate professional conversations, committee meetings, and other activities. A mentor provides one-on-one support and feedback on an ongoing basis.

11 Thank you so much for taking the time out to interview me for this position. I hope that my presentation gave you some insight as to what I have to offer for this position, and I hope to hear from you soon, and have a nice day!

12 References Newman, R. (2013). Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century: Connecting the Dots. Bridgepoint Education Thompson, G. (2014). 4 Keys to Designing the Classroom of the Future. T H E Journal, 41(9), 18-22

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