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EYMP5 Speech, language and communication © Laser Learning Limited 2010 under licence to Pearson Education Limited. Printing and photocopying permitted.

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1 EYMP5 Speech, language and communication © Laser Learning Limited 2010 under licence to Pearson Education Limited. Printing and photocopying permitted COMMUNICATING WITH CHILDREN

2 EYMP5 Speech, language and communication © Laser Learning Limited 2010 under licence to Pearson Education Limited. Printing and photocopying permitted A vital skill for practitioners Imagine not being able to communicate. Speech, language and communication skills are essential for learning as well as for social and emotional development. Childcare practitioners need to have good communication skills so that they are able to promote these skills in children.

3 EYMP5 Speech, language and communication © Laser Learning Limited 2010 under licence to Pearson Education Limited. Printing and photocopying permitted The Communication Trust This is a group made up of organisations concerned with promoting professional development for childcare practitioners to develop their own skills in supporting children with a variety of speech, language and communication needs. It is funded by the Department for Children. Schools and Families (DCSF).

4 EYMP5 Speech, language and communication © Laser Learning Limited 2010 under licence to Pearson Education Limited. Printing and photocopying permitted Competent practitioners Three key areas for competance have been identified. Practitioners should be able to: promote speech, language and communication development identify those children who areexperiencing difficulties support children and young people who have speech, language and communication needs (SLCN).

5 EYMP5 Speech, language and communication © Laser Learning Limited 2010 under licence to Pearson Education Limited. Printing and photocopying permitted A framework for practice The Communication Trust has developed a Speech, Language and Communication Framework (SLCF) identifying the skills and competences for childcare practitioners. It has four levels ranging from Universal (for all staff), through Enhanced, Specialist and finally, Extension. Each identifies the skills needed in different practitioner roles.

6 EYMP5 Speech, language and communication © Laser Learning Limited 2010 under licence to Pearson Education Limited. Printing and photocopying permitted Eight strands of the SLCF A.Typical speech, language and communication development and use B.Identifying and assessing SLCN C.Positive practice D.Speech, language, communication and behaviour, and emotional and social development E.Roles and responsibilities and how services are structured F.Special educational needs in educational settings G.Parents, carers, families, peers and friends H.The effects of professional development in speech, language and communication

7 EYMP5 Speech, language and communication © Laser Learning Limited 2010 under licence to Pearson Education Limited. Printing and photocopying permitted Activity Complete an online evaluation of your current skills and knowledge in speech, language and communication and from there identify areas for your own professional development.

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