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EMOTIONS By Amber Broach, Brittany Moore & Amy Kehlringer.

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Presentation on theme: "EMOTIONS By Amber Broach, Brittany Moore & Amy Kehlringer."— Presentation transcript:

1 EMOTIONS By Amber Broach, Brittany Moore & Amy Kehlringer

2 NEED TO KNOW  HEK4: Students will demonstrate the abilities to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks. A. Discuss ways to express feelings in a healthy way. Examples: -Describe how to express emotions in a healthy way. -Discuss how to express feelings to prevent a conflict from starting.  At this age it is important for students to be able to identify their emotions.  Students should also be able to determine and demonstrate feelings in a constructive way.  “Young children deal with many of the same emotions adults do. Children get angry, sad, frustrated, nervous, happy, or embarrassed, but they often do not have the words to talk about how they are feeling. Instead, they sometimes act out these emotions in very physical and inappropriate ways.” (SOURCE 1)  As educators we must teach our students to deal with their emotions in a healthy way.

3 NICE TO KNOW  “A child who is acting out may be behaving inappropriately because they do not understand how what they are feeling.” (SOURCE 3)  “Emotion coaching involves walking through an emotional experience with a child, and it can be an effective way for children to develop greater emotion regulation.” (SOURCE 3)

4 ESSENTIAL SKILLS  Students should be able to express emotions to peers and teachers in a healthy way. Free from tantrums and fear of criticism.

5 AGENDA  -Discuss the word emotion  -Have students draw a picture of their own emotions  -Show video/read book (Yesterday I Had the Blues)  -Discuss emotions in the book  -Use worksheet to depict different emotions  -Discuss, using scenarios, how to get from one emotion to another.  Energizer  -Re-discuss scenarios used in motivator and ask students what is the best way to deal with each situation.

6 Yesterday I Had the Blues  ions/stories/feelings.html ions/stories/feelings.html

7 REFERENCES SOURCE 1: motions.pdf motions.pdf SOURCE 2: (this website has a lot of ideas on helping children through the stresses they may face) SOURCE 3: psychology/2011/04/how-to-help-kids-deal-with- emotions/

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