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广东技术师范学院天河学院 参赛组别:本科英语组 / 综合英语 作品名称:英语词汇的联想意义 作 者:章美芳.

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Presentation on theme: "广东技术师范学院天河学院 参赛组别:本科英语组 / 综合英语 作品名称:英语词汇的联想意义 作 者:章美芳."— Presentation transcript:

1 广东技术师范学院天河学院 参赛组别:本科英语组 / 综合英语 作品名称:英语词汇的联想意义 作 者:章美芳

2 Associative Meaning of Words

3 Learning Objectives To identify types of associative meaning To select right words in different context

4 Meanings of words can be different in different situations Connotations Shades of meaning associations Histories

5 Associative Meaning

6 The secondary meaning supplemented to the denotative meaning ; It is affected by culture, experience, religion, class background, education, etc. Associative Meaning

7 7 Connotative meaning Stylistic meaning Affective meaning Collocative meaning 1 2 3 4

8 1 Connotative meaning  Is the implied or suggested meaning  Exists together with the denotative meaning

9 love care tenderness forgiving … Mother

10 family warmth safety love convenience … Home East or west, home is best.

11 For people with different cultural backgrounds, a word might evoke different associations.

12 CHINA BRITAIN 狗腿子 狗仗人势 狼心狗肺 A clever dog A lucky dog Love me, love my dog ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Different Connotations of “ ” Dog

13 Connotative Meaning Overtones or associations

14 2 Stylistic meaning  Stylistic meaning comes from stylistic features of words, which make words appropriate for appropriate situation.

15 commence identical begin same Informal Formal

16 Types of Stylistic Meaning FORMAL INFORMAL ☆ Official or serious situation ☆ Relaxed or causal situation ○ legal document ○ technical reports ○ business letter ○ political speeches ○ personal letter ○ private conversations ○ note to friends

17 Stylistic features, whether it is formal or informal, constitute the stylistic meaning of the words.

18 3 Affective meaning  Affective meaning indicates the speaker’s emotion or attitude of the speaker.

19 Idiot Marvelous Despise Appreciation

20 Types of Affective meaning POSITIVE PEJORATIVE Show: ☆ Appreciation ☆ Approval Imply: ☆ Disapproval ☆ Contempt ☆ Criticism * famous * slender/slim * black * notorious * skinny/bony * nigger

21 Is affective meaning of words stable?

22 The affective meanings of some words are unstable, varying according to culture, history and experience of the individual.

23 Liberalism Liberal opinions or principles, esp. with regard to social and political matter. 一种错误的思想成 分,主要表现在缺 乏原则性,无组织, 无纪律。 Liberalism 自由主义 (Neutral)(pejorative) EnglishChinese

24 More examples : Freedom Individualism Revolution …

25 In many cases, affective meaning of words is brought out in context.

26 Different AGGRESTIVE ! A salesman must be aggressive if he wants to succeed. Aggressive nations threaten world peace.

27 Different AMBITION ! One who is filled with ambition usually works very hard. The reactionary’s chief ambition is to become the emperor.

28 Some words when used in different context may have different affective meaning: positive or pejorative.

29 2出2出 ★ Emotion ★ Attitude ★ Culture-bound ★ Setting-bound A quick-review Affective Meaning of Words ★ Positive ★ Pejorative

30 4 Collocative meaning  The part of the word meaning suggested by the words that co-occur in its environment

31 a bit/little highly drunk jealous gloomy tired … Importan t significan t Intelligen t sensitive … Negative Positive

32 “pretty” and “handsome” share common ground in the meaning “good-looking” but may be distinguished by range of nouns they are likely to co-occur.

33 pretty handsom e girl woman flower colour … boy man car airliner … Please compare:

34 ★ Sometimes when one word goes together with different words, its meaning may change.

35 A veiled Muslin woman A woman athlete Play the woman

36 The collocative meaning is the part of the word meaning suggested by the words before or after in question.

37 Connotative meaning Affective meaning Stylistic meaning Collocative meaning Summary Associative Meaning of Words

38 1. dog, chicken Every _____ has his day! “You _____”, she said angrily. 2. fit, suit The shoes ____ me well. The color ____ me well. 3. childish, young You are still a little_____. He is too _____ to go to school. Exercises: Filling the blanks with the most proper words given.

39 Thank You !

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