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Unit 10: World War II Lesson #39: War Breaks Out Warm-Up: 1.Recall: What were some of the terms of the Treaty of Versailles in 1919? What type of feelings.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 10: World War II Lesson #39: War Breaks Out Warm-Up: 1.Recall: What were some of the terms of the Treaty of Versailles in 1919? What type of feelings."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 10: World War II Lesson #39: War Breaks Out Warm-Up: 1.Recall: What were some of the terms of the Treaty of Versailles in 1919? What type of feelings did the terms of the treaty create?

2 The Road to War October 1922  Mussolini assumes power in Italy September 1931  Japan invades Manchuria March 1933  Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany for life

3 The Road to War October 1935  Ethiopia is invaded by Italy March 1936  Germany occupies the Rhineland which is in the Western border of Germany and was a military stronghold before WWI. Turn to textbook page 807 and I will direct you. March 1938  Germany annexes Austria. This is known as the Anschluss or the German word for “linkage.” Recall that Hitler wanted to join all German speaking people into one nation.

4 The Road to War September 1938  Munich Conference in which Great Britain and France meet with Hitler in Germany to allow him to annex the Sudentenland. Before WWI, the Sudentenland belonged to Germany; it was now a part of Czechoslovakia. Hitler argued that Germans living in this area were being persecuted by the Czech government because they were German speaking people. On page 807, your textbook refers to this area as Bohemia and Moravia. This policy is known as appeasement.

5 The Road to War August 1939  Germany and the Soviet Union sign a non-aggression pact. Both sides agree not to invade the other. September 1, 1939  Germany invades Poland. Great Britain and France promised to maintain the integrity of a free Polish state. War is declared!

6 The Road to War June 14, 1940  France falls to the German military; Paris is occupied. A small section of central France remains free of Nazi control— Vichy, France. However, the Vichy government was a puppet state of the Nazi’s despite international recognition from the United States. The Free French Movement was actually working in London under Charles DeGualle. June 22, 1941  Germany invades the Soviet Union.

7 Long-Term and Immediate Cause of WWII Use all available resources to find six long- term causes of WWII and one immediate cause of WWII. The long-term causes are general concepts. Be prepared to assess your work after time is called. Work together

8 The Road to a Second World War Long-Term CausesShort-Term Causes Political and Economic instability after WWI Humiliation of Germany at the Versailles peace talks Territorial Expansion Rise of dictators Failure of appeasement Failure of the League of Nations Invasion of Poland on September 1, 1939

9 Foreign Policy of the United States 1935-1941 FDR passes the Neutrality Acts of 1935. Weapons would not be sold to either side during the invasion of Ethiopia (Italy) and the to Francisco Franco during the Spanish Civil War. FDR issued an executive order that allowed the US to lend Great Britain aid in the form of naval armaments in exchange for leases on naval bases in the Caribbean.

10 Foreign Policy of the United States 1935-1941 January 1941 Lend-Lease Act is passed lending support to the Allied nations July 1941 President Roosevelt declared that Iceland is a part of the Western Hemisphere thus covered under the Monroe Doctrine.

11 How the Nations Divided Allied NationsAxis Nations Great Britain Poland France South Africa USSR Yugoslavia Australia United States China Norway Belgium New Zealand Brazil Netherlands Canada Greece Denmark Germany Italy Hungary Romania Bulgaria Japan



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