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'Shelter from the Storm’: Responding to the Children's Needs in Families affected by Domestic Abuse Diana Barran Feb 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "'Shelter from the Storm’: Responding to the Children's Needs in Families affected by Domestic Abuse Diana Barran Feb 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 'Shelter from the Storm’: Responding to the Children's Needs in Families affected by Domestic Abuse Diana Barran Feb 2012

2 Safety in Numbers

3 Change in Abuse Suffered

4 Impact on Direct Risks to Children Risk factor Intake (T1) Percentage of victims with children (n=699) Review (T2) Percentage of victims with children (n=699) Percentage Change Threats to kill children 11% (80)6% (45)44% Conflict around child contact 42% (292)23% (160)45% Victim is afraid of harm to children 30% (207)7% (49)76%

5 The Storm Payment by Results

6 A Little Bit of Shelter? Munro – the links to MARAC Bridging the gaps – From Client to Parent Earlier intervention and Payment by Results

7 Messages from Munro “We will explore further how to disseminate local good practice of closer working between children’s services and police public protection units as well as other public protection arrangements such as MARACs” Recommendation 2: Inspected against ‘relevant local agency contribution’ Recommendation 3: Inspected against effectiveness ‘at all stages’ Recommendation 4: LSCBs (& LAs) improve services using national and local performance Recommendation 10: “The Government should place a duty on local authorities and statutory partners to secure the sufficient provision of local early help services for children, young people and families.” Recommendation 6: Strengthened challenge role’ for LSCBs on service effectiveness, commitment and participation

8 From Client to Parent A checklist to help practitioners identify some of the unmet needs of their client’s children Help them to access additional support, promoting early intervention. The questions cover the 3 main areas of child development, the situation of the parent or carer and the child’s family and wider environment in line with the Common Assessment Framework. It is designed to be used where children are living with domestic abuse, substance misuse, parental mental health problems or are at risk of homelessness. Aim to pilot this spring with Worth, a substance misuse service and a mental health service Will be evaluated to see impact on support identified for children, parents

9 2020 – One Vision? Halve the Time – Halve the Number © CAADA 2011 CAADA STRATEGY CAADA STRATEGY CAADA STRATEGY 2016 – 85K children living with high risk DV. 2.5 years to get help 2011- 175K children living in high risk DV homes. 60% lived with DV since birth Halve the time to get help - health based IDVAs, all practitioners use ‘from client to parent’ Halve the number: offer CPD modules to bridge the skills gaps Create the evidence – CAADA Insights Change the funding model – drive quality

10 2020 – One Vision?

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